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[simgrid.git] / src / cxx / Host.hpp
1 /*\r
2  * Host.hpp\r
3  *\r
4  * Copyright 2006,2007 Martin Quinson, Malek Cherier           \r
5  * All right reserved. \r
6  *\r
7  * This program is free software; you can redistribute \r
8  * it and/or modify it under the terms of the license \r
9  *(GNU LGPL) which comes with this package. \r
10  *\r
11  */  \r
12 #ifndef MSG_HOST_HPP\r
13 #define MSG_HOST_HPP\r
14 \r
15 \r
16 /*! \brief Host class declaration.\r
17  *\r
18  * An host instance represents a location (any possible place) where a process may run. \r
19  * Thus it is represented as a physical resource with computing capabilities, some \r
20  * mailboxes to enable running process to communicate with remote ones, and some private \r
21  * data that can be only accessed by local process. An instance of this class is always \r
22  * binded with the corresponding native host. All the native hosts are automaticaly created \r
23  * during the call of the static method Msg::createEnvironment(). This method takes as parameter\r
24  * the platform file which describes all elements of the platform (host, link, root..).\r
25  * You never need to create an host your self.\r
26  *\r
27  * The best way to get an host is to call the static method \r
28  * Host.getByName() which returns a reference.\r
29  *\r
30  * For example to get the instance of the host. If your platform\r
31  * file description contains an host named "Jacquelin" :\r
32  *\r
33  * \verbatim\r
34 using namespace SimGrid.Msg;\r
35 \r
36 Host jacquelin;\r
37 \r
38 try \r
40         jacquelin = Host::getByName("Jacquelin");\r
41 }\r
42 catch(HostNotFoundException e) \r
43 {\r
44         cerr << e.toString();\r
45 }\r
46 ...\r
47 \endverbatim\r
48  *\r
49  */\r
50 \r
51 #ifndef __cplusplus\r
52         #error Host.hpp requires C++ compilation (use a .cxx suffix)\r
53 #endif\r
54 \r
55 #include <InvalidArgumentException.hpp>\r
56 #include <BadAllocException.hpp>\r
57 #include <HostNotFoundException.hpp>\r
58 #include <MsgException.hpp>\r
59 \r
60 // namespace SimGrid::Msg\r
61 namespace SimGrid\r
62 {\r
63         namespace Msg\r
64         {\r
65                 // Declaration of the class SimGrid::Msg::Host.\r
66                 class Host // final class.\r
67                 {\r
68                         // Desable the default constructor.\r
69                         // The best way to get an host instance is to use the static method Host::getByName().\r
70                         \r
71                         private :\r
72                                 \r
73                         // Default constructor (desabled).\r
74                                 Host();\r
75                         \r
76                         public: \r
77                                 \r
78                         // Copy constructor (desabled).\r
79                                 Host(const Host& rHost);\r
80                                 \r
81                         // Destructor (desable).\r
82                                 virtual ~Host();\r
83                         \r
84                         // Operations\r
85                         \r
86                                 /*! \brief Host::getByName() - returns an host by its name\r
87                                  *\r
88                                  * This static method returns a reference to the host instance associated \r
89                                  * with a native host of your platform. This is the best way to get a host.\r
90                                  *\r
91                                  * \param hostName      The name of the host.\r
92                                  *\r
93                                  * \return                      If successful the method returns a reference to the instance\r
94                                  *                                      associated with the native host having the name specified\r
95                                  *                                      as parameter of your platform. Otherwise the method throws\r
96                                  *                                      one of the exceptions detailed below.\r
97                                  *\r
98                                  * \exception           [HostNotFoundException]         if no host with the specified name\r
99                                  *                                                                                              was found.\r
100                                  *                                      [InvalidParameterException]     if the hostName parameter is invalid (NULL).\r
101                                  *                                      [BadAllocException]                     if there is not enough memory to allocate the host.\r
102                                  */ \r
103                                 static Host& getByName(const char* hostName)\r
104                                 throw(HostNotFoundException, InvalidParameterException, BadAllocException);\r
105                                 \r
106                                 /*! \brief Host::getNumber() - returns the number of the installed hosts.\r
107                                  *\r
108                                  * \return                      The number of hosts installed.\r
109                                  */\r
110                                 static int getNumber(void);\r
111                                 \r
112                                 \r
113                                 /*! \brief Host::currentHost() - This static method returns the location on which the current \r
114                                  * process is executed.\r
115                                  *\r
116                                  * \return                      The host of the current process.\r
117                                  *\r
118                                  * \see                         Process::currentProcess().\r
119                                  */\r
120                                 static Host& currentHost(void)\r
121                                 throw(InvalidParameterException, BadAllocException);\r
122                                 \r
123                                 /*! \brief Host::all() - This static method retrieves all of the hosts of the installed platform.\r
124                                  *\r
125                                  * \param hosts         A pointer to array of Host pointers that receives all the hosts of the platform.\r
