From: RCE Date: Mon, 20 Apr 2015 11:05:47 +0000 (+0200) Subject: RCE X-Git-Url: RCE --- diff --git a/CPU Power impact on execution time.JPG b/CPU Power impact on execution time.JPG new file mode 100644 index 0000000..51e64af Binary files /dev/null and b/CPU Power impact on execution time.JPG differ diff --git a/Cluster x Nodes N1 x N2.JPG b/Cluster x Nodes N1 x N2.JPG new file mode 100644 index 0000000..579f8b0 Binary files /dev/null and b/Cluster x Nodes N1 x N2.JPG differ diff --git a/Cluster x Nodes NX=150 and NX=170.JPG b/Cluster x Nodes NX=150 and NX=170.JPG new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1a118a7 Binary files /dev/null and b/Cluster x Nodes NX=150 and NX=170.JPG differ diff --git a/Network bandwith impact on execution time.JPG b/Network bandwith impact on execution time.JPG new file mode 100644 index 0000000..bd092fb Binary files /dev/null and b/Network bandwith impact on execution time.JPG differ diff --git a/Network latency impact on execution time.JPG b/Network latency impact on execution time.JPG new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ab9fd44 Binary files /dev/null and b/Network latency impact on execution time.JPG differ diff --git a/Pb size impact on execution time.JPG b/Pb size impact on execution time.JPG new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ecaa41d Binary files /dev/null and b/Pb size impact on execution time.JPG differ diff --git a/cpeauth.cls b/cpeauth.cls new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d27bf76 --- /dev/null +++ b/cpeauth.cls @@ -0,0 +1,381 @@ +%--------------------------------------------------------------------------- +%Please be aware that the use of this LaTeX class file is governed by the +%following conditions: +% +% based on the original LaTeX ARTICLE DOCUMENT STYLE +% Copyright (C) 1988, 1989 by Leslie Lamport +% +% Copyright (c) 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, The Atrium, Southern Gate, Chichester, +% West Sussex, PO19 8SQ UK. All rights reserved. +% +%Rules of Use +% +%% You are NOT ALLOWED to change this file. +% +% +%This class file is made available for use by authors who wish to prepare an +%article for publication in +%CONCURRENCY AND COMPUTATION: PRACTICE AND EXPERIENCE +%published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd. The user may not exploit any part of +%the class file commercially. +% +%This class file is provided on an `as is' basis, without warranties of any +%kind, either expressed or implied, including but not limited to warranties of +%title, or implied warranties of merchantablility or fitness for a +%particular purpose. There will be no duty on the author[s] of the software +%or John Wiley & Sons Ltd to correct any errors or defects in the software. +%Any statutory rights you may have remain unaffected by your acceptance of +%these rules of use. +%--------------------------------------------------------------------------- +% +% Created by Alistair Smith, Sunrise Setting Ltd, 27 March 2010 +% +% cpeauth.cls --- For Concurrency Computat.: Pract. Exper. + +\def\update{2010/05/13 v3.00} + +\newcommand{\journalname}{CONCURRENCY AND COMPUTATION: PRACTICE AND EXPERIENCE} +\newcommand{\journalnamelc}{Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience} +\newcommand{\journalabb}{Concurrency Computat.: Pract. Exper.} +\newcommand{\journalclass}{cpeauth.cls} +\newcommand{\journalclassshort}{cpeauth} +\newcommand{\DOI}{cpe} + +\NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e} +\ProvidesClass{cpeauth}[\update\ \journalclass] + +%\newcommand\hmmax{0} + +\newif\if@timesfont +\DeclareOption{times}{% +\@timesfonttrue} + +\newif\if@doublespace +\DeclareOption{doublespace}{% +\@doublespacetrue} + +\DeclareOption*{\PassOptionsToClass{\CurrentOption}{article}} +\ProcessOptions +\LoadClass{article} +\if@timesfont +\RequirePackage{times} +\fi +\if@doublespace +\RequirePackage[onehalfspacing]{setspace} +\fi + +\RequirePackage{graphicx} +\RequirePackage{pifont,latexsym,ifthen,rotating,calc,textcase,booktabs,color} +\RequirePackage{amsfonts,amssymb,amsbsy,amsmath,amsthm} +%\RequirePackage{bm} +\RequirePackage[errorshow]{tracefnt} + +\@twosidetrue +\flushbottom +\frenchspacing + +\textwidth 34pc +\textheight 645pt +%\setlength\columnsep{24pt} + +%Trim sizes +\setlength\voffset{-1in} +\setlength\hoffset{-1in} +\topmargin -1mm 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\textsc{i\kern-.025em b}\kern-.08em +T\kern-.1667em\lower.7ex\hbox{E}\kern-.125emX}} + +\def\volumeyear{2010} + +\begin{document} + +\runningheads{A.~N.~Other}{A demonstration of the \journalabb\ +class file} + +\title{A demonstration of the \LaTeXe\ class file for +\itshape{\journalnamelc}\footnotemark[2]} + +\author{A.