%% Lilia Ziane Khodja: Department of Aerospace \& Mechanical Engineering\\ Non Linear Computational Mechanics\\ University of Liege\\ Liege, Belgium. Email: l.zianekhodja@ulg.ac.be
-\begin{abstract} The behavior of multicore applications is always a challenge
+\begin{abstract} The behavior of multi-core applications is always a challenge
to predict, especially with a new architecture for which no experiment has been
performed. With some applications, it is difficult, if not impossible, to build
accurate performance models. That is why another solution is to use a simulation
In this paper, we focus our attention on two parallel iterative algorithms based
on the Multisplitting algorithm and we compare them to the GMRES algorithm.
-These algorithms are used to solve libear systems. Two different variantsof
+These algorithms are used to solve libear systems. Two different variants of
the Multisplitting are studied: one using synchronoous iterations and another
one with asynchronous iterations. For each algorithm we have tested different
parameters to see their influence. We strongly recommend people interested
-\section{Introduction} The use of multi-core architectures for solving large
-scientific problems seems to become imperative in a lot of cases.
+\section{Introduction} The use of multi-core architectures to solve large
+scientific problems seems to become imperative in many situations.
Whatever the scale of these architectures (distributed clusters, computational
grids, embedded multi-core,~\ldots) they are generally well adapted to execute
complex parallel applications operating on a large amount of data.
given application for a given architecture. In this way and in order to reduce
the access cost to these computing resources it seems very interesting to use a
simulation environment. The advantages are numerous: development life cycle,
-code debugging, ability to obtain results quickly,~\ldots at the condition that
-the simulation results are in education with the real ones.
+code debugging, ability to obtain results quickly,~\ldots. In counterpart, the simulation results need to be consistent with the real ones.
In this paper we focus on a class of highly efficient parallel algorithms called
\emph{iterative algorithms}. The parallel scheme of iterative methods is quite
scheme. In the asynchronous scheme a task can compute a new iteration without
having to wait for the data dependencies coming from its neighbors. Both
communication and computations are asynchronous inducing that there is no more
-idle times, due to synchronizations, between two iterations~\cite{bcvc06:ij}.
+idle time, due to synchronizations, between two iterations~\cite{bcvc06:ij}.
This model presents some advantages and drawbacks that we detail in
section~\ref{sec:asynchro} but even if the number of iterations required to
converge is generally greater than for the synchronous case, it appears that
times by suppressing idle times due to synchronizations~(see~\cite{bahi07}
for more details).
-Nevertheless, in both cases (synchronous or asynchronous) it is very time
-consuming to find optimal configuration and deployment requirements for a given
-application on a given multi-core architecture. Finding good resource
-allocations policies under varying CPU power, network speeds and loads is very
-challenging and labor intensive~\cite{Calheiros:2011:CTM:1951445.1951450}. This
-problematic is even more difficult for the asynchronous scheme where variations
-of the parameters of the execution platform can lead to very different number of
-iterations required to converge and so to very different execution times. In
-this challenging context we think that the use of a simulation tool can greatly
+Nevertheless, in both cases (synchronous or asynchronous) it is very time
+consuming to find optimal configuration and deployment requirements for a given
+application on a given multi-core architecture. Finding good resource
+allocations policies under varying CPU power, network speeds and loads is very
+challenging and labor intensive~\cite{Calheiros:2011:CTM:1951445.1951450}. This
+problematic is even more difficult for the asynchronous scheme where a small
+parameter variation of the execution platform can lead to very different numbers
+of iterations to reach the converge and so to very different execution times. In
+this challenging context we think that the use of a simulation tool can greatly
leverage the possibility of testing various platform scenarios.
The main contribution of this paper is to show that the use of a simulation tool
solver~\cite{saad86} in synchronous mode. The obtained results on different
simulated multi-core architectures confirm the real results previously obtained
on non simulated architectures. We also confirm the efficiency of the
-asynchronous multisplitting algorithm comparing to the synchronous GMRES. In
+asynchronous multisplitting algorithm compared to the synchronous GMRES. In
this way and with a simple computing architecture (a laptop) SimGrid allows us
to run a test campaign of a real parallel iterative applications on
different simulated multi-core architectures. To our knowledge, there is no
\section{The asynchronous iteration model}
+Asynchronous iterative methods have been studied for many years theoritecally and
+practically. Many methods have been considered and convergence results have been
+proved. These methods can be used to solve, in parallel, fixed point problems
+(i.e. problems for which the solution is $x^\star =f(x^\star)$. In practice,
+asynchronous iterations methods can be used to solve, for example, linear and
+non-linear systems of equations or optimization problems, interested readers are
+invited to read~\cite{BT89,bahi07}.
+Before using an asynchronous iterative method, the convergence must be
+studied. Otherwise, the application is not ensure to reach the convergence. An
+algorithm that supports both the synchronous or the asynchronous iteration model
+requires very few modifications to be able to be executed in both variants. In
+practice, only the communications and convergence detection are different. In
+the synchronous mode, iterations are synchronized whereas in the asynchronous
+one, they are not. It should be noticed that non blocking communications can be
+used in both modes. Concerning the convergence detection, synchronous variants
+can use a global convergence procedure which acts as a global synchronization
+point. In the asynchronous model, the convergence detection is more tricky as
+it must not synchronize all the processors. Interested readers can
\item Execution Mode: synchronous or asynchronous.
-At last, note that the two solver algorithms have been executed with the Simgrid selector -cfg=smpi/running\_power which determine the computational power (here 19GFlops) of the simulator host machine.
+At last, note that the two solver algorithms have been executed with the Simgrid selector -cfg=smpi/running\_power which determines the computational power (here 19GFlops) of the simulator host machine.