126                                  *\r
127                                  * \param len           A pointer to the length of the table of pointers.\r
128                                  *\r
129                                  * \return                      If successful the hosts table is filled and\r
130                                  *                                      the parameter len is set with the number of hosts of the platform.\r
131                                  *                                      Otherwise the method throw one of the exception described below.\r
132                                  *\r
133                                  * \exception           [InvalidParameterException]     if the parameter hosts is invalid or\r
134                                  *                                                                                              if the parameter len is negative or\r
135                                  *                                                                                              less than the number of hosts installed\r
136                                  *                                                                                              on the current platform.\r
137                                  *                                      [BadAllocException]                     If the method can't allocate memory to fill\r
138                                  *                                                                                              the table of hosts.\r
139                                  *\r
140                                  *\r
141                                  * \remark                      To get the number of hosts installed on your platform use the static method\r
142                                  *                                      Host::getNumber().\r
143                                  *\r
144                                  * \see                         Host::getNumber().\r
145                                  *\r
146                                  *\verbatim\r
147                                  * // This example show how to use this method to get the list of hosts installed on your platform.\r
148                                  *\r
149                                  *      using namespace SimGrid::Msg;\r
150                                  *      using <iostream>\r
151                                  *\r
152                                  *      // (1) get the number of hosts.\r
153                                  *      int number = Host::getNumber();\r
154                                  *      \r
155                                  *      // (2) allocate the array that receives the list of hosts.\r
156                                  *      HostPtr* ar = new HostPtr[number];      // HostPtr is defined as (typedef Host* HostPtr at the end of the\r
157                                  *                                                                              // declaration of this class.\r
158                                  *\r
159                                  *      // (3) call the method\r
160                                  *      try\r
161                                  *      {\r
162                                  *              Host::all(&ar, &number);\r
163                                  *      }\r
164                                  *      catch(BadAllocException e)\r
165                                  *      {\r
166                                  *              cerr << e.toString() << endl;\r
167                                  *              ...\r
168                                  *      }\r
169                                  *      catch(InvalidArgumentException e)\r
170                                  *      {\r
171                                  *              cerr << e.toString() << endl;\r
172                                  *              ..\r
173                                  *      } \r
174                                  *\r
175                                  *      // (4) use the table of host (for example print all the name of all the hosts);\r
176                                  *      \r
177                                  *      for(int i = 0; i < number ; i++)\r
178                                  *              cout << ar[i]->getName() << endl;\r
179                                  *\r
180                                  *      ...\r
181                                  *              \r
182                                  *      // (5) release the allocate table\r
183                                  *      \r
184                                  *      delete[] ar;\r
185                                  *\r
186                                  */ \r
187                                 static void all(Host*** hosts /*in|out*/, int* len /*in|out*/);\r
188                                 \r
189                                 /*! \brief Host::getName() - This method return the name of the Msg host object.\r
190                                  *\r
191                                  * \return                      The name of the host object.\r
192                                  */\r
193                                 const char* getName(void) const;\r
194                                 \r
195                                 /*! \brief Host::setData() - Set the user data of an host object.\r
196                                  *\r
197                                  * \param data          The user data to set.\r
198                                  */\r
199                                 void setData(void* data);\r
200                                 \r
201                                 /*! \brief Host::getData() - Get the user data of a host object.\r
202                                  *\r
203                                  * \return                      The user data of the host object.\r
204                                  */\r
205                                 void* getData(void) const;\r
206                                 \r
207                                 /*! \brief Host::hasData() - Test if an host object has some data.\r
208                                  *\r
209                                  * \return                      This method returns true if the host object has some user data.\r
210                                  *                                      Otherwise the method returns false.\r
