-\indent In addition, the clustering supports network scalability in WSNs~\cite{ref43,ref44}. The clustering approach represents an efficient mechanism for scalability of WSN and providing energy-efficient data aggregation by minimizing the consumption of a limited energy by means of grouping the sensor nodes and organizing them hierarchically. There are several important design considerations that should be taken into account during designing clustering algorithms, such as: limited energy, network lifetime, limited abilities, application dependency, secure communication, cluster formation and CH selection, synchronization, data aggregation, repair mechanisms, and Quality of Service (QoS)~\cite{ref161}.
+\indent In addition, the clustering supports network scalability in WSNs~\cite{ref43,ref44}. The clustering approach represents an efficient mechanism for scalability of WSN and providing energy-efficient data aggregation by minimizing the consumption of a limited energy by means of grouping the sensor nodes and organizing them hierarchically. Several important design considerations that should be taken into account during designing clustering algorithms, such as: limited energy, network lifetime, limited abilities, application dependency, secure communication, cluster formation, and cluster head selection, synchronization, data aggregation, repair mechanisms, and Quality of Service (QoS)~\cite{ref161}.