-distributed applications~\cite{casanova+legrand+quinson.2008.simgrid}. In this
-paper we are interested on the SMPI user interface (Simulator MPI) which
-implements about \np[\%]{80} of the MPI 2.0 standard and allows minor
-modifications of the initial code~\cite{bedaride+degomme+genaud+al.2013.toward}
-(see Section~\ref{sec:04.02}). SMPI enables the direct simulation of the
-execution, as in the real life, of an unmodified MPI distributed application,
-and gets accurate results with the detailed resources consumption.
-SimGrid simulator uses at least three XML input files describing the
-computational grid resources: the number of clusters in the grid, the number of
-processors/cores in each cluster, the detailed description of the intra and
-inter networks and the list of the hosts in each cluster (see the details in
-Section~\ref{sec:expe}). SimGrid uses a fluid model to simulate the program
-execution. It allows several simulation modes which produce accurate
-results~\cite{bedaride+degomme+genaud+al.2013.toward,velho+schnorr+casanova+al.2013.validity}. For
-instance, the "in vivo" mode really executes the computation but "intercepts"
-the communications (the execution time is then evaluated according to the
-parameters of the simulated platform). It is also possible for SimGrid/SMPI to
-only keep the duration of large computations by skipping them. Moreover the
-application can be run "in vitro" mode by sharing some in-memory structures
-between the simulated processes and thus allowing the use of very large-scale
+distributed applications. In this paper we are interested on the SMPI
+(Simulated MPI) user interface which implements about \np[\%]{80} of the MPI 2.0
+standard~\cite{bedaride+degomme+genaud+al.2013.toward}, and allows minor
+modifications of the initial code (see Section~\ref{sec:04.02}). SMPI enables
+the direct simulation of the execution, as in the real life, of an unmodified
+MPI distributed application, and gets accurate results with the detailed
+resources consumption.
+SimGrid simulator uses an XML input file describing the computational grid
+resources: the number of clusters in the grid, the number of processors/cores in
+each cluster, the detailed description of the intra and inter networks and the
+list of the hosts in each cluster (see the details in
+Section~\ref{sec:expe}). SimGrid employs a fluid model to simulate the use of
+these resources along the program execution. This model produces accurate
+results while still running relatively
+During the simulation, the computation is really executed, but the communications
+are intercepted and their execution time evaluated according to the parameters
+of the simulated platform. It is also possible for SimGrid/SMPI to only keep the
+duration of large computations by skipping them. Moreover, when applicable, the
+application can be run by sharing some in-memory structures between the
+simulated processes and thus allowing the use of very large-scale data.