]> AND Public Git Repository - simgrid.git/blob - tools/jenkins/gfortran-simgrid.rc
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[simgrid.git] / tools / jenkins / gfortran-simgrid.rc
1 #This is the configuration file for the BigDFT installer
2 #This is a python script which is executed by the build suite
3 def getcwd():
4   import os
5   return os.getcwd()
6 prefix=getcwd()+"/install"
7 #Add the condition testing to run tests and includes PyYaml
8 conditions.add("testing")
9 conditions.add("simulation") #to include SimGrid compilation
10 #List the module the this rcfile will build
11 modules = ['spred',]
12 #example of the potentialities of the python syntax in this file
13 def env_configuration():
14     return """--host=x86_64-linux-gnu 'FCFLAGS=-O2 -std=legacy -fopenmp -g -fbounds-check -fbacktrace -ffpe-trap=invalid,zero,overflow,denormal -Wall -fPIC' 'CFLAGS=-O2 -fopenmp -fPIC' 'LDFLAGS=-fopenmp -fPIC' 'CXXFLAGS=-Wall -O2 -g -fPIC' LIBS='-lstdc++' --with-mpi3=false"""
16 #the following command sets the environment variable to give these settings
17 #to all the modules
18 import os
19 os.environ['BIGDFT_CONFIGURE_FLAGS']=env_configuration()
20 #here follow the configuration instructions for the modules built
21 #we specify the configurations for the modules to customize the options if needed
22 autogenargs=env_configuration()
23 module_autogenargs.update({
24 'futile': env_configuration()+
25     " --enable-simgrid-shared --with-mpi-libs='-lsimgrid' --with-mpi-include=-I"+getcwd()+"/install/include/smpi FC="+getcwd()+"/install/bin/smpif90 CC=gcc SIMGRID_FC="+getcwd()+"/install/bin/smpif90",
26 'bigdft': env_configuration()+
27     " --enable-simgrid-shared --with-mpi-libs='-lsimgrid' --with-mpi-include=-I"+getcwd()+"/install/include/smpi FC="+getcwd()+"/install/bin/smpif90 CC=gcc SIMGRID_FC="+getcwd()+"/install/bin/smpif90",
28 })
29 module_cmakeargs.update({
30 'ntpoly': "-DFORTRAN_ONLY=Yes -DCMAKE_Fortran_COMPILER="+getcwd()+"/install/bin/smpif90 -DCMAKE_Fortran_LINK_EXECUTABLE="+getcwd()+"/install/bin/smpif90 -DCMAKE_Fortran_FLAGS_RELEASE='-O3 -fPIC -g -fopenmp -std=legacy'"
31 })