\todo[color=blue!10,#1]{\sffamily\textbf{LZK:} #2}\xspace}
\todo[color=yellow!10,#1]{\sffamily\textbf{RCE:} #2}\xspace}
+ \todo[color=pink!10,#1]{\sffamily\textbf{DL:} #2}\xspace}
accurate performance models. That is why another solution is to use a simulation
tool which allows us to change many parameters of the architecture (network
bandwidth, latency, number of processors) and to simulate the execution of such
-applications. We have decided to use SimGrid as it enables to benchmark MPI
+applications. The main contribution of this paper is to show that the use of a
+simulation tool (here we have decided to use the SimGrid toolkit) can really
+help developpers to better tune their applications for a given multi-core
-In this paper, we focus our attention on two parallel iterative algorithms based
+In particular we focus our attention on two parallel iterative algorithms based
on the Multisplitting algorithm and we compare them to the GMRES algorithm.
-These algorithms are used to solve libear systems. Two different variants of
+These algorithms are used to solve linear systems. Two different variants of
the Multisplitting are studied: one using synchronoous iterations and another
-one with asynchronous iterations. For each algorithm we have tested different
-parameters to see their influence. We strongly recommend people interested
-by investing into a new expensive hardware architecture to benchmark
-their applications using a simulation tool before.
+one with asynchronous iterations. For each algorithm we have simulated
+different architecture parameters to evaluate their influence on the overall
+execution time. The obtain simulated results confirm the real results
+previously obtained on different real multi-core architectures and also confirm
+the efficiency of the asynchronous multisplitting algorithm compared to the
+synchronous GMRES method.
In addition, the following arguments are given to the programs at runtime:
- \item maximum number of inner and outer iterations;
- \item inner and outer precisions;
- \item maximum number of the GMRES restarts in the Arnorldi process;
- \item maximum number of iterations and the tolerance threshold in classical GMRES;
- \item tolerance threshold for outer and inner-iterations;
- \item matrix size (N$_{x}$, N$_{y}$ and N$_{z}$) respectively on $x, y, z$ axis;
- \item matrix diagonal value is fixed to $6.0$ for synchronous Krylov multisplitting experiments and $6.2$ for asynchronous block Jacobi experiments; \RC{CE tu vérifies, je dis ca de tête}
- \item matrix off-diagonal value;
- \item execution mode: synchronous or asynchronous;
- \RCE {C'est ok la liste des arguments du programme mais si Lilia ou toi pouvez preciser pour les arguments pour CGLS ci dessous} \RC{Vu que tu n'as pas fait varier ce paramètre, on peut ne pas en parler}
- \item Size of matrix S;
- \item Maximum number of iterations and tolerance threshold for CGLS.
+ \item maximum number of inner iterations $\MIG$ and outer iterations $\MIM$,
+ \item inner precision $\TOLG$ and outer precision $\TOLM$,
+ \item matrix sizes of the 3D Poisson problem: N$_{x}$, N$_{y}$ and N$_{z}$ on axis $x$, $y$ and $z$ respectively,
+ \item matrix diagonal value is fixed to $6.0$ for synchronous Krylov multisplitting experiments and $6.2$ for asynchronous block Jacobi experiments, \RC{CE tu vérifies, je dis ca de tête}
+ \item matrix off-diagonal value is fixed to $-1.0$,
+ \item number of vectors in matrix $S$ (i.e. value of $s$),
+ \item maximum number of iterations $\MIC$ and precision $\TOLC$ for CGLS method,
+ \item maximum number of iterations and precision for the classical GMRES method,
+ \item maximum number of restarts for the Arnorldi process in GMRES method,
+ \item execution mode: synchronous or asynchronous,
It should also be noticed that both solvers have been executed with the Simgrid selector \texttt{-cfg=smpi/running\_power} which determines the computational power (here 19GFlops) of the simulator host machine.
In this section, experiments for both Multisplitting algorithms are reported. First the 3D Poisson problem used in our experiments is described.
