+%% Set the title, subtitle, defense date, and
+%% the registration number of the PhD thesis.
+%% The optional parameter is the subtitle of the PhD thesis.
+%% The first mandatory parameter is the title of the PhD thesis.
+%% The second mandatory parameter is the date of the PhD defense.
+%% The third mandatory parameter is the reference number given by
+%% the University Library after the PhD defense.
+\declarethesis[Sous-titre]{Titre}{17 septembre 2012}{XXX}
+%% Set the author of the PhD thesis
+%% Add a member of the jury
+%% \addjury{Firstname}{Lastname}{Role in the jury}{Position}
+\addjury{Incroyable}{Hulk}{Rapporteur}{Professeur à l'Université de Gotham City \\ Commentaire secondaire}
+\addjury{Super}{Man}{Examinateur}{Professeur à l'Université de Gotham City}
+\addjury{Bat}{Man}{Directeur de thèse}{Professeur à l'Université de Gotham City}
+%% Change style of the table of the jury
+%% \Set{jurystyle}{put macros for the style}
+%% Add the laboratory where the thesis was made
+%\addlaboratory{Laboratoire Waynes Industry}
+%% Clear the list of the laboratories
+%% Set the English abstract
+\thesisabstract[english]{This is the abstract in English}
+%% Set the English keywords. They only appear if
+%% there is an English abstract
+\thesiskeywords[english]{Keyword 1, Keyword 2}
+%% Set the French abstract
+\thesisabstract[french]{Ceci est le résumé en français}
+%% Set the French keywords. They only appear if
+%% there is an French abstract
+\thesiskeywords[french]{Algorithmes itératifs, Performance, Simulation, Simgrid, Grid Computing}
+%% Change the layout and the style of the text of the "primary" abstract.
+%% If your document is written in French, the primary abstract is in French,
+%% otherwise it is in English.
+%% Change the layout and the style of the text of the "secondary" abstract.
+%% If your document is written in French, the secondary abstract is in English,
+%% otherwise it is in French.
+%% Change the layout and the style of the text of the "primary" keywords.
+%% If your document is written in French, the primary keywords are in French,
+%% otherwise they are in English.
+%% Change the layout and the style of the text of the "secondary" keywords.
+%% If your document is written in French, the secondary keywords are in English,
+%% otherwise they are in French.
+%% Change the speciality of the PhD thesis
+%% Change the institution
+%\Set{universityname}{Universit\'e de Franche-Comt\'e}
+%% Add the logos of the partners or the sponsors on the front page
+%\addpartner[image options]{image name}
+%% Clear the list of the partner/sponsor logos
+%% Change the header and the foot of the pages.
+%% You must include the package "fancyhdr" to
+%% have access to these macros.
+%% Left header
+%% Center header
+%% Right header
+%% Left footer
+%% Center footer
+%% Right footer
+% Declare several theorems
+\declareupmtheorem{mytheorem}{My Theorem}{List of my Theorems}