211                                  */\r
212                                 bool hasData(void) const;\r
213                                 \r
214                                 /*! \brief Host::getRunningTaskNumber() - returns the number of tasks currently running on a host.\r
215                                  *\r
216                                  * \return                      The number of task currently running of the host object.\r
217                                  *\r
218                                  * \remark                      The external load is not taken in account.\r
219                                  */\r
220                                 int getRunningTaskNumber(void) const;\r
221                                 \r
222                                 /*! \brief Host::getSpeed() - returns the speed of the processor of a host,\r
223                                  * regardless of the current load of the machine.\r
224                                  *\r
225                                  * \return                      The speed of the processor of the host in flops.\r
226                                  */ \r
227                                 double getSpeed(void) const;\r
228                                 \r
229                                 /*! \brief Host::isAvailable - tests if an host is availabled.\r
230                                  * \r
231                                  * \return                      Is the host is availabled the method returns\r
232                                  *                                      true. Otherwise the method returns false.\r
233                                  */ \r
234                                 bool isAvailble(void) const;\r
235                                 \r
236                                 /* ! \brief Host::put() - put a task on the given channel of a host .\r
237                                  *\r
238                                  * \param channel       The channel where to put the task.\r
239                                  * \param rTask         A refercence to the task object containing the native task to\r
240                                  *                                      put on the channel specified by the parameter channel.\r
241                                  *\r
242                                  * \return                      If successful the task is puted on the specified channel. Otherwise\r
243                                  *                                      the method throws one of the exceptions described below.\r
244                                  *\r
245                                  * \exception           [MsgException]                          if an internal error occurs.\r
246                                  *                                      [InvalidParameterException]     if the value of the channel specified as\r
247                                  *                                                                                              parameter is negative.\r
248                                  */\r
249                                 void put(int channel, const Task& rTask)\r
250                                 throw(MsgException, InvalidParameterException);\r
251                                 \r
252                                 /* ! \brief Host::put() - put a task on the given channel of a host object (waiting at most timeout seconds).\r
253                                  *\r
254                                  * \param channel       The channel where to put the task.\r
255                                  * \param rTask         A refercence to the task object containing the native task to\r
256                                  *                                      put on the channel specified by the parameter channel.\r
257                                  * \param timeout       The timeout in seconds.\r
258                                  *\r
259                                  * \return                      If successful the task is puted on the specified channel. Otherwise\r
260                                  *                                      the method throws one of the exceptions described below.\r
261                                  *\r
262                                  * \exception           [MsgException]                          if an internal error occurs.\r
263                                  *                                      [InvalidParameterException]     if the value of the channel specified as\r
264                                  *                                                                                              parameter is negative or if the timeout value\r
265                                  *                                                                                              is less than zero and différent of -1.\r
266                                  *\r
267                                  * \remark                      To specify no timeout set the timeout value with -1.0.\r
268                                  */\r
269                                 void put(int channel, Task task, double timeout) \r
270                                 throw(MsgException, InvalidParameterException);\r
271                                 \r
272                                 /* ! \brief Host::putBounded() - put a task on the given channel of a host object (capping the emission rate to maxrate).\r
273                                  *\r
274                                  * \param channel       The channel where to put the task.\r
275                                  * \param rTask         A refercence to the task object containing the native task to\r
276                                  *                                      put on the channel specified by the parameter channel.\r
277                                  * \param maxRate       The maximum rate.\r
278                                  *\r
279                                  * \return                      If successful the task is puted on the specified channel. Otherwise\r
280                                  *                                      the method throws one of the exceptions described below.\r
281                                  *\r
282                                  * \exception           [MsgException]                          if an internal error occurs.\r