-\subsection{3D Poisson}
+\subsection{The 3D Poisson problem}
-We use our two-stage algorithms to solve the well-known Poisson problem $\nabla^2\phi=f$~\cite{Polyanin01}. In three-dimensional Cartesian coordinates in $\mathbb{R}^3$, the problem takes the following form
+We use our two-stage algorithms to solve the well-known Poisson problem $\nabla^2\phi=f$~\cite{Polyanin01}. In three-dimensional Cartesian coordinates in $\mathbb{R}^3$, the problem takes the following form:
\frac{\partial^2}{\partial x^2}\phi(x,y,z)+\frac{\partial^2}{\partial y^2}\phi(x,y,z)+\frac{\partial^2}{\partial z^2}\phi(x,y,z)=f(x,y,z)\mbox{~in the domain~}\Omega
-such that
+such that:
\phi(x,y,z)=0\mbox{~on the boundary~}\partial\Omega
-where the real-valued function $\phi(x,y,z)$ is the solution sought, $f(x,y,z)$ is a known function and $\Omega=[0,1]^3$. The 3D discretization of the Laplace operator $\nabla^2$ with the finite difference scheme includes 7 points stencil on the computational grid. The numerical approximation of the Poisson problem on three-dimensional grid is repeatedly computed as $\phi=\phi^\star$ such that
+where the real-valued function $\phi(x,y,z)$ is the solution sought, $f(x,y,z)$ is a known function and $\Omega=[0,1]^3$. The 3D discretization of the Laplace operator $\nabla^2$ with the finite difference scheme includes 7 points stencil on the computational grid. The numerical approximation of the Poisson problem on three-dimensional grid is repeatedly computed as $\phi=\phi^\star$ such that:
In the parallel context, the 3D Poisson problem is partitioned into $L\times p$ sub-problems such that $L$ is the number of clusters and $p$ is the number of processors in each cluster. We apply the three-dimensional partitioning instead of the row-by-row one in order to reduce the size of the data shared at the sub-problems boundaries. In this case, each processor is in charge of parallelepipedic block of the problem and has at most six neighbors in the same cluster or in distant clusters with which it shares data at boundaries.
-\subsection{Study setup and Simulation Methodology}
+\subsection{Study setup and simulation methodology}
First, to conduct our study, we propose the following methodology
which can be reused for any grid-enabled applications.\\
the application to be tested. Numerical parallel iterative algorithms
have been chosen for the study in this paper. \\
-\textbf{Step 2}: Collect the software materials needed for the
-experimentation. In our case, we have two variants algorithms for the
-resolution of the 3D-Poisson problem: (1) using the classical GMRES; (2) and the Multisplitting method. In addition, the Simgrid simulator has been chosen to simulate the behaviors of the
-distributed applications. Simgrid is running on the Mesocentre datacenter in the University of Franche-Comte and also in a virtual machine on a simple laptop. \\
+\textbf{Step 2}: Collect the software materials needed for the experimentation.
+In our case, we have two variants algorithms for the resolution of the
+3D-Poisson problem: (1) using the classical GMRES; (2) and the Multisplitting
+method. In addition, the Simgrid simulator has been chosen to simulate the
+behaviors of the distributed applications. Simgrid is running in a virtual
+machine on a simple laptop. \\
\textbf{Step 3}: Fix the criteria which will be used for the future
results comparison and analysis. In the scope of this study, we retain
capacity" of the network is defined as the maximum of data that can transit
from one point to another in a unit of time.
\item the network latency (lat : microsecond) defined as the delay from the
- start time to send the data from a source and the final time the destination
- have finished to receive it.
+ start time to send a simple data from a source to a destination.
-Upon the network characteristics, another impacting factor is the
-application dependent volume of data exchanged between the nodes in the cluster
-and between distant clusters. Large volume of data can be transferred and
-transit between the clusters and nodes during the code execution.
+Upon the network characteristics, another impacting factor is the volume of data exchanged between the nodes in the cluster
+and between distant clusters. This parameter is application dependent.
In a grid environment, it is common to distinguish, on the one hand, the
- "intra-network" which refers to the links between nodes within a cluster and,
+ "intra-network" which refers to the links between nodes within a cluster and
on the other hand, the "inter-network" which is the backbone link between
- clusters. In practice, these two networks have different speeds. The
- intra-network generally works like a high speed local network with a high
- bandwith and very low latency. In opposite, the inter-network connects clusters
- sometime via heterogeneous networks components throuth internet with a lower
- speed. The network between distant clusters might be a bottleneck for the
- global performance of the application.
