+G.~Perrot, S.~Domas, R.~Couturier, and N.~Bertaux.
+\newblock Gpu implementation of a region based algorithm for large images
+ segmentation.
+\newblock In {\em Computer and Information Technology (CIT), 2011 IEEE 11th
+ International Conference on}, pages 291 --298, 31 2011-sept. 2 2011.
+Gilles Perrot.
+\newblock Image processing.
+\newblock In {\em Designing Scientific Applications on GPUs}, pages 28,70. CRC
+ Press, 2013.
+Gilles Perrot, St{\'e}phane Domas, and Rapha{\"e}l Couturier.
+\newblock Fine-tuned high-speed implementation of a gpu-based median filter.
+\newblock {\em Journal of Signal Processing Systems}, pages 1--6, 2013.
+Gilles Perrot, Stéphane Domas, Raphaël Couturier, and Nicolas Bertaux.
+\newblock Fast gpu-based denoising filter using isoline levels.
+\newblock {\em Journal of Real-Time Image Processing}, pages 1--12, 2013.