~N.~Other\corrauth} + +\address{John Wiley \& Sons, Ltd, The Atrium, Southern Gate, Chichester, +West Sussex, PO19~8SQ, UK} + +\corraddr{Journals Production Department, John Wiley \& Sons, Ltd, +The Atrium, Southern Gate, Chichester, West Sussex, PO19~8SQ, UK.} + +\begin{abstract} +This paper describes the use of the \LaTeXe\ +\textsf{\journalclass} class file for setting papers for +\emph{\journalnamelc}. +\end{abstract} + +\keywords{class file; \LaTeXe; \emph{\journalabb}} + +\maketitle + +\footnotetext[2]{Please ensure that you use the most up to date +class file, +available from the CPE Home Page at\\ +\href{}{\texttt{}}} + +\vspace{-6pt} + +\section{Introduction} +\vspace{-2pt} +Many authors submitting to research journals use \LaTeXe\ to +prepare their papers. This paper describes the +\textsf{\journalclass} class file which can be used to convert +articles produced with other \LaTeXe\ class files into the correct +form for publication in \emph{\journalnamelc}. + +The \textsf{\journalclass} class file preserves much of the +standard \LaTeXe\ interface so that any document which was +produced using the standard \LaTeXe\ \textsf{article} style can +easily be converted to work with the \textsf{\journalclassshort} +style. However, the width of text and typesize will vary from that +of \textsf{article.cls}; therefore, \emph{line breaks will change} +and it is likely that displayed mathematics and tabular material +will need re-setting. + +In the following sections we describe how to lay out your code to +use \textsf{\journalclass} to reproduce the typographical look of +\emph{\journalnamelc}. However, this paper is not a guide to +using \LaTeXe\ and we would refer you to any of the many books +available (see, for example, \cite{R1,R2,R3}). + +\vspace{-6pt} + +\section{The Three Golden Rules} +\vspace{-2pt} + +Before we proceed, we would like to stress \emph{three golden +rules} that need to be followed to enable the most efficient use +of your code at the typesetting stage: +\begin{enumerate} +\item[(i)] keep your own macros to an absolute minimum; + +\item[(ii)] as \TeX\ is designed to make sensible spacing +decisions by itself, do \emph{not} use explicit horizontal or +vertical spacing commands, except in a few accepted (mostly +mathematical) situations, such as \verb"\," before a +differential~d, or \verb"\quad" to separate an equation from its +qualifier; + +\item[(iii)] follow the \emph{\journalnamelc} reference style. +\end{enumerate} + +\pagebreak + +\section{Getting Started} The \textsf{\journalclassshort} class file should run +on any standard \LaTeXe\ installation. If any of the fonts, style +files or packages it requires are missing from your installation, +they can be found on the \emph{\TeX\ Collection} DVDs or from +CTAN. + +\emph{\journalnamelc} is published using Times fonts and this is +achieved by using the \verb"times" +option as\\ +\verb"\documentclass[times]{cpeauth}". + +\noindent If for any reason you have a problem using Times you can +easily resort to Computer Modern fonts by removing the +\verb"times" option. + +\begin{figure} +\setlength{\fboxsep}{0pt}% +\setlength{\fboxrule}{0pt}% +\begin{center} +\begin{boxedverbatim} +\documentclass[times]{cpeauth} +%\documentclass[times,doublespace]{cpeauth}%For paper submission + +\begin{document} + +\runningheads{}{} + +\title{} + +\author{} + +\address{<\affilnum{1}First author's address +(in this example it is the same as the third author)\break +\affilnum{2}Second author's address>} + +\corraddr{. E-mail: } + +%\cgs{} +%\cgsn{}{} + +\begin{abstract} + +\end{abstract} + +\keywords{} + +\maketitle + +\section{Introduction} +. +. +. +\end{boxedverbatim} +\end{center} +%\vspace{-12pt} +\caption{Example header text.\label{F1}} +\end{figure} + + +\section{The Article Header Information} +The heading for any file using \textsf{\journalclass} is shown in +Figure~\ref{F1}. + +\subsection{Remarks} +\begin{enumerate} +\item[(i)] In \verb"\runningheads" use `\emph{et~al.}' if there +are three or more authors. + +\item[(ii)] Note the use of \verb"\affil" and \verb"\affilnum" to +link names and addresses. The author for correspondence is marked +by \verb"\corrauth" and \verb"\corraddr" is used to give that +author's address, which will be printed as a footnote, prefaced by +`Correspondence to:'. + +\item[(iii)] For submitting a double-spaced manuscript, add +\verb"doublespace" as an option to the documentclass line. + +\item[(iv)] Use \verb"\cgs" for giving details of financial +sponsors; alternatively use \verb"\cgsn" if the grant number is +also to be included. These details will be printed as a footnote, +with `Contract/grant sponsor:' and `contract/grant number:' +inserted in the appropriate places. + +\item[(v)] The abstract should be capable of standing by itself, +in the absence of the body of the article and of the bibliography. +Therefore, it must not contain any reference citations. + +\item[(vi)] Keywords are separated by semicolons. +\end{enumerate} + +\begin{figure} +\setlength{\fboxsep}{0pt}% +\setlength{\fboxrule}{0pt}% +\begin{center} +\begin{boxedverbatim} +\begin{table} +\caption{} +\centering +\tabsize +\begin{tabular}{