+ clusters. In practice, these two networks have different speeds.
+ The intra-network generally works like a high speed local network with a
+ high bandwith and very low latency. In opposite, the inter-network connects
+ clusters sometime via heterogeneous networks components throuth internet with
+ a lower speed. The network between distant clusters might be a bottleneck
+ for the global performance of the application.
\subsection{Comparison of GMRES and Krylov Multisplitting algorithms in synchronous mode}
In the scope of this paper, our first objective is to analyze when the Krylov
Multisplitting method has better performances than the classical GMRES
-method. With an iterative method, better performances mean a smaller number of
-iterations and execution time before reaching the convergence. For a systematic
-study, the experiments should figure out that, for various grid parameters
-values, the simulator will confirm the targeted outcomes, particularly for poor
-and slow networks, focusing on the impact on the communication performance on
-the chosen class of algorithm.
+method. With a synchronous iterative method, better performances mean a
+smaller number of iterations and execution time before reaching the convergence.
+For a systematic study, the experiments should figure out that, for various
+grid parameters values, the simulator will confirm the targeted outcomes,
+particularly for poor and slow networks, focusing on the impact on the
+communication performance on the chosen class of algorithm.
The following paragraphs present the test conditions, the output results
and our comments.\\
-\subsubsection{Execution of the the algorithms on various computational grid
-architecture and scaling up the input matrix size}
+\subsubsection{Execution of the algorithms on various computational grid
+architectures and scaling up the input matrix size}
\ \\
% environment
In this section, we analyze the performences of algorithms running on various
-grid configuration (2x16, 4x8, 4x16 and 8x8). First, the results in Figure~\ref{fig:01}
-show for all grid configuration the non-variation of the number of iterations of
-classical GMRES for a given input matrix size; it is not the case for the
+grid configurations (2x16, 4x8, 4x16 and 8x8). First, the results in Figure~\ref{fig:01}
+show for all grid configurations the non-variation of the number of iterations of
+classical GMRES for a given input matrix size; it is not the case for the
multisplitting method.
\RC{CE attention tu n'as pas mis de label dans tes figures, donc c'est le bordel, j'en mets mais vérifie...}
-The execution time difference between the two algorithms is important when
-comparing between different grid architectures, even with the same number of
-processors (like 2x16 and 4x8 = 32 processors for example). The
-experiment concludes the low sensitivity of the multisplitting method
-(compared with the classical GMRES) when scaling up the number of the processors in the grid: in average, the GMRES (resp. Multisplitting) algorithm performs 40\% better (resp. 48\%) less when running from 2x16=32 to 8x8=64 processors.
+The execution times between the two algorithms is significant with different
+grid architectures, even with the same number of processors (for example, 2x16
+and 4x8). We can observ the low sensitivity of the Krylov multisplitting method
+(compared with the classical GMRES) when scaling up the number of the processors
+in the grid: in average, the GMRES (resp. Multisplitting) algorithm performs
+$40\%$ better (resp. $48\%$) when running from 2x16=32 to 8x8=64 processors.
-\textit{\\3.b Running on two different speed cluster inter-networks\\}
+\subsubsection{Running on two different inter-clusters network speed}
+\ \\
-% environment
+\begin{figure} [ht!]
\begin{tabular}{r c }
Grid & 2x16, 4x8\\ %\hline
Network & N1 : bw=10Gbs-lat=8.10$^{-6}$ \\ %\hline
- & N2 : bw=1Gbs-lat=5.10$^{-5}$ \\
- Input matrix size & N$_{x}$ x N$_{y}$ x N$_{z}$ =150 x 150 x 150\\ \hline \\
+ Input matrix size & N$_{x}$ x N$_{y}$ x N$_{z}$ =150 x 150 x 150\\ \hline
-Table 2 : Clusters x Nodes - Networks N1 x N2 \\
- \end{footnotesize}
+\caption{Clusters x Nodes - Networks N1 x N2}
\caption{Cluster x Nodes N1 x N2}
-The experiments compare the behavior of the algorithms running first on
-a speed inter- cluster network (N1) and also on a less performant network (N2).
