-\geometry{hmargin=3cm, vmargin=3cm }
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-%% \setlength{\evensidemargin}{15mm} \setlength{\textwidth}{140mm}
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-% %\newtheorem{defis}[thm]{D\'efinitions}
- \newtheorem{example}[theorem]{Example}
-% %\newtheorem{Exes}[thm]{Exemples}
-% \newtheorem{algor}[thm]{Algorithm}
-{ \vspace{1em}
-\newline \vspace{-0.1em}
-%\null \hfill $\diamondsuit$ \par\medskip \vspace{1em}}
-{\begin{example}\rm }
-%\null \hfill $\triangledown$ \par\medskip}
-%\null \hfill $\triangledown$ \par\medskip \vspace{1em}}
-{ \noindent {\sc Proof.\/} }
-{\null \hfill $\Box$ \par\medskip \vspace{1em}}
-\newcommand {\tv}[1] {\lVert #1 \rVert_{\rm TV}}
-\def \top {1.8}
-\def \topt {2.3}
-\def \P {\mathbb{P}}
-\def \ov {\overline}
-\def \ts {\tau_{\rm stop}}
-\section{Mathematical Backgroung}
-Let $\pi$, $\mu$ be two distribution on a same set $\Omega$. The total
+This section considers functions $f: \Bool^n \rightarrow \Bool^n $
+issued from an hypercube where an Hamiltonian path has been removed.
+A specific random walk in this modified hypercube is first
+introduced. We further detail
+a theoretical study on the length of the path
+which is sufficient to follow to get a uniform distribution.
+First of all, let $\pi$, $\mu$ be two distributions on $\Bool^n$. The total