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Perrot] % (facultatif, à utiliser seulement avec plusieurs auteurs) {Gilles Perrot$¹$, Stéphane Domas$¹$, Raphaël Couturier$¹$, Nicolas Bertaux$²$.} % - Composez les noms dans l'ordre dans lequel ils apparaîtrons dans l'article % - Utilisez la commande \inst{?} uniquement si les auteurs ont des affiliations % différentes. \institute[] % (facultatif mais généralement nécessaire) { $¹$University of Franche-Comté - Distributed Numerical Algorithmics group (AND),\\ $²$Fresnel Institute - Physics and Image Computing group (PhyTI) } % - Utilisez la commande \inst uniquement s'il y a plusieurs affectations % - Faîtes quelque chose de simple, personne ne s'intéresse à votre adresse. \date[] % (facultatif) {\small 31 august - 1 september} %\subject{} % Inséré uniquement dans la page d'information du fichier PDF. 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\widehat{\mu_{\Omega}}\right)^2 \\ % \end{array} % \right. % $$ % \item These estimations have to be computed for each test state of the contour $\varGamma$: time-consuming. % \end{itemize} % \end{frame} % \begin{frame}{Algorithm basics : parameters estimation} % \begin{itemize} % %peut-être illustrer ici % \item Based on the Green-Ostogradsky theorem, Chesnaud has shown how to replace those 2-dimensions sums inside the contour % by 1-dimension sums along the contour. % \item This optimization implies: % \begin{itemize} % \item the precomputation of a few matrices (called cumulated images) containing the potential \emph{contributions} of each pixel of the image, % \item the use of constant lookup tables of weighting coefficients to determine the \emph{contributions} of each segment of pixels. % \end{itemize} % \end{itemize} % \end{frame} % \begin{frame}{CPU sequential implementation : outlines} % \begin{enumerate} % \item Precomputation of the cumulated images. % \item Choice of the initial contour $\varGamma_0$: rectangle near the borders. % \item Changes made to the contour in order to find the most likely one: % \begin{enumerate}[i] % \item Move every node as long as it gives a better criterion. % \item Add nodes in the middle of each big enough segment. % \end{enumerate} % \end{enumerate} % \end{frame} \begin{frame}{Snake algorithm in action} \begin{columns} \begin{column}[T]{7cm} \begin{overprint} \onslide<1> \includegraphics[width=7cm]{./img/sequences/cochon_it0.png} \onslide<2> \includegraphics[width=7cm]{./img/sequences/cochon_it1.png} \onslide<3> \includegraphics[width=7cm]{./img/sequences/cochon_it21.png} \onslide<4> \includegraphics[width=7cm]{./img/sequences/cochon_it22.png} \onslide<5> \includegraphics[width=7cm]{./img/sequences/cochon_it4.png} \end{overprint} \end{column} \begin{column}[T]{5cm} \only<1> { \begin{itemize} \item 150~Mpixels image. \item Initial contour: 4 nodes. \end{itemize} } \only<2> { \begin{itemize} \item End of first iteration: no more move can be of interest. \end{itemize} } \only<3> { \begin{itemize} \item Nodes added in the middle of segments. \end{itemize} } \only<4> { \begin{itemize} \item End of second iteration. \end{itemize} } \only<5> { \begin{itemize} \item End of fifth iteration\\(36 nodes). \item Fast segmentation. \item Efficient with noise. \end{itemize} } \end{column} \end{columns} \end{frame} \section{GPU Implementation} \begin{frame}{GPU design : key points} \begin{itemize} \item The parallelism of a modern GPU lays on a SIMT paradigm (Single Instruction Multiple Threads): the same instruction is processed by a great number of threads at a time (up to $2^{16}$). \item Threads are compounded in independants blocks with no possible synchronization between blocks. \item Threads in a block share a small amount of shared memory (16-48~KBytes). \item There are restrictive conditions to be fullfilled in order to make efficent accesses to global and shared memory. \item Data transfers between CPU and GPU are slow. \end{itemize} \end{frame} % \begin{frame}{GPU implementation: precomputations} % \begin{itemize} % \item One of the cumulated images is not to be computed anymore: values are evaluated on the fly. % \item An inclusive parallel prefixsum is performed on each row of the image for each matrix to be processed ($z$,$z^2$). % \item[\ding{253}] Speedup is around x7 for images larger than 100~MPixels. Comparison is done with the SSE/CPU implementation of the PhyTI group. % \item[\ding{253}] Higher speedups (x15) are obtained with specific versions for constant image sizes. % \end{itemize} % \end{frame} \begin{frame}{GPU implementation} When modifying the shape of the contour, we have to compute: \begin{itemize} \item Parameters of the corresponding regions. \item The value of the criterion. \item The parallelization needs reside essentially in the parameters estimation.