-Figure 4 shows that end users will gain to reduce the execution time
-for both algorithms in using a grid architecture like 4x16 or 8x8: the
-performance was increased in a factor of 2. The results depict also that
-when the network speed drops down (12.5\%), the difference between the execution
-times can reach more than 25\%.
-\textit{\\3.c Network latency impacts on performance\\}
+These experiments compare the behavior of the algorithms running first on a
+speed inter-cluster network (N1) and also on a less performant network (N2).
+Figure~\ref{fig:02} shows that end users will gain to reduce the execution time
+for both algorithms in using a grid architecture like 4x16 or 8x8: the
+performance was increased by a factor of $2$. The results depict also that when
+the network speed drops down (12.5\%), the difference between the execution
+times can reach more than 25\%. \RC{c'est pas clair : la différence entre quoi et quoi?}
+\DL{pas clair}
-% environment
+\subsubsection{Network latency impacts on performance}
+\ \\
+\begin{figure} [ht!]
\begin{tabular}{r c }
Grid & 2x16\\ %\hline
Network & N1 : bw=1Gbs \\ %\hline
- Input matrix size & N$_{x}$ x N$_{y}$ x N$_{z}$ =150 x 150 x 150\\ \hline\\
+ Input matrix size & N$_{x}$ x N$_{y}$ x N$_{z}$ =150 x 150 x 150\\ \hline
-Table 3 : Network latency impact \\
+\caption{Network latency impacts}
\begin{figure} [ht!]
-\caption{Network latency impact on execution time}
+\caption{Network latency impacts on execution time}
-According the results in figure 5, degradation of the network
-latency from 8.10$^{-6}$ to 6.10$^{-5}$ implies an absolute time
-increase more than 75\% (resp. 82\%) of the execution for the classical
-GMRES (resp. multisplitting) algorithm. In addition, it appears that the
-multisplitting method tolerates more the network latency variation with
-a less rate increase of the execution time. Consequently, in the worst case (lat=6.10$^{-5
-}$), the execution time for GMRES is almost the double of the time for
-the multisplitting, even though, the performance was on the same order
-of magnitude with a latency of 8.10$^{-6}$.
-\textit{\\3.d Network bandwidth impacts on performance\\}
+According to the results of Figure~\ref{fig:03}, a degradation of the network
+latency from $8.10^{-6}$ to $6.10^{-5}$ implies an absolute time increase of more
+than $75\%$ (resp. $82\%$) of the execution for the classical GMRES (resp. Krylov
+multisplitting) algorithm. In addition, it appears that the Krylov
+multisplitting method tolerates more the network latency variation with a less
+rate increase of the execution time. Consequently, in the worst case
+($lat=6.10^{-5 }$), the execution time for GMRES is almost the double than the
+time of the Krylov multisplitting, even though, the performance was on the same
+order of magnitude with a latency of $8.10^{-6}$.
-% environment
+\subsubsection{Network bandwidth impacts on performance}
+\ \\
+\begin{figure} [ht!]
\begin{tabular}{r c }
Grid & 2x16\\ %\hline
Network & N1 : bw=1Gbs - lat=5.10$^{-5}$ \\ %\hline
Input matrix size & N$_{x}$ x N$_{y}$ x N$_{z}$ =150 x 150 x 150\\ \hline \\
-Table 4 : Network bandwidth impact \\
+\caption{Network bandwidth impacts}
\begin{figure} [ht!]
-\caption{Network bandwith impact on execution time}
+\caption{Network bandwith impacts on execution time}
+The results of increasing the network bandwidth show the improvement of the
+performance for both algorithms by reducing the execution time (see
+Figure~\ref{fig:04}). However, in this case, the Krylov multisplitting method
+presents a better performance in the considered bandwidth interval with a gain
+of $40\%$ which is only around $24\%$ for the classical GMRES.
-The results of increasing the network bandwidth show the improvement
-of the performance for both of the two algorithms by reducing the execution time (Figure 6). However, and again in this case, the multisplitting method presents a better performance in the considered bandwidth interval with a gain of 40\% which is only around 24\% for classical GMRES.
