- c% This file was created with JabRef 2.3.1.
+ % This file was created with JabRef 2.3.1.
% Encoding: ANSI_X3.4-1968
- @article{MCErlang07,
- author = {Fredlund, Lars-\AAke and Svensson, Hans},
- title = {McErlang: a model checker for a distributed functional programming language},
- journal = {SIGPLAN Not.},
- volume = {42},
- issue = {9},
- year = {2007},
- issn = {0362-1340},
- pages = {125--136},
- numpages = {12},
- publisher = {ACM},
- }
- @inproceedings{Bogor03,
- author = {Robby and
- Matthew B. Dwyer and
- John Hatcliff},
- title = {Bogor: an extensible and highly-modular software model checking
- framework},
- booktitle = {Proc. of the 11th ACM SIGSOFT Symposium on Foundations
- of Software Engineering 2003},
- publisher = {ACM},
- year = {2003},
- pages = {267-276},
+ @InProceedings{,
+ author = {Bassam Alkindy, Christophe Guyeux, Jean-François Couchot,
+ Michel Salomon, Jacques M Bahi},
+ title = {Gene Similarity-based Approaches for Determining Core-Genes of Chloroplasts},
+ OPTcrossref = {},
+ OPTkey = {},
+ booktitle = {The IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine (BIBM)},
+ OPTyear = {2014},
+ OPTeditor = {},
+ OPTvolume = {},
+ OPTnumber = {},
+ OPTseries = {},
+ pages = {***--***},
+ month = nov,
+ address = {Belfast, UK},
+ OPTorganization = {},
+ publisher = {IEE },
+ note = {To appear},
+ OPTannote = {}
+ @inproceedings{chgw+14:oip,
+ inhal = {no},
+ equipe = {ie},
+ author = {Couchot, Jean-Fran\c{c}ois and H\'eam, Pierre-Cyrille and Guyeux, Christophe and Wang, Qianxue and Bahi, Jacques},
+ title = {Pseudorandom Number Generators with Balanced Gray Codes},
+ booktitle = {Secrypt 2014, 11th Int. Conf. on Security and Cryptography},
+ pages = {469--475},
+ address = {Vienna, Austria},
+ month = aug,
+ date = aug,
+ year = 2014
+ }
author = {Alessandro Cimatti and Edmund M. Clarke and Enrico Giunchiglia and
Fausto Giunchiglia and Marco Pistore and Marco Roveri and Roberto
- @BOOK{Dev89,
+ @BOOK{Devaney,
title = {An Introduction to Chaotic Dynamical Systems},
publisher = {Redwood City: Addison-Wesley},
year = {1989},
+ @inproceedings{bgs11:ip,
+ inhal = {no},
+ equipe = {and},
+ classement = {ACTI},
+ author = {Bahi, Jacques M. and Guyeux, Christophe and Salomon, Michel},
+ title = {Building a Chaotic Proven Neural Network},
+ booktitle = {ICCANS 2011, IEEE Int. Conf. on Computer Applications and Network Security},
+ address = {Maldives, Maldives},
+ month = may,
+ year = 2011,
+ }
+ @ARTICLE{guyeux09,
+ author = {Bahi, Jacques M. and Guyeux, Christophe},
+ title = {Hash Functions Using Chaotic Iterations},
+ journal = {Journal of Algorithms \& Computational Technology},
+ year = {2010},
+ volume = {4},
+ pages = {167--181},
+ number = {2},
+ classement = {ACLNI},
+ equipe = {and},
+ impact-factor = {#},
+ inhal = {no},
+ isi-acro = {#}
+ }
+ @PHDTHESIS{GuyeuxThese10,
+ author = {Christophe Guyeux},
+ title = {Le d\'{e}sordre des it\'{e}rations chaotiques et leur utilit\'{e}
+ en s\'{e}curit\'{e} informatique},
+ school = {Universit\'{e} de Franche-Comt\'{e}},
+ year = {2010},
+ owner = {christophe},
+ timestamp = {2010.12.21}
+ }
+ @INPROCEEDINGS{gfb10:ip,
+ author = {Guyeux, Christophe and Friot, Nicolas and Bahi, Jacques M.},
+ title = {Chaotic iterations versus Spread-spectrum: chaos and stego security},
+ booktitle = {IIH-MSP'10, 6-th International Conference on Intelligent Information Hiding and
+ Multimedia Signal Processing},
+ year = {2010},
+ pages = {208--211},
+ address = {Darmstadt, Germany},
+ month = oct,
+ classement = {ACTI},
+ equipe = {and},
+ inhal = {no}
+ }
+ @ARTICLE{Adler65,
+ author = {R. L. Adler and A. G. Konheim and M. H. McAndrew},
+ title = {Topological entropy},
+ journal = {Transactions of the American Mathematical Society},
+ year = {1965},
+ volume = {114},
+ pages = {309-319},
+ owner = {guyeux},
+ timestamp = {2008.05.29}
+ }
+ @ARTICLE{Bowen,
+ author = {Rufus Bowen},
+ title = {Entropy for group endomorphisms and homogeneous spaces},