-\subsection{Setup study and Methodology}
+\subsection{Study setup and Simulation Methodology}
To conduct our study, we have put in place the following methodology
which can be reused for any grid-enabled applications.
\textbf{Step 2} : Collect the software materials needed for the
experimentation. In our case, we have two variants algorithms for the
-resolution of three 3D-Poisson problem: (1) using the classical GMRES (Algo-1)(2) and the multisplitting method (Algo-2). In addition, Simgrid simulator has been chosen to simulate the behaviors of the
+resolution of the 3D-Poisson problem: (1) using the classical GMRES (Algo-1); (2) and the multisplitting method (Algo-2). In addition, Simgrid simulator has been chosen to simulate the behaviors of the
distributed applications. Simgrid is running on the Mesocentre datacenter in Franche-Comte University but also in a virtual machine on a laptop. \\
\textbf{Step 3} : Fix the criteria which will be used for the future
and in the other hand the execution time and the number of iterations of
the application before obtaining the convergence. \\
-\textbf{Step 4 }: Setup up the different grid testbeds environment
+\textbf{Step 4 }: Set up the different grid testbed environments
which will be simulated in the simulator tool to run the program. The
following architecture has been configured in Simgrid : 2x16 - that is a
grid containing 2 clusters with 16 hosts (processors/cores) each -, 4x8,
4x16, 8x8 and 2x50. The network has been designed to operate with a
-bandwidth equals to 10Gbits (resp. 1Gbits/s) and a latency of 8E-6
-microseconds (resp. 5E-5) for the intra-clusters links (resp.
+bandwidth equals to 10Gbits (resp. 1Gbits/s) and a latency of 8.10$^{-6}$
+microseconds (resp. 5.10$^{-5}$) for the intra-clusters links (resp.
inter-clusters backbone links). \\
\textbf{Step 5}: Conduct an extensive and comprehensive testings
within these configurations in varying the key parameters, especially
the CPU power capacity, the network parameters and also the size of the
-input matrix. Note that some parameters should be fixed to be invariant to allow the
-comparison like some program input arguments. \\
+input matrix. Note that some parameters like some program input arguments should be fixed to be invariant to allow the comparison. \\
\textbf{Step 6} : Collect and analyze the output results.
receive it. Upon the network characteristics, another impacting factor
is the application dependent volume of data exchanged between the nodes
in the cluster and between distant clusters. Large volume of data can be
-transferred in transit between the clusters and nodes during the code
+transferred and transit between the clusters and nodes during the code
In a grid environment, it is common to distinguish in one hand, the
\textit{3.a Executing the algorithms on various computational grid
-architecture scaling up the input matrix size}
+architecture and scaling up the input matrix size}
% environment
%\RCE{J'ai voulu mettre les tableaux des données mais je pense que c'est inutile et ça va surcharger}
-The results in figure 3 show the non-variation of the number of
-iterations of classical GMRES for a given input matrix size; it is not
+In this section, we compare the algorithms performance running on various grid configuration (2x16, 4x8, 4x16 and 8x8). First, the results in figure 3 show for all grid configuration the non-variation of the number of iterations of classical GMRES for a given input matrix size; it is not
the case for the multisplitting method.
-Unless the 8x8 cluster, the time
-execution difference between the two algorithms is important when
+The execution time difference between the two algorithms is important when
comparing between different grid architectures, even with the same number of
processors (like 2x16 and 4x8 = 32 processors for example). The
experiment concludes the low sensitivity of the multisplitting method
-(compared with the classical GMRES) when scaling up to higher input
-matrix size.
+(compared with the classical GMRES) when scaling up the number of the processors in the grid: in average, the GMRES (resp. Multisplitting) algorithm performs 40\% better (resp. 48\%) less when running from 2x16=32 to 8x8=64 processors.
-\textit{\\3.b Running on various computational grid architecture\\}
+\textit{\\3.b Running on two different speed cluster inter-networks\\}
% environment
The experiments compare the behavior of the algorithms running first on
-a speed inter- cluster network (N1) and a less performant network (N2).
+a speed inter- cluster network (N1) and also on a less performant network (N2).
Figure 4 shows that end users will gain to reduce the execution time
for both algorithms in using a grid architecture like 4x16 or 8x8: the
performance was increased in a factor of 2. The results depict also that
-when the network speed drops down, the difference between the execution
+when the network speed drops down (12.5\%), the difference between the execution
times can reach more than 25\%.
\textit{\\3.c Network latency impacts on performance\\}
-The results of increasing the network bandwidth depict the improvement
-of the performance by reducing the execution time for both of the two
-algorithms (Figure 6). However, and again in this case, the multisplitting method
-presents a better performance in the considered bandwidth interval with
-a gain of 40\% which is only around 24\% for classical GMRES.
+The results of increasing the network bandwidth show the improvement
+of the performance for both of the two algorithms by reducing the execution time (Figure 6). However, and again in this case, the multisplitting method presents a better performance in the considered bandwidth interval with a gain of 40\% which is only around 24\% for classical GMRES.
\textit{\\3.e Input matrix size impacts on performance\\}
\begin{tabular}{r c }
Grid & 2x50 totaling 100 processors\\ %\hline
- Processors & 1 GFlops to 1.5 GFlops\\
+ Processors Power & 1 GFlops to 1.5 GFlops\\
Intra-Network & bw=1.25 Gbits - lat=5.10$^{-5}$ \\ %\hline
Inter-Network & bw=5 Mbits - lat=2.10$^{-2}$\\
Input matrix size & N$_{x}$ = From 62 to 150\\ %\hline
-The authors would like to thank\dots{}
+This work is partially funded by the Labex ACTION program (contract ANR-11-LABX-01-01).