+In this section we present some experimental results in order to study the influence of some parameters on the TSIRM algorithm. We conducted experiments on $16$ cores to solve 3D problems of size $200,000$ components per core. We solved nonlinear problems token from examples of PETSc. We fixed some parameters of the TSIRM algorithm as follows: the nonlinear systems are solved with a precision of $10^{-8}$, block Jacobi preconditioner is used, the tolerance threshold $\epsilon_{tsirm}$ is $10^{-8}$ , the maximum number of iterations $max\_iter_{tsirm}$ is set to $10,000$ iterations, the FGMRES method is used as the inner solver with a tolerance threshold $\epsilon_{kryl}=10^{-10}$ and the least-squares problem is solved with a precision $\epsilon_{ls}=10^{-40}$ in the minimization process.\r