-Some distributed algorithms have been developed
-in~\cite{Gallais06,Tian02,Ye03,Zhang05,HeinzelmanCB02, yardibi2010distributed, prasad2007distributed,Misra}
-to perform the scheduling so as to preserve coverage. Distributed algorithms
-typically operate in rounds for a predetermined duration. At the beginning of
-each round, a sensor exchanges information with its neighbors and makes a
-decision to either remain turned on or to go to sleep for the round. This
-decision is basically made on simple greedy criteria like the largest uncovered
-area \cite{Berman05efficientenergy} or maximum uncovered targets
-\cite{lu2003coverage}. The authors in \cite{yardibi2010distributed} have developed a Distributed
-Adaptive Sleep Scheduling Algorithm (DASSA) for WSNs with partial coverage.
-DASSA does not require location information of sensors while maintaining
-connectivity and satisfying a user defined coverage target. In DASSA, nodes use
-the residual energy levels and feedback from the sink for scheduling the
-activity of their neighbors. This feedback mechanism reduces the randomness in
-scheduling that would otherwise occur due to the absence of location
-information. In \cite{ChinhVu}, the author have proposed a novel distributed
-heuristic, called Distributed Energy-efficient Scheduling for k-coverage (DESK),
-which ensures that the energy consumption among the sensors is balanced and the
-lifetime maximized while the coverage requirement is maintained. This heuristic
-works in rounds, requires only one-hop neighbor information, and each sensor
-decides its status (active or sleep) based on the perimeter coverage model
-proposed in \cite{Huang:2003:CPW:941350.941367}.
+Many distributed algorithms have been developed to perform the scheduling so as
+to preserve coverage, see for example
+\cite{Gallais06,Tian02,Ye03,Zhang05,HeinzelmanCB02, yardibi2010distributed,
+ prasad2007distributed,Misra}. Distributed algorithms typically operate in
+rounds for a predetermined duration. At the beginning of each round, a sensor
+exchanges information with its neighbors and makes a decision to either remain
+turned on or to go to sleep for the round. This decision is basically made on
+simple greedy criteria like the largest uncovered area
+\cite{Berman05efficientenergy} or maximum uncovered targets
+\cite{lu2003coverage}. The Distributed Adaptive Sleep Scheduling Algorithm
+(DASSA) \cite{yardibi2010distributed} does not require location information of
+sensors while maintaining connectivity and satisfying a user defined coverage
+target. In DASSA, nodes use the residual energy levels and feedback from the
+sink for scheduling the activity of their neighbors. This feedback mechanism
+reduces the randomness in scheduling that would otherwise occur due to the
+absence of location information. In \cite{ChinhVu}, the author have designed a
+novel distributed heuristic, called Distributed Energy-efficient Scheduling for
+k-coverage (DESK), which ensures that the energy consumption among the sensors
+is balanced and the lifetime maximized while the coverage requirement is
+maintained. This heuristic works in rounds, requires only one-hop neighbor
+information, and each sensor decides its status (active or sleep) based on the
+perimeter coverage model from~\cite{Huang:2003:CPW:941350.941367}.