-increasing the number of subregions allows to improves the lifetime. The more
-there are subregions, the more the network is robust against random
-disconnection resulting from dead nodes. However, for a given sensing field and
-network size there is an optimal number of subregions. Therefore, in case of
-our simulation context a subdivision in $16$~subregions seems to be the most
-relevant. The optimal number of subregions will be investigated in the future.
+increasing the number of subregions improves the lifetime. The more there are
+subregions, the more the network is robust against random disconnection
+resulting from dead nodes. However, for a given sensing field and network size
+there is an optimal number of subregions. Therefore, in case of our simulation
+context a subdivision in $16$~subregions seems to be the most relevant. The
+optimal number of subregions will be investigated in the future.