-\textit{\\3.e Input matrix size impacts on performance\\}
-% environment
+\subsubsection{Input matrix size impacts on performance}
+\ \\
+\begin{figure} [ht!]
\begin{tabular}{r c }
Grid & 4x8\\ %\hline
- Network & N2 : bw=1Gbs - lat=5.10$^{-5}$ \\ %\hline
- Input matrix size & N$_{x}$ = From 40 to 200\\ \hline \\
+ Network & N2 : bw=1Gbs - lat=5.10$^{-5}$ \\
+ Input matrix size & N$_{x}$ = From 40 to 200\\ \hline
-Table 5 : Input matrix size impact\\
+\caption{Input matrix size impacts}
\begin{figure} [ht!]
-\caption{Pb size impact on execution time}
+\caption{Problem size impacts on execution time}
-In this experimentation, the input matrix size has been set from
-N$_{x}$ = N$_{y}$ = N$_{z}$ = 40 to 200 side elements that is from 40$^{3}$ = 64.000 to
-200$^{3}$ = 8.000.000 points. Obviously, as shown in the figure 7,
-the execution time for the two algorithms convergence increases with the
-iinput matrix size. But the interesting results here direct on (i) the
-drastic increase (300 times) of the number of iterations needed before
-the convergence for the classical GMRES algorithm when the matrix size
-go beyond N$_{x}$=150; (ii) the classical GMRES execution time also almost
-the double from N$_{x}$=140 compared with the convergence time of the
-multisplitting method. These findings may help a lot end users to setup
-the best and the optimal targeted environment for the application
-deployment when focusing on the problem size scale up. Note that the
-same test has been done with the grid 2x16 getting the same conclusion.
-\textit{\\3.f CPU Power impact on performance\\}
+In these experiments, the input matrix size has been set from $N_{x} = N_{y}
+= N_{z} = 40$ to $200$ side elements that is from $40^{3} = 64.000$ to $200^{3}
+= 8,000,000$ points. Obviously, as shown in Figure~\ref{fig:05}, the execution
+time for both algorithms increases when the input matrix size also increases.
+But the interesting results are:
+ \item the drastic increase ($300$ times) \RC{Je ne vois pas cela sur la figure}
+of the number of iterations needed to reach the convergence for the classical
+GMRES algorithm when the matrix size go beyond $N_{x}=150$;
+\item the classical GMRES execution time is almost the double for $N_{x}=140$
+ compared with the Krylov multisplitting method.
-% environment
+These findings may help a lot end users to setup the best and the optimal
+targeted environment for the application deployment when focusing on the problem
+size scale up. It should be noticed that the same test has been done with the
+grid 2x16 leading to the same conclusion.
+\subsubsection{CPU Power impacts on performance}
+\begin{figure} [ht!]
\begin{tabular}{r c }
Grid & 2x16\\ %\hline
Network & N2 : bw=1Gbs - lat=5.10$^{-5}$ \\ %\hline
Input matrix size & N$_{x}$ = 150 x 150 x 150\\ \hline
-Table 6 : CPU Power impact \\
+\caption{CPU Power impacts}
\begin{figure} [ht!]
-\caption{CPU Power impact on execution time}
-Using the Simgrid simulator flexibility, we have tried to determine the
-impact on the algorithms performance in varying the CPU power of the
-clusters nodes from 1 to 19 GFlops. The outputs depicted in the figure 6
-confirm the performance gain, around 95\% for both of the two methods,
-after adding more powerful CPU.
-\subsection{Comparing GMRES in native synchronous mode and
-Multisplitting algorithms in asynchronous mode}
-The previous paragraphs put in evidence the interests to simulate the
-behavior of the application before any deployment in a real environment.
-We have focused the study on analyzing the performance in varying the
-key factors impacting the results. The study compares
-the performance of the two proposed algorithms both in \textit{synchronous mode
-}. In this section, following the same previous methodology, the goal is to
-demonstrate the efficiency of the multisplitting method in \textit{
-asynchronous mode} compared with the classical GMRES staying in
-\textit{synchronous mode}.
-Note that the interest of using the asynchronous mode for data exchange
-is mainly, in opposite of the synchronous mode, the non-wait aspects of
-the current computation after a communication operation like sending
-some data between nodes. Each processor can continue their local
-calculation without waiting for the end of the communication. Thus, the
-asynchronous may theoretically reduce the overall execution time and can
-improve the algorithm performance.
