]> AND Private Git Repository - Cipher_code.git/blob - Chaotic_code/encryptionprocess2.m
Logo AND Algorithmique Numérique Distribuée

Private GIT Repository
adding of the chaotic cipher code
[Cipher_code.git] / Chaotic_code / encryptionprocess2.m
1 function eimg =encryptionprocess(img,h,RK,SubBytes,Pbox,r)\r
2 %%%%%%%%%%%%%% convert image to a vector seq\r
3 %seq=double(reshape(img,1,[]));\r
4 seq_bin=double(byte2bit(uint8(img))) ;\r
5 encr_seq_binary=zeros(1,length(seq_bin));\r
6 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% calculate the number of blocks%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%\r
7 nb= floor(length(seq_bin)/(8*h));\r
8 RK_bin=double(reshape(byte2bit(RK),r,[]));\r
9 Bin_Sbox  =double((Convert_Sbox_Bin(SubBytes)));\r
10 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%\r
11 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Applied the confusion process then the bits permutation for r rounds\r
12 for it=1:nb\r
13       temp=seq_bin((it-1)*8*h+1:it*8*h);\r
14     for itr=1:r\r
15         temp=bitxor(temp,RK_bin(itr,1:h*8));    \r
16         temp= (reshape(Bin_Sbox (double(bit2byte(temp))+1,:)',1,[]));\r
17         temp= temp(Pbox);\r
18     end\r
19     encr_seq_binary((it-1)*8*h+1:it*h*8)=temp;\r
20 end\r
21 \r
22 % Convert to Byte representation\r
23 \r
24 %valbin=reshape(valbin,Tb/8,8);\r
25 eimg=(bit2byte(  encr_seq_binary));