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Private GIT Repository
Michel : some minor modifications
[LiCO.git] / LiCO_Journal.tex
2015-01-14 Michel SalomonMichel : some minor modifications
2015-01-13 aliUpdate by ali only on figure 2
2015-01-13 Karine Deschinkelpetits details
2015-01-10 Michel SalomonMichel : New minor corrections after proofreading
2015-01-05 Michel SalomonMichel : some minor modifications
2015-01-04 Michel SalomonMichel : Modifications finales
2015-01-03 Michel SalomonMichel : Fin de la section 4-A en cours
2015-01-02 Michel SalomonMichel : Section 3 terminee
2015-01-01 Michel SalomonMichel : Modifs jusqu'à la section III. A incluse
2014-12-31 Michel SalomonMichel : Section LiCo description (en cours)
2014-12-29 Michel SalomonMichel : Related literature en cours
2014-12-28 Michel SalomonMichel : Abstract + Intro (en cours)
2014-12-18 aliUpdate
2014-12-18 aliThe Modifications have been finished by Ali
2014-12-09 Karine Deschinkelcoorections typo
2014-12-09 Karine Deschinkelameliorations
2014-12-05 Karine Deschinkelquelques changements
2014-11-25 Karine Deschinkelmodif partie model
2014-10-27 aliNew Update By Ali
2014-10-17 aliUpdate by Ali 18-10-2014
2014-10-17 raphael couturier1