-\multirow{2}{*}{Pb size}&\multirow{2}{*}{Nb. cores} & \multicolumn{3}{c||}{GMRES} & \multicolumn{3}{c||}{Krylov Multisplitting} & \multirow{2}{*}{Ratio}\\
- \cline{3-8}
- & & Time (s) & nb Iter. & $\Delta$ & Time (s)& nb Iter. & $\Delta$ & \\
-$590^3$ & 4096 (2x2048) & 433.0 & 55,494 & 4.92e-7 & 80.4 & 1,091(9,545) & 7.64e-08 & 5.39 \\
-$743^3$ & 8192 (2x4096) & 704.4 & 87,822 & 4.80e-07 & 110.2 & 1,401(12,379) & 1.11e-07 & 6.39 \\
-$743^3$ & 8192 (4x2048) & 704.4 & 87,822 & 4.80e-07 & 139.8 & 1,891(15,960) & 1.60e-07& 5.03 \\
-\caption{Results with preconditioner}
+From these experiments, it can be observed that the multisplitting version is
+always faster than the GMRES version. The acceleration gain of the
+multisplitting version is between 4 and 6. It can be noticed that the number of
+iteration is drastically reduced with the multisplitting version even it is not