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24 \title{Parallel sparse linear solver with GMRES method using minimization techniques of communications for GPU clusters}
27 \textsc{Jacques M. Bahi}
29 \textsc{Rapha\"el Couturier}\thanks{Contact author}
31 \textsc{Lilia Ziane Khodja}
34 FEMTO-ST Institute, University of Franche-Comte\\
35 IUT Belfort-Montb\'eliard\\
36 Rue Engel Gros, BP 527, 90016 Belfort, \underline{France}\\
39 \{\texttt{jacques.bahi},~\texttt{raphael.couturier},~\texttt{lilia.ziane\_khoja}\}\texttt{@univ-fcomte.fr}
47 In this paper, we aim at exploiting the power computing of a GPU cluster for solving large sparse
48 linear systems. We implement the parallel algorithm of the GMRES iterative method using the CUDA
49 programming language and the MPI parallel environment. The experiments shows that a GPU cluster
50 is more efficient than a CPU cluster. In order to optimize the performances, we use a compressed
51 storage format for the sparse vectors and the hypergraph partitioning. These solutions improve
52 the spatial and temporal localization of the shared data between the computing nodes of the GPU
58 %%--------------------%%
60 %%--------------------%%
61 \section{Introduction}
63 Large sparse linear systems arise in most numerical scientific or industrial simulations.
64 They model numerous complex problems in different areas of applications such as mathematics,
65 engineering, biology or physics~\cite{ref18}. However, solving these systems of equations is
66 often an expensive operation in terms of execution time and memory space consumption. Indeed,
67 the linear systems arising in most applications are very large and have many zero
68 coefficients, and this sparse nature leads to irregular accesses to load the nonzero coefficients
71 Parallel computing has become a key issue for solving sparse linear systems of large sizes.
72 This is due to the computing power and the storage capacity of the current parallel computers as
73 well as the availability of different parallel programming languages and environments such as the
74 MPI communication standard. Nowadays, graphics processing units (GPUs) are the most commonly used
75 hardware accelerators in high performance computing. They are equipped with a massively parallel
76 architecture allowing them to compute faster than CPUs. However, the parallel computers equipped
77 with GPUs introduce new programming difficulties to adapt parallel algorithms to their architectures.
79 In this paper, we use the GMRES iterative method for solving large sparse linear systems on a cluster
80 of GPUs. The parallel algorithm of this method is implemented using the CUDA programming language for
81 the GPUs and the MPI parallel environment to distribute the computations between the different GPU nodes
82 of the cluster. Particularly, we focus on improving the performances of the parallel sparse matrix-vector
83 multiplication. Indeed, this operation is not only very time-consuming but it also requires communications
84 between the GPU nodes. These communications are needed to build the global vector involved in
85 the parallel sparse matrix-vector multiplication. It should be noted that a communication between two
86 GPU nodes involves data transfers between the GPU and CPU memories in the same node and the MPI communications
87 between the CPUs of the GPU nodes. For performance purposes, we propose to use a compressed storage
88 format to reduce the size of the vectors to be exchanged between the GPU nodes and a hypergraph partitioning
89 of the sparse matrix to reduce the total communication volume.
91 The present paper is organized as follows. In Section~\ref{sec:02} some previous works about solving
92 sparse linear systems on GPUs are presented. In Section~\ref{sec:03} is given a general overview of the GPU architectures,
93 followed by that the GMRES method in Section~\ref{sec:04}. In Section~\ref{sec:05} the main key points
94 of the parallel implementation of the GMRES method on a GPU cluster are described. Finally, in Section~\ref{sec:06}
95 is presented the performance improvements of the parallel GMRES algorithm on a GPU cluster.
98 %%--------------------%%
100 %%--------------------%%
101 \section{Related work}
103 Numerous works have shown the efficiency of GPUs for solving sparse linear systems compared
104 to their CPUs counterpart. Different iterative methods are implemented on one GPU, for example
105 Jacobi and Gauss-Seidel in~\cite{refa}, conjugate and biconjugate gradients in~\cite{refd,refe,reff,refj}
106 and GMRES in~\cite{refb,refc,refg,refm}. In addition, some iterative methods are implemented on
107 shared memory multi-GPUs machines as~\cite{refh,refi,refk,refl}. A limited set of studies are
108 devoted to the parallel implementation of the iterative methods on distributed memory GPU clusters
109 as~\cite{refn,refo,refp}.
111 Traditionally, the parallel iterative algorithms do not often scale well on GPU clusters due to
112 the significant cost of the communications between the computing nodes. Some authors have already
113 studied how to reduce these communications. In~\cite{cev10}, the authors used a hypergraph partitioning
114 as a preprocessing to the parallel conjugate gradient algorithm in order to reduce the inter-GPU
115 communications over a GPU cluster. The sequential hypergraph partitioning method provided by the
116 PaToH tool~\cite{Cata99} is used because of the small sizes of the sparse symmetric linear systems
117 to be solved. In~\cite{refq}, a compression and decompression technique is proposed to reduce the
118 communication overheads. This technique is performed on the shared vectors to be exchanged between
119 the computing nodes. In~\cite{refr}, the authors studied the impact of asynchronism on parallel
120 iterative algorithms on local GPU clusters. Asynchronous communication primitives suppress some
121 synchronization barriers and allow overlap of communication and computation. In~\cite{refs}, a
122 communication reduction method is used for implementing finite element methods (FEM) on GPU clusters.
123 This method firstly uses the Reverse Cuthill-McKee reordering to reduce the total communication
124 volume. In addition, the performances of the parallel FEM algorithm are improved by overlapping
125 the communication with computation.
128 %%--------------------%%
130 %%--------------------%%
131 \section{{GPU} architectures}
133 A GPU (Graphics processing unit) is a hardware accelerator for high performance computing.
134 Its hardware architecture is composed of hundreds of cores organized in several blocks called
135 \emph{streaming multiprocessors}. It is also equipped with a memory hierarchy. It has a set
136 of registers and a private read-write \emph{local memory} per core, a fast \emph{shared memory},
137 read-only \emph{constant} and \emph{texture} caches per multiprocessor and a read-write
138 \emph{global memory} shared by all its multiprocessors. The new architectures (Fermi, Kepler,
139 etc) have also L1 and L2 caches to improve the accesses to the global memory.
141 NVIDIA has released the CUDA platform (Compute Unified Device Architecture)~\cite{Nvi10}
142 which provides a high level GPGPU-based programming language (General-Purpose computing
143 on GPUs), allowing to program GPUs for general purpose computations. In CUDA programming
144 environment, all data-parallel and compute intensive portions of an application running
145 on the CPU are off-loaded onto the GPU. Indeed, an application developed in CUDA is a
146 program written in C language (or Fortran) with a minimal set of extensions to define
147 the parallel functions to be executed by the GPU, called \emph{kernels}. We define kernels,
148 as separate functions from those of the CPU, by assigning them a function type qualifiers
149 \verb+__global__+ or \verb+__device__+.