283                                  *                                      [InvalidParameterException]     if the value of the channel specified as\r
284                                  *                                                                                              parameter is negative or if the maxRate parameter value\r
285                                  *                                                                                              is less than zero and différent of -1.0.\r
286                                  *\r
287                                  * \remark                      To specify no rate set the maxRate parameter value with -1.0.\r
288                                  */\r
289                                 void putBounded(int channel, const Task& rTask, double maxRate) \r
290                                 throw(MsgException, InvalidParameterException);\r
291                                 \r
292                                 /* ! brief Host::send() - sends the given task to mailbox identified by the default alias.\r
293                                  *\r
294                                  * \param rTask         A reference to the task object containing the native msg task to send.\r
295                                  *\r
296                                  * \return                      If successful the task is sended to the default mailbox. Otherwise the\r
297                                  *                                      method throws one of the exceptions described below.\r
298                                  *\r
299                                  * \exception           [BadAllocException]                     if there is not enough memory to allocate\r
300                                  *                                                                                              the default alias variable.\r
301                                  *                                      [MsgException]                          if an internal error occurs.\r
302                                  */\r
303                                 void send(const Task& rTask) \r
304                                 throw(BadAllocException, MsgException);\r
305                                 \r
306                                 /* ! brief Host::send() - sends the given task to mailbox identified by the specified alias parameter.\r
307                                  *\r
308                                  * \param rTask         A reference to the task object containing the native msg task to send.\r
309                                  * \param alias         The alias of the mailbox where to send the task.\r
310                                  *\r
311                                  * \return                      If successful the task is sended to the default mailbox. Otherwise the\r
312                                  *                                      method throws one of the exceptions described below.\r
313                                  *\r
314                                  * \exception           [InvalidParameterException]     if alias parameter is invalid (NULL).\r
315                                  *                                      [BadAllocException]                     if there is not enough memory to allocate\r
316                                  *                                                                                              the default alias variable.\r
317                                  *                                      [MsgException]                          if an internal error occurs.\r
318                                  */\r
319                                 void send(const char* alias, const Task& rTask) \r
320                                 throw(InvalidParameterException, BadAllocException, MsgException);\r
321                                 \r
322                                 /* ! brief Host::send() - sends the given task to mailbox identified by the default alias\r
323                                  *  (waiting at most timeout seconds).\r
324                                  *\r
325                                  * \param rTask         A reference to the task object containing the native msg task to send.\r
326                                  * \param timeout       The timeout value to wait for.\r
327                                  *\r
328                                  * \return                      If successful the task is sended to the default mailbox. Otherwise the\r
329                                  *                                      method throws one of the exceptions described below.\r
330                                  *\r
331                                  * \exception           [BadAllocException]                     if there is not enough memory to allocate\r
332                                  *                                                                                              the default alias variable.\r
333                                  *                                      [InvalidParameterException]     if the timeout value is negative and different of\r
334                                  *                                                                                              -1.0.                   \r
335                                  *                                      [MsgException]                          if an internal error occurs.\r
336                                  *\r
337                                  * \remark                      To specify no timeout set the timeout value with -1.0 or use the previous \r
338                                  *                                      version of this method.\r
339                                  *\r
340                                  */\r
341                                 void send(const Task& rTask, double timeout) \r
342                                 throw(NativeException);\r
343                                 \r
344                                 /* ! brief Host::send() - sends the given task to mailbox identified by the parameter alias\r
345                                  *  (waiting at most timeout seconds).\r
346                                  *\r
347                                  * \param alias         The alias of the mailbox to send the task.\r
348                                  * \param rTask         A reference to the task object containing the native msg task to send.\r
349                                  * \param timeout       The timeout value to wait for.\r