\\Two possible parallelism levels: \begin{itemize} \item One contour per thread. \item One pixel per thread. \item[\ding{253}] The \emph{one pixel per thread} rule is far more efficient, due to memory access constraints. \end{itemize} \end{itemize} \end{frame} \begin{frame}{GPU implementation: parallelization} \begin{columns} \begin{column}[T]{6cm} \resizebox{6cm}{6cm}{\input{./img/topologie.pdf_t}} \end{column} \begin{column}[T]{6.5cm} \begin{itemize} \item Every 16 segments for every node are processed in parallel. \item Fits GPU specific parallelism: each segment pixel is processed by a thread. \item Criterion values are obtained after several reduction stages. \item All nodes are possibly moved in one step. \end{itemize} \end{column} \end{columns} \end{frame} % \begin{frame}{GPU implementation: data structure} % The main idea is to organize, in a single array, every pixels of every segments to be processed.\\ % Thus, for a given state of the contour ($N$ nodes), we: % \begin{enumerate} % \item Find the largest segment to be processed. It gives: % \begin{itemize} % \item the block size $bs$ of the computing grid, % \item the number of blocks needed for each segment ($N_{TB}$). % \end{itemize} % \item Compute in parallel, the coordinates of every pixels of the $16.N$ segments to be considered, % \item Make some parallel reductions to finally obtain parameters estimation. % \end{enumerate} % \end{frame} % \begin{frame}{GPU implementation: data structure} % \begin{center} % \begin{overprint} % \onslide<1> \resizebox{8cm}{1.43cm}{\input{img/contribs_segments_seg.pdf_t}} % \onslide<2> \resizebox{8cm}{3.78cm}{\input{img/contribs_segments_16seg.pdf_t}} % \onslide<3> \resizebox{8cm}{6cm}{\input{img/contribs_segments_even.pdf_t}} % \onslide<4> \resizebox{8cm}{6cm}{\input{img/contribs_segments.pdf_t}} % \end{overprint} % \end{center} % \end{frame} \begin{frame}{GPU implementation: first results} \begin{itemize} \item Global speedup around x7-x8 for image sizes from 15 to 150~Mpixels. \item First iterations have higher speedups: \begin{itemize} \item several large segments, \item few inactive threads in the grid. \end{itemize} % \item Last iterations are sometimes slower than on CPU: % \begin{itemize} % \item a lot of small segments, % \item more inactive threads in the grid. % \end{itemize} \end{itemize} \end{frame} \begin{frame}{GPU implementation: smart init (reasons)} \begin{itemize} \item The target shape is often far from initial contour, \item It causes the very first iteration to be much more time-consuming than the other ones. %\item Horizontal segments contributions are null. %\item Vertical segments contributions computations can be fast, through a specific process. \item[\ding{253}] It's fast on GPU to find a rectangle near the target. But it needs to overrule the 'one thread/one pixel' principle. \end{itemize} \end{frame} \begin{frame}{GPU implementation: smart init (process)} \begin{columns} \begin{column}[l]{7cm} \resizebox{7cm}{6.75cm}{\input{img/smart_init1.pdf_t}} \end{column} \begin{column}[l]{5.5cm} \begin{itemize} \item Realize a periodic sampling of a few hundreds of J-coordinates. \item Evaluate in parallel every possible rectangle of diagonal $(0 , j_L)-(H , j_H)$. \item Select the one with the best GL criterion. \item $j_L$ and $j_H$ are now considered as constants. \end{itemize} \end{column} \end{columns} \end{frame} \begin{frame}{GPU implementation: smart init (process)} \begin{columns} \begin{column}[l]{7cm} \resizebox{7cm}{6.75cm}{\input{img/smart_init2.pdf_t}} \end{column} \begin{column}[l]{5.5cm} \begin{itemize} \item Given $j_L$ and $j_H$. \item Realize a periodic sampling of a few hundreds of I-coordinates. \item Evaluate in parallel every possible rectangle of diagonal $(i_L , j_L)-(i_H , j_H)$. \item Select the one with the best GL criterion. \end{itemize} \end{column} \end{columns} \end{frame} \begin{frame}{GPU implementation: improvement} \begin{itemize} \item Global speedup around x10 for image sizes from 15 to 150~Mpixels and a small enough target (as in the example) \item Less than 0.6 second for the 150~Mpixels image of this example. \end{itemize} \end{frame} \section{Conclusion} \begin{frame}{Conclusion, future works} \begin{itemize} \item Interesting speedups \item Original algorithm is not GPU-friendly \item Future works: \begin{itemize} \item Finding a more suited structure to describe the contour. \item Switching to a statistical model independant from a PDF: the potts model. \item Benefit from recent features of CUDA v4 (overlapping, multiple kernels). \item Extend to a multiple targets algorithm, based on this single target elementary piece of code. \end{itemize} \end{itemize} \end{frame} %\begin{frame}[allowframebreaks]{References} %\bibliographystyle{plain} %\bibliography{biblio} %\nocite{*} %\end{frame} \end{document}