151 At the GPU level, the same kernel is executed by a large number of parallel CUDA threads
152 grouped together as a grid of thread blocks. Each multiprocessor of the GPU executes one
153 or more thread blocks in SIMD fashion (Single Instruction, Multiple Data) and in turn each
154 core of a GPU multiprocessor runs one or more threads within a block in SIMT fashion (Single
155 Instruction, Multiple threads). In order to maximize the occupation of the GPU cores, the
156 number of CUDA threads to be involved in a kernel execution is computed according to the
157 size of the problem to be solved. In contrast, the block size is restricted by the limited
158 memory resources of a core. On current GPUs, a thread block may contain up-to $1,024$ concurrent
159 threads. At any given clock cycle, the threads execute the same instruction of a kernel,
160 but each of them operates on different data. Moreover, threads within a block can cooperate
161 by sharing data through the fast shared memory and coordinate their execution through
162 synchronization points. In contrast, within a grid of thread blocks, there is no synchronization
163 at all between blocks.
165 GPUs only work on data filled in their global memory and the final results of their kernel
166 executions must be communicated to their hosts (CPUs). Hence, the data must be transferred
167 \emph{in} and \emph{out} of the GPU. However, the speed of memory copy between the CPU and
168 the GPU is slower than the memory copy speed of GPUs. Accordingly, it is necessary to limit
169 the transfer of data between the GPU and its host.
172 %%--------------------%%
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175 \section{{GMRES} method}
177 The generalized minimal residual method (GMRES) is an iterative method designed by Saad
178 and Schultz in 1986~\cite{Saa86}. It is a generalization of the minimal residual method
179 (MNRES)~\cite{Pai75} to deal with asymmetric and non Hermitian problems and indefinite
182 Let us consider the following sparse linear system of $n$ equations:
187 where $A\in\mathbb{R}^{n\times n}$ is a sparse square and nonsingular matrix, $x\in\mathbb{R}^n$
188 is the solution vector and $b\in\mathbb{R}^n$ is the right-hand side vector. The main idea of
189 the GMRES method is to find a sequence of solutions $\{x_k\}_{k\in\mathbb{N}}$ which minimizes at
190 best the residual $r_k=b-Ax_k$. The solution $x_k$ is computed in a Krylov sub-space $\mathcal{K}_k(A,v_1)$:
193 \mathcal{K}_{k}(A,v_{1}) \equiv \text{span}\{v_{1}, Av_{1}, A^{2}v_{1},..., A^{k-1}v_{1}\}, & v_{1}=\frac{r_{0}}{\|r_{0}\|_{2}},
196 such that the Petrov-Galerkin condition is satisfied:
198 r_{k} \perp A\mathcal{K}_{k}(A, v_{1}).
200 The GMRES method uses the Arnoldi method~\cite{Arn51} to build an orthonormal basis $V_k$
201 and a Hessenberg upper matrix $\bar{H}_k$ of order $(k+1)\times k$:
204 V_{k}=\{v_{1},v_{2},...,v_{k}\}, & \text{such that} & \forall k>1, v_{k}=A^{k-1}v_{1},
209 AV_{k} = V_{k+1}\bar{H}_{k}.
212 Then at each iteration $k$, a solution $x_k$ is computed in the Krylov sub-space $\mathcal{K}_{k}$
213 spanned by $V_k$ as follows:
216 x_{k} = x_{0} + V_{k}y, & y\in\mathbb{R}^{k}.
220 From both equations~(\ref{eq:02}) and~(\ref{eq:03}), we can deduce:
223 r_{k} & = & b - A (x_{0} + V_{k}y) \\
224 & = & r_{0} - AV_{k}y \\
225 & = & \beta v_{1} - V_{k+1}\bar{H}_{k}y \\
226 & = & V_{k+1}(\beta e_{1} - \bar{H}_{k}y),
229 where $\beta=\|r_{0}\|_{2}$ and $e_{1}=(1,0,...,0)$ is the first vector of the canonical basis of
230 $\mathbb{R}^{k}$. The vector $y$ is computed in $\mathbb{R}^{k}$ so as to minimize at best the Euclidean
231 norm of the residual $r_{k}$. This means that the following least-squares problem of size $k$ must
234 \underset{y\in\mathbb{R}^{k}}{min}\|r_{k}\|_{2}=\underset{y\in\mathbb{R}^{k}}{min}\|\beta e_{1}-\bar{H}_{k}y\|_{2}.
236 The solution of this problem is computed thanks to the QR factorization of the Hessenberg matrix
237 $\bar{H}_{k}$ by using the Givens rotations~\cite{Saa03,Saa86} such that:
240 \bar{H}_{k}=Q_{k}R_{k}, & Q_{k}\in\mathbb{R}^{(k+1)\times (k+1)}, & R_{k}\in\mathbb{R}^{(k+1)\times k},
243 where $Q_{k}Q_{k}^{T}=I_{k}$ and $R_{k}$ is a upper triangular matrix.
245 The GMRES method finds a solution at most after $n$ iterations. So, the Krylov sub-space dimension
246 can increase up-to the large size $n$ of the linear system. Then in order to avoid a large storage
247 of the orthonormal basis $V_{k}$, the Arnoldi process is restricted at $m\ll n$ iterations and restarted
248 with the last iterate $x_{m}$ as an initial guess to the next iteration. Moreover, GMRES sometimes
249 does not converge or takes too many iterations to satisfy the convergence criteria. Therefore, in
250 most cases, GMRES must contain a preconditioning step to improve its convergence. The preconditioning
251 technique replaces the system~(\ref{eq:01}) with the modified systems:
252 \begin{equation}M^{-1}Ax=M^{-1}b.\end{equation}
254 Algorithm~\ref{alg:01} illustrates the main key points of the GMRES method with restarts.
255 The linear system to be solved in this algorithm is left-preconditioned where $M$ is the preconditioning
256 matrix. At each iteration $k$, the Arnoldi process is used (from line~$7$ to line~$17$ of algorithm~\ref{alg:01})
257 to construct an orthonormal basis $V_m$ and a Hessenberg matrix $\bar{H}_m$ of order $(m+1)\times m$.
258 Then, the least-squares problem is solved (line~$18$) to find the vector $y\in\mathbb{R}^m$ which minimizes
259 the residual. Finally, the solution $x_m$ is computed in the Krylov sub-space spanned by $V_m$ (line~$19$).
260 In practice, the GMRES algorithm stops when the Euclidean norm of the residual is small enough and/or
261 the maximum number of iterations is reached.
