--- /dev/null
+#sh run_test.sh > execution.txt
+printf "16\t"; ./one_round_new nb10000000 lena0 ctr0 h4 sizebuf4; ./one_round_new nb10000000 lena0 ctr1 h4 sizebuf4
+printf "\n"
+printf "64\t"; ./one_round_new nb10000000 lena0 ctr0 h8 sizebuf8; ./one_round_new nb10000000 lena0 ctr1 h8 sizebuf8
+printf "\n"
+printf "256\t"; ./one_round_new nb1000000 lena0 ctr0 h16 sizebuf16; ./one_round_new nb1000000 lena0 ctr1 h16 sizebuf16
+printf "\n"
+printf "1024\t"; ./one_round_new nb1000000 lena0 ctr0 h32 sizebuf32; ./one_round_new nb1000000 lena0 ctr1 h32 sizebuf32
+printf "\n"
+printf "4096\t"; ./one_round_new nb100000 lena0 ctr0 h32 sizebuf64; ./one_round_new nb100000 lena0 ctr1 h32 sizebuf64
+printf "\n"
+printf "16384\t"; ./one_round_new nb100000 lena0 ctr0 h32 sizebuf128; ./one_round_new nb100000 lena0 ctr1 h32 sizebuf128
+printf "\n"
+printf "65536\t"; ./one_round_new nb10000 lena0 ctr0 h32 sizebuf256; ./one_round_new nb10000 lena0 ctr1 h32 sizebuf256
+printf "\n"
+printf "262144\t"; ./one_round_new nb1000 lena0 ctr0 h32 sizebuf512; ./one_round_new nb1000 lena0 ctr1 h32 sizebuf512
+printf "\n"
--- /dev/null
+# Analysis description
+set encoding iso_8859_1
+set terminal x11
+set size 1,0.5
+set term postscript enhanced portrait "Helvetica" 12
+set log x
+set log y
+set ylabel "bytes per second"
+set xlabel "buffer size"
+#set key on outside left bmargin
+plot 'execution.txt' using 1:2 t "encrypt CBC" with linespoints lt 1 lw 2 ps 0 pt 5,\
+ 'execution.txt' using 1:3 t "decrypt CBC" with linespoints lt 2 lw 2 ps 0 pt 1,\
+ 'execution.txt' using 1:4 t "(en|de)crypt CTR" with linespoints lt 3 lw 2 ps 0 pt 1
-#sh run_test.sh > test.txt
+#sh run_test.sh > execution.txt
printf "16\t"; ./openssl_evp nb10000000 lena0 ctr0 sizebuf4; ./openssl_evp nb10000000 lena0 ctr1 sizebuf4
printf "\n"
printf "\n"
printf "65536\t"; ./openssl_evp nb10000 lena0 ctr0 sizebuf256; ./openssl_evp nb10000 lena0 ctr1 sizebuf256
printf "\n"
+printf "262144\t"; ./openssl_evp nb1000 lena0 ctr0 sizebuf512; ./openssl_evp nb10000 lena0 ctr1 sizebuf512
+printf "\n"