% sur une batterie de tests.
+The remainder of this article is organized as follows. The next section is devoted to
+preliminaries, basic notations, and terminologies regarding asynchronous iterations.
+Then, in Section~\ref{sec:proofOfChaos}, Devaney's definition of chaos is recalled
+while the proofs of chaos of our most general PRNGs is provided. Section~\ref{sec:SCCfunc} shows how to generate functions and a number of iterations such that the iteration graph is strongly connected, making the
+PRNG chaotic. The next section focus on examples of such graphs obtained by modifying the
+hypercube, while Section~\ref{sec:prng} establishes the link between the theoretical study and
+pseudorandom number generation.
+This research work ends by a conclusion section, where the contribution is summarized and
+intended future work is outlined.
% Le reste de ce document est organisé comme suit.
% La section~\ref{section:chaos} présente ce qu'est un système dynamique discret booléen itérant une fonction $f$.
% La chaoticité de la fonction engendrée $G_f$ est caractérisée en