263 \begin{algorithm}[!h]
265 \Entree{$A$ (matrix), $b$ (vector), $M$ (preconditioning matrix),
266 $x_{0}$ (initial guess), $\varepsilon$ (tolerance threshold), $max$ (maximum number of iterations),
267 $m$ (number of iterations of the Arnoldi process)}
268 \Sortie{$x$ (solution vector)}
270 $r_{0} \leftarrow M^{-1}(b - Ax_{0})$\;
271 $\beta \leftarrow \|r_{0}\|_{2}$\;
272 $\alpha \leftarrow \|M^{-1}b\|_{2}$\;
273 $convergence \leftarrow false$\;
276 \While{$(\neg convergence)$}{
277 $v_{1} \leftarrow r_{0} / \beta$\;
278 \For{$j=1$ {\bf to} $m$}{
279 $w_{j} \leftarrow M^{-1}Av_{j}$\;
280 \For{$i=1$ {\bf to} $j$}{
281 $h_{i,j} \leftarrow (w_{j},v_{i})$\;
282 $w_{j} \leftarrow w_{j} - h_{i,j} \times v_{i}$\;
284 $h_{j+1,j} \leftarrow \|w_{j}\|_{2}$\;
285 $v_{j+1} \leftarrow w_{j} / h_{j+1,j}$\;
288 Put $V_{m}=\{v_{j}\}_{1\leq j \leq m}$ and $\bar{H}_{m}=(h_{i,j})$ Hessenberg matrix of order $(m+1)\times m$\;
289 Solve the least-squares problem of size $m$: $\underset{y\in\mathbb{R}^{m}}{min}\|\beta e_{1}-\bar{H}_{m}y\|_{2}$\;
291 $x_{m} \leftarrow x_{0} + V_{m}y$\;
292 $r_{m} \leftarrow M^{-1}(b-Ax_{m})$\;
293 $\beta \leftarrow \|r_{m}\|_{2}$\;
295 \eIf{$(\frac{\beta}{\alpha}<\varepsilon)$ {\bf or} $(k\geq max)$}{
296 $convergence \leftarrow true$\;
298 $x_{0} \leftarrow x_{m}$\;
299 $r_{0} \leftarrow r_{m}$\;
300 $k \leftarrow k + 1$\;
303 \caption{Left-preconditioned GMRES algorithm with restarts}
309 %%--------------------%%
311 %%--------------------%%
312 \section{Parallel GMRES method on {GPU} clusters}
315 \subsection{Parallel implementation on a GPU cluster}
317 The implementation of the GMRES algorithm on a GPU cluster is performed by using
318 a parallel heterogeneous programming. We use the programming language CUDA for the
319 GPUs and the parallel environment MPI for the distribution of the computations between
320 the GPU computing nodes. In this work, a GPU computing node is composed of a GPU and
321 a CPU core managed by a MPI process.
323 Let us consider a cluster composed of $p$ GPU computing nodes. First, the sparse linear
324 system~(\ref{eq:01}) is split into $p$ sub-linear systems, each is attributed to a GPU
325 computing node. We partition row-by-row the sparse matrix $A$ and both vectors $x$ and
326 $b$ in $p$ parts (see Figure~\ref{fig:01}). The data issued from the partitioning operation
327 are off-loaded on the GPU global memories to be proceeded by the GPUs. Then, all the
328 computing nodes of the GPU cluster execute the same GMRES iterative algorithm but on
329 different data. Finally, the GPU computing nodes synchronize their computations by using
330 MPI communication routines to solve the global sparse linear system. In what follows,
331 the computing nodes sharing data are called the neighboring nodes.
335 \includegraphics[width=80mm,keepaspectratio]{Figures/partition}
336 \caption{Data partitioning of the sparse matrix $A$, the solution vector $x$ and the right-hand side $b$ in $4$ partitions}
340 In order to exploit the computing power of the GPUs, we have to execute maximum computations
341 on GPUs to avoid the data transfers between the GPU and its host (CPU), and to maximize the
342 GPU cores utilization to hide global memory access latency. The implementation of the GMRES
343 algorithm is performed by executing the functions operating on vectors and matrices as kernels
344 on GPUs. These operations are often easy to parallelize and more efficient on parallel architectures
345 when they operate on large vectors. We use the fastest routines of the CUBLAS library
346 (CUDA Basic Linear Algebra Subroutines) to implement the dot product (\verb+cublasDdot()+),
347 the Euclidean norm (\verb+cublasDnrm2()+) and the AXPY operation (\verb+cublasDaxpy()+).
348 In addition, we have coded in CUDA a kernel for the scalar-vector product (lines~$7$ and~$15$
349 of Algorithm~\ref{alg:01}), a kernel for solving the least-squares problem (line~$18$) and a
350 kernel for solution vector updates (line~$19$).
352 The solution of the least-squares problem in the GMRES algorithm is based on:
354 \item a QR factorization of the Hessenberg matrix $\bar{H}$ by using plane rotations and,
355 \item backward-substitution method to compute the vector $y$ minimizing the residual.
357 This operation is not easy to parallelize and it is not interesting to implement it on GPUs.
358 However, the size $m$ of the linear least-squares problem to solve in the GMRES method with
359 restarts is very small. So, this problem is solved in sequential by one GPU thread.
361 The most important operation in the GMRES method is the sparse matrix-vector multiplication.
362 It is quite expensive for large size matrices in terms of execution time and memory space. In
363 addition, it performs irregular memory accesses to read the nonzero values of the sparse matrix,
364 implying non coalescent accesses to the GPU global memory which slow down the performances of
365 the GPUs. So we use the HYB kernel developed and optimized by Nvidia~\cite{CUSP} which gives on
366 average the best performance in sparse matrix-vector multiplications on GPUs~\cite{Bel09}. The
367 HYB (Hybrid) storage format is the combination of two sparse storage formats: Ellpack format
368 (ELL) and Coordinate format (COO). It stores a typical number of nonzero values per row in ELL
369 format and remaining entries of exceptional rows in COO format. It combines the efficiency of
370 ELL, due to the regularity of its memory accessing and the flexibility of COO which is insensitive
371 to the matrix structure.
373 In the parallel GMRES algorithm, the GPU computing nodes must exchange between them their shared data in
374 order to construct the global vector necessary to compute the parallel sparse matrix-vector
375 multiplication (SpMV). In fact, each computing node has locally the vector elements corresponding
376 to the rows of its sparse sub-matrix and, in order to compute its part of the SpMV, it also
377 requires the vector elements of its neighboring nodes corresponding to the column indices in
378 which its local sub-matrix has nonzero values. Consequently, each computing node manages a global
379 vector composed of a local vector of size $\frac{n}{p}$ and a shared vector of size $S$:
381 S = bw - \frac{n}{p},
384 where $\frac{n}{p}$ is the size of the local vector and $bw$ is the bandwidth of the local sparse
385 sub-matrix which represents the number of columns between the minimum and the maximum column indices
386 (see Figure~\ref{fig:01}). In order to improve memory accesses, we use the texture memory to
387 cache elements of the global vector.
389 On a GPU cluster, the exchanges of the shared vectors elements between the neighboring nodes are
390 performed as follows:
392 \item at the level of the sending node: data transfers of the shared data from the GPU global memory
393 to the CPU memory by using the CUBLAS communication routine \verb+cublasGetVector()+,
394 \item data exchanges between the CPUs by the MPI communication routine \verb+MPI_Alltoallv()+ and,
395 \item at the level of the receiving node: data transfers of the received shared data from the CPU
396 memory to the GPU global memory by using CUBLAS communication routine \verb+cublasSetVector()+.
399 \subsection{Experimentations}
401 The experiments are done on a cluster composed of six machines interconnected by an Infiniband network
402 of $20$~GB/s. Each machine is a Xeon E5530 Quad-Core running at $2.4$~GHz. It provides $12$~GB of RAM
403 memory with a memory bandwidth of $25.6$~GB/s and it is equipped with two Tesla C1060 GPUs. Each GPU
404 is composed of $240$ cores running at $1.3$ GHz and has $4$~GB of global memory with a memory bandwidth
405 of $102$~GB/s. The GPU is connected to the CPU via a PCI-Express 16x Gen2.0 with a throughput of $8$~GB/s.
