3 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
7 rhugo,rwow,runiw,rcanny=[],[],[],[]
10 x = [4 , 5 , 6 , 7, 8 , 9 , 10, 11 , 12 , 13 , 14 , 15 , 16 ]
11 y = [21.8 , 28.4 , 35.4 , 42.5 , 50 , 57.7 , 65.6, 73.5 , 81.6 , 90 , 98.3 , 107.1 , 115.7]
12 yp = [ 2*l*m.log(2*l +8) for l in x]
15 pexp, = plt.plot(x,y,marker='o',label="L1",linestyle='None')
18 pd, = plt.plot(x,yp,marker=None,color='r',label="L1")
19 l1 = plt.legend([pexp,pd], ["experimental evaluation","2xln(2x+8)"], loc=0)
22 plt.savefig("complexity.eps")
25 n=np.linspace(512,4096,10)
26 phugo, = plt.plot(n,2*pow(n,2)*(343**2+np.log(n)),marker='o',label="L1")
27 pwow, = plt.plot(n,6*pow(n,4)*np.log(n)+pow(n,2),marker='v',label="L2")
28 pcanny, = plt.plot(n,pow(n,2)*(5**3+4*T+1),marker='x',label="L3")
30 plt.ylabel('nb. of primary operations')
31 plt.xlabel("nb of lines and of rows in each image")
32 #plt.legend(handles=[phugo], loc=1)
33 #plt.legend([phugo, pwow], ["Hugo", "Wow/Uniward"])
34 l1 = plt.legend([pwow,phugo,pcanny], ["Wow/Uniward","Hugo","Stabylo"], loc=0)
35 plt.gca().add_artist(l1)
36 #plt.gca().add_artist(l2)
37 #plt.gca().add_artist(l3)
38 plt.savefig("complexity.eps")