350                                  *\r
351                                  * \return                      If successful the task is sended to the default mailbox. Otherwise the\r
352                                  *                                      method throws one of the exceptions described below.\r
353                                  *\r
354                                  * \exception           [InvalidParameterException]     if the timeout value is negative and different of\r
355                                  *                                                                                              -1.0 or if the alias parameter is invalid (NULL).                       \r
356                                  *                                      [MsgException]                          if an internal error occurs.\r
357                                  *\r
358                                  * \remark                      To specify no timeout set the timeout value with -1.0 or use the previous \r
359                                  *                                      version of this method.\r
360                                  *\r
361                                  */\r
362                                 void send(const char* alias, const Task& rTask, double timeout) \r
363                                 throw(InvalidParameterException, MsgException);\r
364                                 \r
365                                 /* ! brief Host::sendBounded() - sends the given task to mailbox associated to the default alias\r
366                                  *  (capping the emission rate to maxRate).\r
367                                  *\r
368                                  * \param rTask         A reference to the task object containing the native msg task to send.\r
369                                  * \param maxRate       The maximum rate value.\r
370                                  *\r
371                                  * \return                      If successful the task is sended to the default mailbox. Otherwise the\r
372                                  *                                      method throws one of the exceptions described below.\r
373                                  *\r
374                                  * \exception           [InvalidParameterException]     if the maximum rate value is negative and different of\r
375                                  *                                                                                              -1.0.                   \r
376                                  *                                      [MsgException]                          if an internal error occurs.\r
377                                  *                                      [BadAllocException]                     if there is not enough memory to allocate\r
378                                  *                                                                                              the default alias variable.\r
379                                  *\r
380                                  * \remark                      To specify no rate set its value with -1.0.\r
381                                  *\r
382                                  */\r
383                                 void sendBounded(const Task& rTask, double maxRate) \r
384                                 throw(InvalidParameterException, BadAllocException, MsgException);\r
385                                 \r
386                                 /* ! brief Host::sendBounded() - sends the given task to mailbox identified by the parameter alias\r
387                                  *  (capping the emission rate to maxRate).\r
388                                  *\r
389                                  * \param alias         The alias of the mailbox where to send the task.\r
390                                  * \param rTask         A reference to the task object containing the native msg task to send.\r
391                                  * \param maxRate       The maximum rate value.\r
392                                  *\r
393                                  * \return                      If successful the task is sended to the default mailbox. Otherwise the\r
394                                  *                                      method throws one of the exceptions described below.\r
395                                  *\r
396                                  * \exception           [InvalidParameterException]     if the maximum rate value is negative and different of\r
397                                  *                                                                                              -1.0 or if the alias parameter is invalid (NULL).                       \r
398                                  *                                      [MsgException]                          if an internal error occurs.\r
399                                  *\r
400                                  * \remark                      To specify no rate set its value with -1.0.\r
401                                  *\r
402                                  */\r
403                                 void sendBounded(const char* alias, const Task& rTask, double maxRate) \r
404                                 throw(InvalidParameterException, MsgException);\r
405                         \r
406                         protected:\r
407                         // Attributes.\r
408                         \r
409                                 /**\r
410                                  * This attribute represents the msg native host object. \r
411                                  * It is set automaticatly during the call of the static \r
412                                  * method Host::getByName().\r
413                                  *\r
414                                  * \see                         Host::getByName().\r
415                                  */ \r
416                                 m_host_t nativeHost;\r
417                         \r
418                         private:\r
419                                 /**\r
420                                  * User host data. \r
421                                  */ \r
422                                 void* data;\r
423                 };\r
424                 \r
425                 typedef Host* HostPtr;\r
426         } // namespace Msg\r
427 } // namespace SimGrid\r
428 \r
429 #endif // !MSG_HOST_HPP