406 Figure~\ref{fig:02} shows the general scheme of the GPU cluster.
410 \includegraphics[width=80mm,keepaspectratio]{Figures/clusterGPU}
411 \caption{A cluster composed of six machines, each equipped with two Tesla C1060 GPUs}
415 Linux cluster version 2.6.18 OS is installed on the six machines. The C programming language is used for
416 coding the GMRES algorithm on both the CPU and the GPU versions. CUDA version 4.0~\cite{ref19} is used for programming
417 the GPUs, using CUBLAS library~\cite{ref37} to deal with the functions operating on vectors. Finally, MPI routines
418 of OpenMPI 1.3.3 are used to carry out the communication between the CPU cores.
420 The experiments are done on linear systems associated to sparse matrices chosen from the Davis collection of the
421 university of Florida~\cite{Dav97}. They are matrices arising in real-world applications. Table~\ref{tab:01} shows
422 the main characteristics of these sparse matrices and Figure~\ref{fig:03} shows their sparse structures. For
423 each matrix, we give the number of rows (column~$3$ in Table~\ref{tab:01}), the number of nonzero values (column~$4$)
424 and the bandwidth (column~$5$).
428 \begin{tabular}{|c|c|r|r|r|}
430 Matrix type & Name & \# Rows & \# Nonzeros & Bandwidth \\\hline \hline
431 \multirow{6}{*}{Symmetric} & 2cubes\_sphere & 101 492 & 1 647 264 & 100 464 \\
432 & ecology2 & 999 999 & 4 995 991 & 2 001 \\
433 & finan512 & 74 752 & 596 992 & 74 725 \\
434 & G3\_circuit & 1 585 478 & 7 660 826 & 1 219 059 \\
435 & shallow\_water2 & 81 920 & 327 680 & 58 710 \\
436 & thermal2 & 1 228 045 & 8 580 313 & 1 226 629 \\ \hline \hline
437 \multirow{6}{*}{Asymmetric} & cage13 & 445 315 & 7 479 343 & 318 788 \\
438 & crashbasis & 160 000 & 1 750 416 & 120 202 \\
439 & FEM\_3D\_thermal2 & 147 900 & 3 489 300 & 117 827 \\
440 & language & 399 130 & 1 216 334 & 398 622 \\
441 & poli\_large & 15 575 & 33 074 & 15 575 \\
442 & torso3 & 259 156 & 4 429 042 & 216 854 \\ \hline
444 \caption{Main characteristics of the sparse matrices chosen from the Davis collection}
451 \includegraphics[width=120mm,keepaspectratio]{Figures/matrices}
452 \caption{Structures of the sparse matrices chosen from the Davis collection}
456 All the experiments are performed on double-precision data. The parameters of the parallel
457 GMRES algorithm are as follows: the tolerance threshold $\varepsilon=10^{-12}$, the maximum
458 number of iterations $max=500$, the Arnoldi process is limited to $m=16$ iterations, the elements
459 of the guess solution $x_0$ is initialized to $0$ and those of the right-hand side vector are
460 initialized to $1$. For simplicity sake, we chose the matrix preconditioning $M$ as the
461 main diagonal of the sparse matrix $A$. Indeed, it allows us to easily compute the required inverse
462 matrix $M^{-1}$ and it provides relatively good preconditioning in most cases. Finally, we set
463 the size of a thread-block in GPUs to $512$ threads.
467 \begin{tabular}{|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|}
469 Matrix & $Time_{cpu}$ & $Time_{gpu}$ & $\tau$ & \# $iter$ & $prec$ & $\Delta$ \\ \hline \hline
470 2cubes\_sphere & 0.234 s & 0.124 s & 1.88 & 21 & 2.10e-14 & 3.47e-18 \\
471 ecology2 & 0.076 s & 0.035 s & 2.15 & 21 & 4.30e-13 & 4.38e-15 \\
472 finan512 & 0.073 s & 0.052 s & 1.40 & 17 & 3.21e-12 & 5.00e-16 \\
473 G3\_circuit & 1.016 s & 0.649 s & 1.56 & 22 & 1.04e-12 & 2.00e-15 \\
474 shallow\_water2 & 0.061 s & 0.044 s & 1.38 & 17 & 5.42e-22 & 2.71e-25 \\
475 thermal2 & 1.666 s & 0.880 s & 1.89 & 21 & 6.58e-12 & 2.77e-16 \\ \hline \hline
476 cage13 & 0.721 s & 0.338 s & 2.13 & 26 & 3.37e-11 & 2.66e-15 \\
477 crashbasis & 1.349 s & 0.830 s & 1.62 & 121 & 9.10e-12 & 6.90e-12 \\
478 FEM\_3D\_thermal2 & 0.797 s & 0.419 s & 1.90 & 64 & 3.87e-09 & 9.09e-13 \\
479 language & 2.252 s & 1.204 s & 1.87 & 90 & 1.18e-10 & 8.00e-11 \\
480 poli\_large & 0.097 s & 0.095 s & 1.02 & 69 & 4.98e-11 & 1.14e-12 \\
481 torso3 & 4.242 s & 2.030 s & 2.09 & 175 & 2.69e-10 & 1.78e-14 \\ \hline
483 \caption{Performances of the parallel GMRES algorithm on a cluster of 24 CPU cores vs. a cluster of 12 GPUs}
488 In Table~\ref{tab:02}, we give the performances of the parallel GMRES algorithm for solving the linear
489 systems associated to the sparse matrices shown in Table~\ref{tab:01}. The second and third columns show
490 the execution times in seconds obtained on a cluster of 24 CPU cores and on a cluster of 12 GPUs, respectively.
491 The fourth column shows the ratio $\tau$ between the CPU time $Time_{cpu}$ and the GPU time $Time_{gpu}$ that
492 is computed as follows:
494 \tau = \frac{Time_{cpu}}{Time_{gpu}}.
496 From these ratios, we can notice that the use of many GPUs is not interesting to solve small sparse linear
497 systems. Solving these sparse linear systems on a cluster of 12 GPUs is as fast as on a cluster of 24 CPU
498 cores. Indeed, the small sizes of the sparse matrices do not allow to maximize the utilization of the GPU
499 cores of the cluster. The fifth, sixth and seventh columns show, respectively, the number of iterations performed
500 by the parallel GMRES algorithm to converge, the precision of the solution, $prec$, computed on the GPU
501 cluster and the difference, $\Delta$, between the solutions computed on the GPU and the GPU clusters. The
502 last two parameters are used to validate the results obtained on the GPU cluster and they are computed as
506 prec = \|M^{-1}(b-Ax^{gpu})\|_{\infty}, \\
507 \Delta = \|x^{cpu}-x^{gpu}\|_{\infty},
510 where $x^{cpu}$ and $x^{gpu}$ are the solutions computed, respectively, on the CPU cluster and on the GPU cluster.