+ journal = {Transactions of the American Mathematical Society},
+ year = {1971},
+ volume = {153},
+ pages = {401-414},
+ owner = {guyeux},
+ timestamp = {15/02/2008}
+ }
+ @article{10.1109/CIMSiM.2010.36,
+ author = {Jiri Holoska and Zuzana Oplatkova and Ivan Zelinka and Roman Senkerik},
+ title = {Comparison between Neural Network Steganalysis and Linear Classification Method Stegdetect},
+ journal ={Computational Intelligence, Modelling and Simulation, International Conference on.},
+ volume = {0},
+ year = {2010},
+ pages = {15-20},
+ doi = {http://doi.ieeecomputersociety.org/10.1109/CIMSiM.2010.36},
+ publisher = {IEEE Computer Society},
+ address = {Los Alamitos, CA, USA},
+ }
+ @article{10.1109/ICME.2003.1221665,
+ author = {Liu Shaohui and Yao Hongxun and Gao Wen},
+ title = {Neural network based steganalysis in still images},
+ journal ={Multimedia and Expo, IEEE International Conference on},
+ volume = {2},
+ year = {2003},
+ pages = {509-512},
+ doi = {http://doi.ieeecomputersociety.org/10.1109/ICME.2003.1221665},
+ publisher = {IEEE Computer Society},
+ address = {Los Alamitos, CA, USA},
+ }
+ @ARTICLE{Sullivan06steganalysisfor,
+ author = {Sullivan, Kenneth and Madhow,Upamanyu and Chandrasekaran,Shivkumar and Manjunath,B. S. },
+ title = {Steganalysis for Markov cover data with applications to images},
+ journal = {IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security},
+ year = {2006},
+ volume = {1},
+ pages = {275--287}
+ }
+ @misc{Gray47,
+ year=1953,
+ author = "Gray, Frank",
+ title = "Pulse code communication",
+ note = "{US} Patent 2,632,058, March 17 1953,(filed November 13 1947)"}
+ @INPROCEEDINGS{guyeux10ter,
+ author = {Bahi, Jacques M. and Guyeux, Christophe},
+ title = {A new chaos-based watermarking algorithm},
+ booktitle = {SECRYPT'10, International Conference on Security
+ and Cryptography},
+ year = {2010},
+ pages = {455--458},
+ address = {Athens, Greece},
+ month = jul,
+ publisher = {SciTePress},
+ classement = {ACTI},
+ equipe = {and},
+ inhal = {no}
+ }
+ @inproceedings{Qiao:2009:SM:1704555.1704664,
+ author = {Qiao, Mengyu and Sung, Andrew H. and Liu, Qingzhong},
+ title = {Steganalysis of MP3Stego},
+ booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2009 international joint conference on Neural Networks},
+ series = {IJCNN'09},
+ year = {2009},
+ location = {Atlanta, Georgia, USA},
+ pages = {2723--2728},
+ numpages = {6},
+ publisher = {IEEE Press}
+ }
author = {Byrd, Richard H. and Lu, Peihuang and Nocedal, Jorge and Zhu, Ciyou},
URL = {http://journals.cambridge.org/article_S0962492900002841},
+ @article{Wang13,
+ year={2013},
+ issn={0920-8542},
+ journal={The Journal of Supercomputing},
+ volume={64},
+ number={3},
+ doi={10.1007/s11227-010-0500-5},
+ title={Communication-resource-aware adaptive watermarking for multimedia authentication in wireless multimedia sensor networks},
+ url={http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s11227-010-0500-5},
+ publisher={Springer US},
+ keywords={Watermarking; Authentication; Wireless multimedia sensor network},
+ author={Wang, Honggang},
+ pages={883-897},
+ language={English}
+ }
author={Yifeng He and Lee, I. and Ling Guan},
+ @article{MCErlang07,
+ author = {Fredlund, Lars-\AAke and Svensson, Hans},
+ title = {McErlang: a model checker for a distributed functional programming language},
+ journal = {SIGPLAN Not.},
+ volume = {42},
+ issue = {9},
+ year = {2007},
+ issn = {0362-1340},
+ pages = {125--136},
+ numpages = {12},
+ publisher = {ACM},
+ }
+ @inproceedings{Bogor03,
+ author = {Robby and
+ Matthew B. Dwyer and
+ John Hatcliff},
+ title = {Bogor: an extensible and highly-modular software model checking
+ framework},
+ booktitle = {Proc. of the 11th ACM SIGSOFT Symposium on Foundations
+ of Software Engineering 2003},
+ publisher = {ACM},
+ year = {2003},
+ pages = {267-276},
+ }
+ @ARTICLE{Banks92,
+ author = {Banks, John and J. Brooks and G. Cairns and P. Stacey},
