author={Perrot, Gilles and Domas, Stéphane and Couturier, Raphaël and Bertaux, Nicolas},
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+ title={Minimal stochastic complexity snake-based technique adapted to an unknown noise model},
+ author={Galland, Fr{\'e}d{\'e}ric and R{\'e}fr{\'e}gier, Philippe},
+ journal={Optics letters},
+ volume={30},
+ number={17},
+ pages={2239--2241},
+ year={2005},
+ publisher={Optical Society of America}
+author={Bertaux, Nicolas and Galland, F{\'e}d{\'e}ric and R{\'e}fr{\'e}gier, Philippe},
+journal={Electronics Letters},
+title={Multi-initialisation segmentation with non-parametric minimum description length snake},
+keywords={image segmentation;minimum description length principle;multiinitialisation segmentation;nonparametric minimum description length snake;nonparametric polygonal snakes;probability density functions},
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