511 We can see that the precision of the solutions computed on the GPU cluster are sufficient, they are about $10^{-10}$,
512 and the parallel GMRES algorithm computes almost the same solutions in both CPU and GPU clusters, with $\Delta$ varying
513 from $10^{-11}$ to $10^{-25}$.
515 Afterwards, we evaluate the performances of the parallel GMRES algorithm for solving large linear systems. We have
516 developed in C programming language a generator of large sparse matrices having a band structure which arises
517 in most numerical problems. This generator uses the sparse matrices of the Davis collection as the initial
518 matrices to build the large band matrices. It is executed in parallel by all the MPI processes of the cluster
519 so that each process constructs its own sub-matrix as a rectangular block of the global sparse matrix. Each process
520 $i$ computes the size $n_i$ and the offset $offset_i$ of its sub-matrix in the global sparse matrix according to the
521 size $n$ of the linear system to be solved and the number of the GPU computing nodes $p$ as follows:
529 offset_{i-1}+n_{i-1}\mbox{~otherwise.}
533 So each process $i$ performs several copies of the same initial matrix chosen from the Davis collection and it
534 puts all these copies on the main diagonal of the global matrix in order to construct a band matrix. Moreover,
535 it fulfills the empty spaces between two successive copies by small copies, \textit{lower\_copy} and \textit{upper\_copy},
536 of the same initial matrix. Figure~\ref{fig:04} shows a generation of a sparse bended matrix by four computing nodes.
540 \includegraphics[width=100mm,keepaspectratio]{Figures/generation}
541 \caption{Example of the generation of a large sparse and band matrix by four computing nodes.}
545 Table~\ref{tab:03} shows the main characteristics (the number of nonzero values and the bandwidth) of the
546 large sparse matrices generated from those of the Davis collection. These matrices are associated to the
547 linear systems of 25 million of unknown values (each generated sparse matrix has 25 million rows). In Table~\ref{tab:04}
548 we show the performances of the parallel GMRES algorithm for solving large linear systems associated to the
549 sparse band matrices of Table~\ref{tab:03}. The fourth column gives the ratio between the execution time
550 spent on a cluster of 24 CPU cores and that spent on a cluster of 12 GPUs. We can notice from these ratios
551 that for solving large sparse matrices the GPU cluster is more efficient (about 5 times faster) than the CPU
552 cluster. The computing power of the GPUs allows to accelerate the computation of the functions operating
553 on large vectors of the parallel GMRES algorithm.
557 \begin{tabular}{|c|c|r|r|}
559 Matrix type & Name & \# nonzeros & Bandwidth \\ \hline \hline
560 \multirow{6}{*}{Symmetric} & 2cubes\_sphere & 413 703 602 & 198 836 \\
561 & ecology2 & 124 948 019 & 2 002 \\
562 & finan512 & 278 175 945 & 123 900 \\
563 & G3\_circuit & 125 262 292 & 1 891 887 \\
564 & shallow\_water2 & 100 235 292 & 62 806 \\
565 & thermal2 & 175 300 284 & 2 421 285 \\ \hline \hline
566 \multirow{6}{*}{Asymmetric} & cage13 & 435 770 480 & 352 566 \\
567 & crashbasis & 409 291 236 & 200 203 \\
568 & FEM\_3D\_thermal2 & 595 266 787 & 206 029 \\
569 & language & 76 912 824 & 398 626 \\
570 & poli\_large & 53 322 580 & 15 576 \\
571 & torso3 & 433 795 264 & 328 757 \\ \hline
573 \caption{Main characteristics of the sparse and band matrices generated from the sparse matrices of the Davis collection.}
581 \begin{tabular}{|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|}
583 Matrix & $Time_{cpu}$ & $Time_{gpu}$ & $\tau$ & \# $iter$& $prec$ & $\Delta$ \\ \hline \hline
584 2cubes\_sphere & 3.683 s & 0.870 s & 4.23 & 21 & 2.11e-14 & 8.67e-18 \\
585 ecology2 & 2.570 s & 0.424 s & 6.06 & 21 & 4.88e-13 & 2.08e-14 \\
586 finan512 & 2.727 s & 0.533 s & 5.11 & 17 & 3.22e-12 & 8.82e-14 \\
587 G3\_circuit & 4.656 s & 1.024 s & 4.54 & 22 & 1.04e-12 & 5.00e-15 \\
588 shallow\_water2 & 2.268 s & 0.384 s & 5.91 & 17 & 5.54e-21 & 7.92e-24 \\
589 thermal2 & 4.650 s & 1.130 s & 4.11 & 21 & 8.89e-12 & 3.33e-16 \\ \hline \hline
590 cage13 & 6.068 s & 1.054 s & 5.75 & 26 & 3.29e-11 & 1.59e-14 \\
591 crashbasis & 25.906 s & 4.569 s & 5.67 & 135 & 6.81e-11 & 4.61e-15 \\
592 FEM\_3D\_thermal2 & 13.555 s & 2.654 s & 5.11 & 64 & 3.88e-09 & 1.82e-12 \\
593 language & 13.538 s & 2.621 s & 5.16 & 89 & 2.11e-10 & 1.60e-10 \\
594 poli\_large & 8.619 s & 1.474 s & 5.85 & 69 & 5.05e-11 & 6.59e-12 \\
595 torso3 & 35.213 s & 6.763 s & 5.21 & 175 & 2.69e-10 & 2.66e-14 \\ \hline
597 \caption{Performances of the parallel GMRES algorithm for solving large sparse linear systems associated
598 to band matrices on a cluster of 24 CPU cores vs. a cluster of 12 GPUs.}
604 %%--------------------%%
606 %%--------------------%%
607 \section{Minimization of communications}
609 The parallel sparse matrix-vector multiplication requires data exchanges between the GPU computing nodes
610 to construct the global vector. However, a GPU cluster requires communications between the GPU nodes and the
611 data transfers between the GPUs and their hosts CPUs. In fact, a communication between two GPU nodes implies:
612 a data transfer from the GPU memory to the CPU memory at the sending node, a MPI communication between the CPUs
613 of two GPU nodes, and a data transfer from the CPU memory to the GPU memory at the receiving node. Moreover,
614 the data transfers between a GPU and a CPU are considered as the most expensive communications on a GPU cluster.
615 For example in our GPU cluster, the data throughput between a GPU and a CPU is of 8 GB/s which is about twice
616 lower than the data transfer rate between CPUs (20 GB/s) and 12 times lower than the memory bandwidth of the
617 GPU global memory (102 GB/s). In this section, we propose two solutions to improve the execution time of the
618 parallel GMRES algorithm on GPU clusters.
620 \subsection{Compressed storage format of the sparse vectors}
622 In Section~\ref{sec:05.01}, the SpMV multiplication uses a global vector having a size equivalent to the matrix
623 bandwidth (see Formula~\ref{eq:11}). However, we can notice that a SpMV multiplication does not often need all
624 the vector elements of the global vector composed of the local and shared sub-vectors. For example in Figure~\ref{fig:01},
625 node 1 only needs a single vector element from node 0 (element 1), two elements from node 2 (elements 8
626 and 9) and two elements from node 3 (elements 13 and 14). Therefore to reduce the communication overheads
627 of the unused vector elements, the GPU computing nodes must exchange between them only the vector elements necessary
628 to perform their local sparse matrix-vector multiplications.
