The following form will allow you to set up the GPU kernel you want, then the proceed button will launch the kernel generator.
You will next be redirected to the download page where you will be able to get the resulting source files :

1. Choose the kernel type : median convolution

2. Edge length of the window mask : pixels

For example, enter 3 in the above field for a 3x3 pixels window mask.

3. Number of pixels processed by each thread :

This option allows to increase the instruction parallelism level (ILP).
For median kernels, the value must be 1 or 2 for performance reasons. For convolutions, it can be set to 1, 2, 4, or 8

4. Name of the texture reference :

This texture is binded to the array where the input image is stored in GPU memory.
This reference is used by GPU kernels to fetch data from texture memory.