} +\toprule +\\ +\midrule +
\\ +
\\ +. +. +.\\ +\bottomrule +\end{tabular} +\end{table} +\end{boxedverbatim} +\end{center} +\vspace{-6pt} +\caption{Example table layout.\label{F2}} +\vspace{-6pt} +\end{figure} + +\section{The Body of the Article} + +\subsection{Mathematics} \textsf{\journalclass} makes the full +functionality of \AmS\/\TeX\ available. We encourage the use of +the \verb"align", \verb"gather" and \verb"multline" environments +for displayed mathematics. \textsf{amsthm} is used for setting +theorem-like and proof environments. The usual \verb"\newtheorem" +command needs to be used to set up the environments for your +particular document. + +\subsection{Figures and Tables} \textsf{\journalclass} includes the +\textsf{graphicx} package for handling figures. + +Figures are called in as follows: +\begin{verbatim} +\begin{figure} +\centering +\includegraphics{
} +\caption{
} +\end{figure} +\end{verbatim} + +For further details on how to size figures, etc., with the +\textsf{graphicx} package see, for example, \cite{R1} +or \cite{R3}. If figures are available in an +acceptable format (for example, .eps, .ps) they will be used but a +printed version should always be provided. \medbreak + +The standard coding for a table is shown in Figure~\ref{F2}. + +\subsection{Cross-referencing} +The use of the \LaTeX\ cross-reference system +for figures, tables, equations, etc., is encouraged +(using \verb"\ref{}" and \verb"\label{}"). + +\subsection{Acknowledgements} An Acknowledgements section is started with \verb"\ack" or +\verb"\acks" for \textit{Acknowledgement} or +\textit{Acknowledgements}, respectively. It must be placed just +before the References. + +\subsection{Bibliography} +The normal commands for producing the reference list are: +\begin{verbatim} +\begin{thebibliography}{99} +\bibitem{} + +. +. +. +\end{thebibliography} +\end{verbatim} +where \verb"\bibitem{x-ref label}" +corresponds to \verb"\cite{x-ref label}" in the body of the article +and \verb"{99}" is the widest such number expected and determines +the width of the number column in the reference list. + +Please note that the file \textsf{wileyj.bst} is available from +the same download page for those authors using \BibTeX. + +\subsection{Double Spacing} +If you need to double space your document for submission please +use the \verb+doublespace+ option as shown in the sample layout in +Figure~\ref{F1}. + +\section{Support for \textsf{\journalclass}} +We offer on-line support to participating authors. Please contact +us via e-mail at\\ +\href{}{\texttt{}}. + +We would welcome any feedback, positive or otherwise, on your +experiences of using \textsf{\journalclass}. + +\section{Copyright Statement} +Please be aware that the use of this \LaTeXe\ class file is +governed by the following conditions. + +\subsection{Copyright} +Copyright \copyright\ \volumeyear\ John Wiley \& Sons, Ltd, The +Atrium, Southern Gate, Chichester, West Sussex, PO19~8SQ, UK. All +rights reserved. + +\subsection{Rules of Use} +This class file is made available for use by authors who wish to +prepare an article for publication in \emph{\journalnamelc} +published by John Wiley \& Sons, Ltd. The user may not exploit any +part of the class file commercially. + +This class file is provided on an \emph{as is} basis, without +warranties of any kind, either express or implied, including but +not limited to warranties of title, or implied warranties of +merchantablility or fitness for a particular purpose. There will +be no duty on the author[s] of the software or John Wiley \& +Sons, Ltd to correct any errors or defects in the software. Any +statutory rights you may have remain unaffected by your +acceptance of these rules of use. + +\ack This class file was developed by Sunrise Setting Ltd, +Torquay, Devon, UK. Website:\\ +\href{}{\texttt{}} + +\begin{thebibliography}{9} + +\bibitem{R1} Kopka~H, Daly~PW. 2003. \emph{A Guide to \LaTeX} (4th~edn). +Addison-Wesley. + +\bibitem{R2} Lamport~L. 1994. \emph{\LaTeX: a Document Preparation System} (2nd~edn). +Addison-Wesley. + +\bibitem{R3} Mittelbach~F, Goossens~M. 2004. \emph{The \LaTeX\ Companion} +(2nd~edn). Addison-Wesley. +\end{thebibliography} +\end{document}