632 \includegraphics[width=120mm,keepaspectratio]{Figures/compress}
633 \caption{Example of data exchanges between node 1 and its neighbors 0, 2 and 3.}
637 We propose to use a compressed storage format of the sparse global vector. In Figure~\ref{fig:05}, we show an
638 example of the data exchanges between node 1 and its neighbors to construct the compressed global vector.
639 First, the neighboring nodes 0, 2 and 3 determine the vector elements needed by node 1 and, then, they send
640 only these elements to it. Node 1 receives these shared elements in a compressed vector. However to compute
641 the sparse matrix-vector multiplication, it must first copy the received elements to the corresponding indices
642 in the global vector. In order to avoid this process at each iteration, we propose to reorder the columns of the
643 local sub-matrices so as to use the shared vectors in their compressed storage format (see Figure~\ref{fig:06}).
644 For performance purposes, the computation of the shared data to send to the neighboring nodes is performed
645 by the GPU as a kernel. In addition, we use the MPI point-to-point communication routines: a blocking send routine
646 \verb+MPI_Send()+ and a nonblocking receive routine \verb+MPI_Irecv()+.
650 \includegraphics[width=100mm,keepaspectratio]{Figures/reorder}
651 \caption{Reordering of the columns of a local sparse matrix.}
655 Table~\ref{tab:05} shows the performances of the parallel GMRES algorithm using the compressed storage format
656 of the sparse global vector. The results are obtained from solving large linear systems associated to the sparse
657 band matrices presented in Table~\ref{tab:03}. We can see from Table~\ref{tab:05} that the execution times
658 of the parallel GMRES algorithm on a cluster of 12 GPUs are improved by about 38\% compared to those presented
659 in Table~\ref{tab:04}. In addition, the ratios between the execution times spent on the cluster of 24 CPU cores
660 and those spent on the cluster of 12 GPUs have increased. Indeed, the reordering of the sparse sub-matrices and
661 the use of a compressed storage format for the sparse vectors minimize the communication overheads between the
666 \begin{tabular}{|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|}
668 Matrix & $Time_{cpu}$ & $Time_{gpu}$ & $\tau$& \# $iter$& $prec$ & $\Delta$ \\ \hline \hline
669 2cubes\_sphere & 3.597 s & 0.514 s & 6.99 & 21 & 2.11e-14 & 8.67e-18 \\
670 ecology2 & 2.549 s & 0.288 s & 8.83 & 21 & 4.88e-13 & 2.08e-14 \\
671 finan512 & 2.660 s & 0.377 s & 7.05 & 17 & 3.22e-12 & 8.82e-14 \\
672 G3\_circuit & 3.139 s & 0.480 s & 6.53 & 22 & 1.04e-12 & 5.00e-15 \\
673 shallow\_water2 & 2.195 s & 0.253 s & 8.68 & 17 & 5.54e-21 & 7.92e-24 \\
674 thermal2 & 3.206 s & 0.463 s & 6.93 & 21 & 8.89e-12 & 3.33e-16 \\ \hline \hline
675 cage13 & 5.560 s & 0.663 s & 8.39 & 26 & 3.29e-11 & 1.59e-14 \\
676 crashbasis & 25.802 s & 3.511 s & 7.35 & 135 & 6.81e-11 & 4.61e-15 \\
677 FEM\_3D\_thermal2 & 13.281 s & 1.572 s & 8.45 & 64 & 3.88e-09 & 1.82e-12 \\
678 language & 12.553 s & 1.760 s & 7.13 & 89 & 2.11e-10 & 1.60e-10 \\
679 poli\_large & 8.515 s & 1.053 s & 8.09 & 69 & 5.05e-11 & 6.59e-12 \\
680 torso3 & 31.463 s & 3.681 s & 8.55 & 175 & 2.69e-10 & 2.66e-14 \\ \hline
682 \caption{Performances of the parallel GMRES algorithm using a compressed storage format of the sparse
683 vectors for solving large sparse linear systems associated to band matrices on a cluster of 24 CPU cores vs.
684 a cluster of 12 GPUs.}
690 \subsection{Hypergraph partitioning}
692 In this section, we use another structure of the sparse matrices. We are interested in sparse matrices
693 whose nonzero values are distributed along their large bandwidths. We developed in C programming
694 language a generator of sparse matrices having five bands (see Figure~\ref{fig:07}). The principle of
695 this generator is the same as the one presented in Section~\ref{sec:05.02}. However, the copies made from the
696 initial sparse matrix, chosen from the Davis collection, are placed on the main diagonal and on two
697 off-diagonals on the left and right of the main diagonal. Table~\ref{tab:06} shows the main characteristics
698 of sparse matrices of size 25 million of rows and generated from those of the Davis collection. We can
699 see in the fourth column that the bandwidths of these matrices are as large as their sizes.
703 \includegraphics[width=100mm,keepaspectratio]{Figures/generation_1}
704 \caption{Example of the generation of a large sparse matrix having five bands by four computing nodes.}
711 \begin{tabular}{|c|c|r|r|}
713 Matrix type & Name & \# nonzeros & Bandwidth \\ \hline \hline
714 \multirow{6}{*}{Symmetric} & 2cubes\_sphere & 829 082 728 & 24 999 999 \\
715 & ecology2 & 254 892 056 & 25 000 000 \\
716 & finan512 & 556 982 339 & 24 999 973 \\
717 & G3\_circuit & 257 982 646 & 25 000 000 \\
718 & shallow\_water2 & 200 798 268 & 25 000 000 \\
719 & thermal2 & 359 340 179 & 24 999 998 \\ \hline \hline
720 \multirow{6}{*}{Asymmetric} & cage13 & 879 063 379 & 24 999 998 \\
721 & crashbasis & 820 373 286 & 24 999 803 \\
722 & FEM\_3D\_thermal2 & 1 194 012 703 & 24 999 998 \\
723 & language & 155 261 826 & 24 999 492 \\
724 & poli\_large & 106 680 819 & 25 000 000 \\
725 & torso3 & 872 029 998 & 25 000 000 \\ \hline
727 \caption{Main characteristics of the sparse matrices having five band and generated from the sparse matrices of the Davis collection.}
732 In Table~\ref{tab:07} we give the performances of the parallel GMRES algorithm on the CPU and GPU
733 clusters for solving large linear systems associated to the sparse matrices shown in Table~\ref{tab:06}.
734 We can notice from the ratios given in the fourth column that solving sparse linear systems associated
735 to matrices having large bandwidth on the GPU cluster is as fast as on the CPU cluster. This is due
736 to the large total communication volume necessary to synchronize the computations over the cluster.
737 In fact, the naive partitioning row-by-row or column-by-column of this type of sparse matrices links
738 a GPU node to many neighboring nodes and produces a significant number of data dependencies between
739 the different GPU nodes.
