1 %% Use the standard UP-methodology class
2 %% with French language and Book layout.
4 %% Change the 'book' option below to 'report'
5 %% if you want to use a report style (see your LaTeX
6 %% documention about the different between a report
9 %% You may also specify 'twoside' or 'oneside' option.
10 %% By default 'book' is two-sided and 'report' is one-sided.
12 %% See the documentation tex-upmethodology on
13 %% http://www.arakhne.org/tex-upmethodology/
14 %% for details about the macros that are provided by the class and
15 %% to obtain the list of the packages that are already included.
16 %\documentclass[french,book,nopubpage,nodocumentinfo]{upmethodology-document}
18 %\documentclass[french,book,nopubpage,nodocumentinfo]{spimufcphdthesis}
19 \documentclass[english, book,nopubpage,nodocumentinfo]{spimufcphdthesis}
20 %%--------------------
21 \usepackage[acronym,smallcaps]{glossaries}
22 \newcommand{\abbrlabel}[1]{\makebox[2cm][l]{\textbf{#1}\ \dotfill}}
23 \newenvironment{abbreviations}{\begin{list}{}{\renewcommand{\makelabel}{\abbrlabel}}}{\end{list}}
25 \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc}
26 \usepackage{enumerate}
27 \usepackage[english]{babel}
28 %\usepackage[french]{babel}
34 \usepackage[section]{placeins}
36 \usepackage{afterpage}
38 \usepackage[autolanguage,np]{numprint}
39 %\usepackage{algorithm2e}
40 \newcommand\blankpage{%
42 \thispagestyle{empty}%
43 \addtocounter{page}{-1}%
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48 \egroup\right\rbrace\hbox{\grouptext}\end{displaymath}}
50 \newcommand*\rot{\rotatebox{90}}
51 \newcommand*\OK{\ding{51}}
53 \newcommand{\mcrot}[4]{\multicolumn{#1}{#2}{\rlap{\rotatebox{#3}{#4}~}}}
55 \newcommand*{\twoelementtable}[3][l]%
57 \renewcommand{\arraystretch}{0.8}%
58 \begin{tabular}[t]{@{}#1@{}}%
67 %%--------------------
68 %% Use the style dedicated to PhD thesis from SPIM-UFC
69 \UseExtension{spimufcphdthesis}
72 %%--------------------
73 %% Set the title, subtitle, defense date, and
74 %% the registration number of the PhD thesis.
75 %% The optional parameter is the subtitle of the PhD thesis.
76 %% The first mandatory parameter is the title of the PhD thesis.
77 %% The second mandatory parameter is the date of the PhD defense.
78 %% The third mandatory parameter is the reference number given by the University Library after the PhD defense.
79 %\declarethesis[Sous-titre]{Titre}{17 septembre 2012}{XXX}
80 \declarethesis{Energy Consumption Optimization of Parallel Iterative Applications using CPU Frequency Scaling}{Date}{21306697}
82 %%--------------------
83 %% Set the author of the PhD thesis
84 %%\addauthor[email]{Prénom}{Nom}
85 \addauthor[ahmed.fanfakh_badri_muslim@univ-fcomte.fr]{Ahmed Badri Muslim}{Fanfakh}
88 %%--------------------
89 %% Add a member of the jury
90 %% \addjury{Firstname}{Lastname}{Role in the jury}{Position}
91 \addjury{...}{...} {...}{...}
92 %\addjury{Ye-Qiong}{SONG}{Reviewer} {Professor at University of Lorraine}
93 %\addjury{Hamida}{SEBA}{Reviewer}{Associate Professor (HDR) at University of Claude Bernard Lyon1}
94 %\addjury{x4}{y4}{Examiner}{Professor at University of}
95 %\addjury{Raphaël}{Couturier}{Supervisor}{Professor at University of Franche-Comt\'e}
96 %\addjury{Karine}{Deschinkel}{Co-Supervisor}{Assistant Professor at University of Franche-Comt\'e}
97 %\addjury{Michel}{Salomon}{Co-Supervisor}{Assistant Professor at University of Franche-Comt\'e}
99 % \addjury {} {Prof Ye-Qiong SONG} {University of Lorraine} {Reviewer}
100 %\addjury{} {Assoc Prof Hamida SEBA (HDR)} {University of Claude Bernard Lyon1} {Reviewer}
101 %\addjury {}{Prof Sylvain CONTASSOT-VIVIER} {University of Lorraine} {Examiner}
102 %\addjury {} {Prof Raphaël Couturier} {University of Franche-Comt\'e} {Supervisor}
103 %\addjury {} {Asst Prof Karine Deschinkel} {University of Franche-Comt\'e} { Co-supervisor}
104 %\addjury {} {Asst Prof Michel Salomon} {University of Franche-Comt\'e} {Co-supervisor}
109 %%--------------------
110 %% Set the English abstract
111 \thesisabstract[english]{ English abstract
115 \thesiskeywords[english]{ kw1, kw2, ...}
118 %%--------------------
119 %% Set the French abstract
120 \thesisabstract[french]{ French abstract
123 \thesiskeywords[french]{cl1, cl2, ... }
126 %%--------------------
127 %% Change the speciality of the PhD thesis
128 %\Set{speciality}{Informatique}
131 %%--------------------
132 %% Change the institution
133 %\Set{universityname}{Universit\'e de Technologie de Belfort-Montb\'eliard}
136 %%--------------------
137 %% Change the header and the foot of the pages
151 %%--------------------
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154 %\usepackage{enumerate}
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164 %%--------------------
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167 %\usepackage[ruled,english,boxed,linesnumbered]{algorithm2e}
168 %\usepackage[english]{algorithme}
169 \usepackage{algorithm}
170 \usepackage{subfigure}
171 \usepackage{listings}
172 \usepackage{algpseudocode}
173 \usepackage{graphicx,graphics}
175 \usepackage{listings}
176 \usepackage{colortbl}
179 %%--------------------
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183 %%--------------------
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186 %\usepackage{amssymb}
187 %\newcommand{\scalprod}[2]%
188 %{\ensuremath{\langle #1 \, , #2 \rangle}}
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199 %\usepackage{oldgerm}
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202 %\usepackage{indentfirst}
204 \usepackage{booktabs}
205 \usepackage{multirow}