-As stated supra, Simgrid simulator tool has been used to prove the
-efficiency of the multisplitting in asynchronous mode and to find the
-best combination of the grid resources (CPU, Network, input matrix size,
-\ldots ) to get the highest \textit{"relative gain"} (exec\_time$_{GMRES}$ / exec\_time$_{multisplitting}$) in comparison with the classical GMRES time.
+\caption{CPU Power impacts on execution time}
+Using the Simgrid simulator flexibility, we have tried to determine the impact
+on the algorithms performance in varying the CPU power of the clusters nodes
+from $1$ to $19$ GFlops. The outputs depicted in Figure~\ref{fig:06} confirm the
+performance gain, around $95\%$ for both of the two methods, after adding more
+powerful CPU.
+\DL{il faut une conclusion sur ces tests : ils confirment les résultats déjà
+obtenus en grandeur réelle. Donc c'est une aide précieuse pour les dev. Pas
+besoin de déployer sur une archi réelle}
+\subsection{Comparing GMRES in native synchronous mode and the multisplitting algorithm in asynchronous mode}
+The previous paragraphs put in evidence the interests to simulate the behavior
+of the application before any deployment in a real environment. In this
+section, following the same previous methodology, our goal is to compare the
+efficiency of the multisplitting method in \textit{ asynchronous mode} with the
+classical GMRES in \textit{synchronous mode}.
+The interest of using an asynchronous algorithm is that there is no more
+synchronization. With geographically distant clusters, this may be essential.
+In this case, each processor can compute its iteration freely without any
+synchronization with the other processors. Thus, the asynchronous may
+theoretically reduce the overall execution time and can improve the algorithm
+\RC{la phrase suivante est bizarre, je ne comprends pas pourquoi elle vient ici}
+As stated before, the Simgrid simulator tool has been successfully used to show
+the efficiency of the multisplitting in asynchronous mode and to find the best
+combination of the grid resources (CPU, Network, input matrix size, \ldots ) to
+get the highest \textit{"relative gain"} (exec\_time$_{GMRES}$ /
+exec\_time$_{multisplitting}$) in comparison with the classical GMRES time.
The test conditions are summarized in the table below : \\
-% environment
+\begin{figure} [ht!]
\begin{tabular}{r c }
Grid & 2x50 totaling 100 processors\\ %\hline
Input matrix size & N$_{x}$ = From 62 to 150\\ %\hline
Residual error precision & 10$^{-5}$ to 10$^{-9}$\\ \hline \\
-Again, comprehensive and extensive tests have been conducted varying the
-CPU power and the network parameters (bandwidth and latency) in the
-simulator tool with different problem size. The relative gains greater
-than 1 between the two algorithms have been captured after each step of
-the test. Table 7 below has recorded the best grid configurations
-allowing the multisplitting method execution time more performant 2.5 times than
-the classical GMRES execution and convergence time. The experimentation has demonstrated the relative multisplitting algorithm tolerance when using a low speed network that we encounter usually with distant clusters thru the internet.
+Again, comprehensive and extensive tests have been conducted with different
+parametes as the CPU power, the network parameters (bandwidth and latency) in
+the simulator tool and with different problem size. The relative gains greater
+than 1 between the two algorithms have been captured after each step of the
+test. In Figure~\ref{table:01} are reported the best grid configurations
+allowing the multisplitting method to be more than 2.5 times faster than the
+classical GMRES. These experiments also show the relative tolerance of the
+multisplitting algorithm when using a low speed network as usually observed with
+geographically distant clusters throuth the internet.
% use the same column width for the following three tables
- \centering
% \caption{Relative gain of the multisplitting algorithm compared with the classical GMRES}
% \label{"Table 7"}
-Table 7. Relative gain of the multisplitting algorithm compared with
-the classical GMRES \\
- \begin{mytable}{11}
+ \begin{mytable}{11}
bandwidth (Mbit/s)
& 5 & 5 & 5 & 5 & 5 & 50 & 50 & 50 & 50 & 50 \\
& 2.52 & 2.55 & 2.52 & 2.57 & 2.54 & 2.53 & 2.51 & 2.58 & 2.55 & 2.54 \\
+ \caption{Relative gain of the multisplitting algorithm compared with the classical GMRES}
+ \label{table:01}