743 \begin{tabular}{|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|}
745 Matrix & $Time_{cpu}$ & $Time_{gpu}$ & $\tau$ & \# $iter$& $prec$ & $\Delta$ \\ \hline \hline
746 2cubes\_sphere & 15.963 s & 7.250 s & 2.20 & 58 & 6.23e-16 & 3.25e-19 \\
747 ecology2 & 3.549 s & 2.176 s & 1.63 & 21 & 4.78e-15 & 1.06e-15 \\
748 finan512 & 3.862 s & 1.934 s & 1.99 & 17 & 3.21e-14 & 8.43e-17 \\
749 G3\_circuit & 4.636 s & 2.811 s & 1.65 & 22 & 1.08e-14 & 1.77e-16 \\
750 shallow\_water2 & 2.738 s & 1.539 s & 1.78 & 17 & 5.54e-23 & 3.82e-26 \\
751 thermal2 & 5.017 s & 2.587 s & 1.94 & 21 & 8.25e-14 & 4.34e-18 \\ \hline \hline
752 cage13 & 9.315 s & 3.227 s & 2.89 & 26 & 3.38e-13 & 2.08e-16 \\
753 crashbasis & 35.980 s & 14.770 s & 2.43 & 127 & 1.17e-12 & 1.56e-17 \\
754 FEM\_3D\_thermal2 & 24.611 s & 7.749 s & 3.17 & 64 & 3.87e-11 & 2.84e-14 \\
755 language & 16.859 s & 9.697 s & 1.74 & 89 & 2.17e-12 & 1.70e-12 \\
756 poli\_large & 10.200 s & 6.534 s & 1.56 & 69 & 5.14e-13 & 1.63e-13 \\
757 torso3 & 49.074 s & 19.397 s & 2.53 & 175 & 2.69e-12 & 2.77e-16 \\ \hline
759 \caption{Performances of the parallel GMRES algorithm using a compressed storage format of the sparse
760 vectors for solving large sparse linear systems associated to matrices having five bands on a cluster
761 of 24 CPU cores vs. a cluster of 12 GPUs.}
766 We propose to use a hypergraph partitioning method which is well adapted to numerous structures
767 of sparse matrices~\cite{Cat99}. Indeed, it can well model the communications between the computing
768 nodes especially for the asymmetric and rectangular matrices. It gives in most cases good reductions
769 of the total communication volume. Nevertheless, it is more expensive in terms of execution time and
770 memory space consumption than the partitioning method based on graphs.
772 The sparse matrix $A$ of the linear system to be solved is modelled as a hypergraph
773 $\mathcal{H}=(\mathcal{V},\mathcal{E})$ as follows:
775 \item each matrix row $i$ ($0\leq i<n$) corresponds to a vertex $v_i\in\mathcal{V}$,
776 \item each matrix column $j$ ($0\leq j<n$) corresponds to a hyperedge $e_j\in\mathcal{E}$, such that:
777 $\forall a_{ij}$ is a nonzero value of the matrix $A$, $v_i\in pins[e_j]$,
778 \item $w_i$ is the weight of vertex $v_i$,
779 \item $c_j$ is the cost of hyperedge $e_j$.
781 A $K$-way partitioning of a hypergraph $\mathcal{H}=(\mathcal{V},\mathcal{E})$ is defined as a set
782 of $K$ pairwise disjoint non-empty subsets (or parts) of the vertex set $\mathcal{V}$: $\mathcal{P}=\{\mathcal{V}_1,\ldots,\mathcal{V}_k\}$,
783 such that $\mathcal{V}=\displaystyle\cup_{k=1}^K\mathcal{V}_{k}$. Each computing node is in charge of
784 a vertex subset. Figure~\ref{fig:08} shows an example of a hypergraph partitioning of a sparse matrix
785 of size $(9\times 9)$ into three parts. The circles and squares correspond, respectively, to the vertices
786 and hyperedges of the hypergraph. The solid squares define the cut hyperedges connecting at least two
787 different parts. The connectivity $\lambda_j$ denotes the number of different parts spanned by the cut
792 \includegraphics[width=130mm,keepaspectratio]{Figures/hypergraph}
793 \caption{A hypergraph partitioning of a sparse matrix between three computing nodes.}
797 The cut hyperedges model the communications between the different GPU computing nodes in the cluster,
798 necessary to perform the SpMV multiplication. Indeed, each hyperedge $e_j$ defines a set of atomic
799 computations $b_i\leftarrow b_i+a_{ij}x_j$ of the SpMV multiplication which needs the $j^{th}$ element
800 of vector $x$. Therefore pins of hyperedge $e_j$ ($pins[e_j]$) denote the set of matrix rows requiring
801 the same vector element $x_j$. For example in Figure~\ref{fig:08}, hyperedge $e_9$ whose pins are:
802 $pins[e_9]=\{v_2,v_5,v_9\}$ represents matrix rows 2, 5 and 9 requiring the vector element $x_9$
803 to compute in parallel the atomic operations: $b_2\leftarrow b_2+a_{29}x_9$, $b_5\leftarrow b_5+a_{59}x_9$
804 and $b_9\leftarrow b_9+a_{99}x_9$. However, $x_9$ is a vector element of the computing node 3 and it must
805 be sent to the neighboring nodes 1 and 2.
807 The hypergraph partitioning allows to reduce the total communication volume while maintaining the computational
808 load balance between the computing nodes. Indeed, it minimizes at best the following sum:
810 \mathcal{X}(\mathcal{P}) = \displaystyle\sum_{e_j\in\mathcal{E}_C} c_j(\lambda_j-1),
812 where $\mathcal{E}_C$ is the set of the cut hyperedges issued from the partitioning $\mathcal{P}$, $c_j$
813 and $\lambda_j$ are, respectively, the cost and the connectivity of the cut hyperedge $e_j$. In addition,
814 the hypergraph partitioning is constrained to maintain the load balance between the $K$ parts:
816 W_k\leq (1+\epsilon)W_{avg}\mbox{,~}(1\leq k\leq K)\mbox{~and~}(0<\epsilon<1),
818 where $W_k$ is the sum of the vertex weights in the subset $\mathcal{V}_k$, $W_{avg}$ is the average part's
819 weight and $\epsilon$ is the maximum allowed imbalanced ratio.
821 The hypergraph partitioning is a NP-complete problem but software tools using heuristics are developed, for
822 example: hMETIS~\cite{Kar98}, PaToH~\cite{Cata99} and Zoltan~\cite{Dev06}. Due to the large sizes of the
823 linear systems to be solved, we use a parallel hypergraph partitioning which must be performed by at least
824 two MPI processes. The hypergraph model $\mathcal{H}$ of the sparse matrix is split into $p$ (number of computing
825 nodes) sub-hypergraphs $\mathcal{H}_k=(\mathcal{V}_k,\mathcal{E}_k)$, $0\leq k<p$, then the parallel partitioning
826 is applied by using the MPI communication routines.
828 Table~\ref{tab:08} shows the performances of the parallel GMRES algorithm for solving the linear systems
829 associated to the sparse matrices presented in Table~\ref{tab:06}. In the experiments, we have used the
830 compressed storage format of the sparse vectors and the parallel hypergraph partitioning developed in the
831 Zoltan tool~\cite{ref20,ref21}. The parameters of the hypergraph partitioning are initialized as follows:
833 \item The weight $w_i$ of each vertex $v_i$ is set to the number of the nonzero values on the matrix row $i$,
834 \item For simplicity sake, the cost $c_j$ of each hyperedge $e_j$ is set to 1,
835 \item The maximum imbalanced ratio $\epsilon$ is limited to 10\%.
