+ author = {Shunquan Tan and
+ Bin Li},
+ title = {Stacked convolutional auto-encoders for steganalysis of digital images},
+ booktitle = {Asia-Pacific Signal and Information Processing Association Annual
+ Summit and Conference, {APSIPA} 2014, Chiang Mai, Thailand, December
+ 9-12, 2014},
+ pages = {1--4},
+ year = {2014},
+ crossref = {DBLP:conf/apsipa/2014},
+ url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/APSIPA.2014.7041565},
+ doi = {10.1109/APSIPA.2014.7041565},
+ timestamp = {Sat, 14 Mar 2015 17:34:07 +0100},
+ biburl = {http://dblp.uni-trier.de/rec/bib/conf/apsipa/TanL14},
+ bibsource = {dblp computer science bibliography, http://dblp.org}
+ title = {Asia-Pacific Signal and Information Processing Association Annual
+ Summit and Conference, {APSIPA} 2014, Chiang Mai, Thailand, December
+ 9-12, 2014},
+ publisher = {{IEEE}},
+ year = {2014},
+ url = {http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/mostRecentIssue.jsp?punumber=7016284},
+ isbn = {978-6-1636-1823-8},
+ timestamp = {Sat, 14 Mar 2015 15:24:04 +0100},
+ biburl = {http://dblp.uni-trier.de/rec/bib/conf/apsipa/2014},
+ bibsource = {dblp computer science bibliography, http://dblp.org}
+author = {Qian, Yinlong and Dong, Jing and Wang, Wei and Tan, Tieniu},
+title = {
+Deep learning for steganalysis via convolutional neural networks
+journal = {Proc. SPIE},
+volume = {9409},
+number = {},
+pages = {94090J-94090J-10},
+abstract = {
+Current work on steganalysis for digital images is focused on the construction of complex handcrafted features. This paper proposes a new paradigm for steganalysis to learn features automatically via deep learning models. We novelly propose a customized Convolutional Neural Network for steganalysis. The proposed model can capture the complex dependencies that are useful for steganalysis. Compared with existing schemes, this model can automatically learn feature representations with several convolutional layers. The feature extraction and classification steps are unified under a single architecture, which means the guidance of classification can be used during the feature extraction step. We demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed model on three state-of-theart spatial domain steganographic algorithms - HUGO, WOW, and S-UNIWARD. Compared to the Spatial Rich Model (SRM), our model achieves comparable performance on BOSSbase and the realistic and large ImageNet database.
+year = {2015},
+doi = {10.1117/12.2083479},
+URL = { http://dx.doi.org/10.1117/12.2083479},
+eprint = {}
+ author = {Dan Claudiu Ciresan and
+ Ueli Meier and
+ Jonathan Masci and
+ Luca Maria Gambardella and
+ J{\"{u}}rgen Schmidhuber},
+ title = {Flexible, High Performance Convolutional Neural Networks for Image
+ Classification},
+ booktitle = {{IJCAI} 2011, Proceedings of the 22nd International Joint Conference
+ on Artificial Intelligence, Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain, July 16-22,
+ 2011},
+ pages = {1237--1242},
+ year = {2011},
+ crossref = {DBLP:conf/ijcai/2011},
+ url = {http://ijcai.org/papers11/Papers/IJCAI11-210.pdf},
+ timestamp = {Tue, 09 Aug 2011 14:09:58 +0200},
+ biburl = {http://dblp.uni-trier.de/rec/bib/conf/ijcai/CiresanMMGS11},
+ bibsource = {dblp computer science bibliography, http://dblp.org}
+ editor = {Toby Walsh},
+ title = {{IJCAI} 2011, Proceedings of the 22nd International Joint Conference
+ on Artificial Intelligence, Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain, July 16-22,
+ 2011},
+ publisher = {{IJCAI/AAAI}},
+ year = {2011},
+ isbn = {978-1-57735-516-8},
+ timestamp = {Tue, 09 Aug 2011 14:09:58 +0200},
+ biburl = {http://dblp.uni-trier.de/rec/bib/conf/ijcai/2011},
+ bibsource = {dblp computer science bibliography, http://dblp.org}
+ author = {Li Deng and
+ Dong Yu},
+ title = {Deep Learning: Methods and Applications},
+ journal = {Foundations and Trends in Signal Processing},
+ volume = {7},
+ number = {3-4},
+ pages = {197--387},
+ year = {2014},
+ url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1561/2000000039},
+ doi = {10.1561/2000000039},
+ timestamp = {Tue, 08 Jul 2014 15:28:41 +0200},
+ biburl = {http://dblp.uni-trier.de/rec/bib/journals/ftsig/DengY14},
+ bibsource = {dblp computer science bibliography, http://dblp.org}