-\RC{la phrase suivante est bizarre, je ne comprends pas pourquoi elle vient ici}
-\RCE{C est la description du dernier test sync/async avec l'introduction de la notion de relative gain}
-In this section, Simgrid simulator tool has been successfully used to show
-the efficiency of the multisplitting in asynchronous mode and to find the best
-combination of the grid resources (CPU, Network, input matrix size, \ldots ) to
-get the highest \textit{"relative gain"} (exec\_time$_{GMRES}$ /
-exec\_time$_{multisplitting}$) in comparison with the classical GMRES time.
+In this section, the Simgrid simulator is used to compare the behavior of the
+multisplitting in asynchronous mode with GMRES in synchronous mode. Several
+benchmarks have been performed with various combination of the grid resources
+(CPU, Network, input matrix size, \ldots ). The test conditions are summarized
+in Table~\ref{tab:07}. In order to compare the execution times, this table
+reports the relative gain between both algorithms. It is defined by the ratio
+between the execution time of GMRES and the execution time of the
+multisplitting. The ration is greater than one because the asynchronous
+multisplitting version is faster than GMRES.