-\subsection{Sensing phase}
-The sensing phase consists of $T$ rounds. Each sensor node in the subregion will
-receive an Active-Sleep packet from WSNL, informing it to stay awake or to go to
-sleep for each round of the sensing phase. Algorithm~\ref{alg:MuDiLCO}, which
-will be executed by each node at the beginning of a period, explains how the
-Active-Sleep packet is obtained.
- % \KwIn{all the parameters related to information exchange}
-% \KwOut{$winer-node$ (: the id of the winner sensor node, which is the leader of current round)}
- \BlankLine
- %\emph{Initialize the sensor node and determine it's position and subregion} \;
- \If{ $RE_j \geq E_{R}$ }{
- \emph{$s_j.status$ = COMMUNICATION}\;
- \emph{Send $INFO()$ packet to other nodes in the subregion}\;
- \emph{Wait $INFO()$ packet from other nodes in the subregion}\;
- %\emph{UPDATE $RE_j$ for every sent or received INFO Packet}\;
- %\emph{ Collect information and construct the list L for all nodes in the subregion}\;
- %\If{ the received INFO Packet = No. of nodes in it's subregion -1 }{
- \emph{LeaderID = Leader election}\;
- \If{$ s_j.ID = LeaderID $}{
- \emph{$s_j.status$ = COMPUTATION}\;
- \emph{$\left\{\left(X_{1,k},\dots,X_{T,k}\right)\right\}_{k \in J}$ =
- Execute Integer Program Algorithm($T,J$)}\;
- \emph{$s_j.status$ = COMMUNICATION}\;
- \emph{Send $ActiveSleep()$ to each node $k$ in subregion a packet \\
- with vector of activity scheduling $(X_{1,k},\dots,X_{T,k})$}\;
- \emph{Update $RE_j $}\;
- }
- \Else{
- \emph{$s_j.status$ = LISTENING}\;
- \emph{Wait $ActiveSleep()$ packet from the Leader}\;
- % \emph{After receiving Packet, Retrieve the schedule and the $T$ rounds}\;
- \emph{Update $RE_j $}\;
- }
- % }
- }
- \Else { Exclude $s_j$ from entering in the current sensing phase}
- % \emph{return X} \;