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-% %\newtheorem{defis}[thm]{D\'efinitions}
- \newtheorem{example}[theorem]{Example}
-% %\newtheorem{Exes}[thm]{Exemples}
-% \newtheorem{algor}[thm]{Algorithm}
-{ \vspace{1em}
-\newline \vspace{-0.1em}
-%\null \hfill $\diamondsuit$ \par\medskip \vspace{1em}}
-{\begin{example}\rm }
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-%\null \hfill $\triangledown$ \par\medskip \vspace{1em}}
-{ \noindent {\sc Proof.\/} }
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-\newcommand {\tv}[1] {\lVert #1 \rVert_{\rm TV}}
-\def \top {1.8}
-\def \topt {2.3}
-\def \P {\mathbb{P}}
-\def \ov {\overline}
-\def \ts {\tau_{\rm stop}}
-\section{Mathematical Backgroung}
-Let $\pi$, $\mu$ be two distribution on a same set $\Omega$. The total
-variation distance between $\pi$ and $\mu$ is denoted $\tv{\pi-\mu}$ and is
-defined by
-$$\tv{\pi-\mu}=\max_{A\subset \Omega} |\pi(A)-\mu(A)|.$$ It is known that
-$$\tv{\pi-\mu}=\frac{1}{2}\sum_{x\in\Omega}|\pi(x)-\mu(x)|.$$ Moreover, if
-$\nu$ is a distribution on $\Omega$, one has
-$$\tv{\pi-\mu}\leq \tv{\pi-\nu}+\tv{\nu-\mu}$$
-Let $P$ be the matrix of a markov chain on $\Omega$. $P(x,\cdot)$ is the
-distribution induced by the $x$-th row of $P$. If the markov chain induced by
-$P$ has a stationary distribution $\pi$, then we define
-$$t_{\rm mix}(\varepsilon)=\min\{t \mid d(t)\leq \varepsilon\}.$$
-One can prove that
-$$t_{\rm mix}(\varepsilon)\leq \lceil\log_2(\varepsilon^{-1})\rceil t_{\rm mix}(\frac{1}{4})$$
-It is known that $d(t+1)\leq d(t)$.