+ title = {On Devaney's Definition of Chaos},
+ journal = {Amer. Math. Monthly},
+ year = {1992},
+ volume = {99},
+ pages = {332--334},
+ keywords = {(c+),},
+ owner = {guyeux},
+ timestamp = {27/01/2008}
+ }
+ @article{Crook2007267,
+ title = "Pattern recall in networks of chaotic neurons",
+ journal = "Biosystems",
+ volume = "87",
+ number = "2-3",
+ pages = "267 - 274",
+ year = "2007",
+ issn = "0303-2647",
+ doi = "DOI: 10.1016/j.biosystems.2006.09.022",
+ author = "Nigel Crook and Wee Jin Goh and Mohammad Hawarat",
+ keywords = "Chaos",
+ keywords = "Spiking neural network"
+ }
+ @ARTICLE{Xiao10,
+ author = {Li, Yantao and Deng, Shaojiang and Xiao, Di},
+ title = {A novel Hash algorithm construction based on chaotic neural network},
+ journal = {Neural Computing and Applications},
+ year = {2010},
+ pages = {1-9},
+ affiliation = {Chongqing University College of Computer Science 400044 Chongqing
+ China},
+ issn = {0941-0643},
+ keyword = {Computer Science},
+ publisher = {Springer London}
+ }
+ @ARTICLE{1309431,
+ author={Satish, K. and Jayakar, T. and Tobin, C. and Madhavi, K. and Murali, K.},
+ journal={Consumer Electronics, IEEE Transactions on}, title={Chaos based spread spectrum image steganography},
+ year={2004},
+ month=may,
+ volume={50},
+ number={2},
+ pages={ 587 - 590},
+ keywords={ authentication; chaos based spread spectrum image steganography; chaotic encryption; chaotic modulation; covert communication; digital security schemes; home-office environment; in-band captioning; large-scale proliferation; tamperproofing; wireless products; chaotic communication; cryptography; data encapsulation; image processing; message authentication; modulation; spread spectrum communication;},
+ doi={10.1109/TCE.2004.1309431},
+ }
+ @article{Zhang2005759,
+ title = "An image encryption approach based on chaotic maps",
+ journal = "Chaos, Solitons \& Fractals",
+ volume = "24",
+ number = "3",
+ pages = "759 - 765",
+ year = "2005",
+ note = "",
+ issn = "0960-0779",
+ doi = "10.1016/j.chaos.2004.09.035",
+ author = "Linhua Zhang and Xiaofeng Liao and Xuebing Wang"
+ }
+ @article{Lian20091296,
+ title = "A block cipher based on chaotic neural networks",
+ journal = "Neurocomputing",
+ volume = "72",
+ number = "4-6",
+ pages = "1296 - 1301",
+ year = "2009",
+ issn = "0925-2312",
+ author = "Shiguo Lian",
+ keywords = "Neural network",
+ keywords = "Chaos",
+ keywords = "Security",
+ keywords = "Block cipher",
+ keywords = "Image encryption"
+ }
+ @article{Cybenko89,
+ author = {George Cybenko},
+ title = {Approximation by Superpositions of a Sigmoidal function},
+ journal = {Mathematics of Control, Signals and Systems},
+ volume = {2},
+ year = {1989},
+ pages = {303-314}
+ }
+ @article{DBLP:journals/nn/HornikSW89,
+ author = {Kurt Hornik and
+ Maxwell B. Stinchcombe and
+ Halbert White},
+ title = {Multilayer feedforward networks are universal approximators},
+ journal = {Neural Networks},
+ volume = {2},
+ number = {5},
+ year = {1989},
+ pages = {359-366},
+ ee = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/0893-6080(89)90020-8},
+ bibsource = {DBLP, http://dblp.uni-trier.de}
+ }
+ @article{dalkiran10,
+ author = {Ilker Dalkiran and Kenan Danisman},
+ affiliation = {Faculty of Engineering Erciyes University 38039 Kayseri Turkey},
+ title = {Artificial neural network based chaotic generator for cryptology},
+ journal = TESC,
+ volume = {18},
+ number = {2},
+ pages = {225-240},
+ year = {2010}
+ }
+ @article{springerlink:10.1007/s00521-010-0432-2,
+ author = {Li, Yantao and Deng, Shaojiang and Xiao, Di},
+ affiliation = {Chongqing University College of Computer Science 400044 Chongqing China},
+ title = {A novel Hash algorithm construction based on chaotic neural network},
+ journal = {Neural Computing and Applications},
+ publisher = {Springer},
+ issn = {0941-0643},
+ keyword = {Computer Science},
+ pages = {1-9},
+ year = {2010}
+ }