+\subsubsection{\textcolor{blue}{Energy Saving Ratio (ESR)}}
+\textcolor{blue}{In this experiment, we consider an Energy Saving Ratio (see Figure~\ref{fig5}) for 200 deployed nodes.
+The longer the ratio is, the more redundant sensor nodes are switched off, and consequently the longer the network may live. }
+% \begin{multicols}{6}
+\includegraphics[scale=0.5]{ESR.eps} %\\~ ~ ~(a)
+\caption{Energy Saving Ratio for 200 deployed nodes}
+\textcolor{blue}{The simulation results show that our protocol PeCO allows to efficiently save energy by turning off some sensors during the sensing phase.
+As shown in Figure~\ref{fig5}, GAF provides better energy saving than PeCO for the first fifty rounds, because GAF balance the energy consumption among sensor nodes inside each small fixed grid that permits to extend the life of sensors in each grid fairly but in the same time turn on large number of sensors during sensing that lead later to quickly deplete sensor's batteries togehter. After that GAF provide less energy saving compared with other approches because of the large number of dead nodes. DESK algorithm shows less energy saving compared with other approaches due to activate a larg number of sensors during the sensing. DiLCO protocol provides less energy saving ratio commpared with PeCO because it generally activate a larger number of sensor nodes during sensing. Note that again as the number of rounds increases PeCO becomes the most performing one, since it consumes less energy compared with other approaches.}