-Every couple of intersection points is placed on the angular interval $[0,2\pi]$
-in a counterclockwise manner, leading to a partitioning of the interval.
-Figure~\ref{pcm2sensors}(a) illustrates the arcs for the nine neighbors of
-sensor $0$ and Figure~\ref{expcm} gives the position of the corresponding arcs
-in the interval $[0,2\pi]$. More precisely, we can see that the points are
-ordered according to the measures of the angles defined by their respective
-positions. The intersection points are then visited one after another, starting
-from the first intersection point after point~zero, and the maximum level of
-coverage is determined for each interval defined by two successive points. The
-maximum level of coverage is equal to the number of overlapping arcs. For
-between~$5L$ and~$6L$ the maximum level of coverage is equal to $3$
-(the value is highlighted in yellow at the bottom of Figure~\ref{expcm}), which
-means that at most 2~neighbors can cover the perimeter in addition to node $0$.
-Table~\ref{my-label} summarizes for each coverage interval the maximum level of
-coverage and the sensor nodes covering the perimeter. The example discussed
+Every couple of intersection points is placed on the angular interval $[0,2\pi]$ in a counterclockwise manner, leading to a partitioning of the interval.
+Figure~\ref{pcm2sensors}(a) illustrates the arcs for the nine neighbors of sensor $0$ and Figure~\ref{expcm} gives the position of the corresponding arcs in the interval $[0,2\pi]$. More precisely, we can see that the points are
+ordered according to the measures of the angles defined by their respective positions. The intersection points are then visited one after another, starting from the first intersection point after point~zero, and the maximum level of coverage is determined for each interval defined by two successive points. The maximum level of coverage is equal to the number of overlapping arcs. For example,
+between~$5L$ and~$6L$ the maximum level of coverage is equal to $3$ (the value is highlighted in yellow at the bottom of Figure~\ref{expcm}), which means that at most 2~neighbors can cover the perimeter in addition to node $0$.
+Table~\ref{my-label} summarizes for each coverage interval the maximum level of coverage and the sensor nodes covering the perimeter. The example discussed