837 We can notice from Table~\ref{tab:08} that the execution times on the cluster of 12 GPUs are significantly
838 improved compared to those presented in Table~\ref{tab:07}. The hypergraph partitioning applied on the large
839 sparse matrices having large bandwidths have improved the execution times on the GPU cluster by about 65\%.
843 \begin{tabular}{|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|}
845 Matrix & $Time_{cpu}$ & $Time_{gpu}$ & $\tau$ & \# iter & $prec$ & $\Delta$ \\ \hline \hline
846 2cubes\_sphere & 16.430 s & 2.840 s & 5.78 & 58 & 6.23e-16 & 3.25e-19 \\
847 ecology2 & 3.152 s & 0.367 s & 8.59 & 21 & 4.78e-15 & 1.06e-15 \\
848 finan512 & 3.672 s & 0.723 s & 5.08 & 17 & 3.21e-14 & 8.43e-17 \\
849 G3\_circuit & 4.468 s & 0.971 s & 4.60 & 22 & 1.08e-14 & 1.77e-16 \\
850 shallow\_water2 & 2.647 s & 0.312 s & 8.48 & 17 & 5.54e-23 & 3.82e-26 \\
851 thermal2 & 4.190 s & 0.666 s & 6.29 & 21 & 8.25e-14 & 4.34e-18 \\ \hline \hline
852 cage13 & 8.077 s & 1.584 s & 5.10 & 26 & 3.38e-13 & 2.08e-16 \\
853 crashbasis & 35.173 s & 5.546 s & 6.34 & 127 & 1.17e-12 & 1.56e-17 \\
854 FEM\_3D\_thermal2 & 24.825 s & 3.113 s & 7.97 & 64 & 3.87e-11 & 2.84e-14 \\
855 language & 16.706 s & 2.522 s & 6.62 & 89 & 2.17e-12 & 1.70e-12 \\
856 poli\_large & 12.715 s & 3.989 s & 3.19 & 69 & 5.14e-13 & 1.63e-13 \\
857 torso3 & 48.459 s & 6.234 s & 7.77 & 175 & 2.69e-12 & 2.77e-16 \\ \hline
859 \caption{Performances of the parallel GMRES algorithm using a compressed storage format of the sparse
860 vectors and a hypergraph partitioning method for solving large sparse linear systems associated to matrices
861 having five bands on a cluster of 24 CPU cores vs. a cluster of 12 GPUs.}
866 Table~\ref{tab:09} shows in the second and third columns the total communication volume on a cluster
867 of 12 GPUs by using row-by-row partitioning and hypergraph partitioning, respectively. The total communication
868 volume defines the total number of the vector elements exchanged between the 12 GPUs. This table shows
869 that the hypergraph partitioning allows to split the large sparse matrices so as to minimize data
870 dependencies between the GPU computing nodes. However, we can notice in the fourth column that the hypergraph
871 partitioning takes longer than the computation times. As we have mentioned before, the hypergraph partitioning
872 method is less efficient in terms of memory consumption and partitioning time than its graph counterpart.
873 So for the applications which often use the same sparse matrices, we can perform the hypergraph partitioning
874 only once and, then, we save the traces in files to be reused several times. Therefore, this allows us to
875 avoid the partitioning of the sparse matrices at each resolution of the linear systems.
879 \begin{tabular}{|c|c|c|c|}
881 \multirow{4}{*}{Matrix} & Total communication & Total communication & Time of \\
882 & volume using & volume using & hypergraph \\
883 & row-by-row & hypergraph & partitioning \\
884 & partitioning & partitioning & in minutes \\ \hline \hline
885 2cubes\_sphere & 25 360 543 & 240 679 & 68.98 \\
886 ecology2 & 26 044 002 & 73 021 & 4.92 \\
887 finan512 & 26 087 431 & 900 729 & 33.72 \\
888 G3\_circuit & 31 912 003 & 5 366 774 & 11.63 \\
889 shallow\_water2 & 25 105 108 & 60 899 & 5.06 \\
890 thermal2 & 30 012 846 & 1 077 921 & 17.88 \\ \hline \hline
891 cage13 & 28 254 282 & 3 845 440 & 196.45 \\
892 crashbasis & 29 020 060 & 2 401 876 & 33.39 \\
893 FEM\_3D\_thermal2 & 25 263 767 & 250 105 & 49.89 \\
894 language & 27 291 486 & 1 537 835 & 9.07 \\
895 poli\_large & 25 053 554 & 7 388 883 & 5.92 \\
896 torso3 & 25 682 514 & 613 250 & 61.51 \\ \hline
898 \caption{Total communication volume on a cluster of 12 GPUs using row-by-row or hypergraph partitioning methods}
904 %%--------------------%%
906 %%--------------------%%
907 \section{Conclusion and perspectives}
909 In this paper, we have aimed at harnessing the computing power of a GPU cluster for
910 solving large sparse linear systems. We have implemented the parallel algorithm of the
911 GMRES iterative method. We have used a heterogeneous parallel programming based on the
912 CUDA language to program the GPUs and the MPI parallel environment to distribute the
913 computations between the GPU nodes on the cluster.
915 The experiments have shown that solving large sparse linear systems is more efficient
916 on a cluster of GPUs than on a cluster of CPUs. However, the efficiency of a GPU cluster
917 is ensured as long as the spatial and temporal localization of the data is well managed.
918 The data dependency scheme on a GPU cluster is related to the sparse structures of the
919 matrices (positions of the nonzero values) and the number of the computing nodes. We have
920 shown that a large number of communications between the GPU computing nodes affects
921 considerably the performances of the parallel GMRES algorithm on the GPU cluster. Therefore,
922 we have proposed to reorder the columns of the sparse local sub-matrices on each GPU node
923 and to use a compressed storage format for the sparse vector involved in the parallel
924 sparse matrix-vector multiplication. This solution allows to minimize the communication
925 overheads. In addition, we have shown that it is interesting to choose a partitioning method
926 according to the structure of the sparse matrix. This reduces the total communication
927 volume between the GPU computing nodes.
929 In future works, it would be interesting to implement and study the scalability of the
930 parallel GMRES algorithm on large GPU clusters (hundreds or thousands of GPUs) or on geographically
931 distant GPU clusters. In this context, other methods might be used to reduce communication
932 and to improve the performances of the parallel GMRES algorithm as the multisplitting methods.
933 The recent GPU hardware and software architectures provide the GPU-Direct system which allows
934 two GPUs, placed in the same machine or in two remote machines, to exchange data without using
935 CPUs. This improves the data transfers between GPUs. Finally, it would be interesting to implement
936 other iterative methods on GPU clusters for solving large sparse linear or nonlinear systems.
938 \paragraph{Acknowledgments}
939 This paper is based upon work supported by the R\'egion de Franche-Comt\'e.
942 \bibliographystyle{abbrv}