author = {Couchot, J.-F.},
title = {Formal {C}onvergence {P}roof for {D}iscrete
{D}ynamical {S}ystems},
- year = {2010},
institution = {LIFC - Laboratoire d’{I}nformatique de
l'{U}niversit\'{e} de {F}ranche {C}omt\'{e}},
type = {Research Report},
publisher = {IEEE Press}
+inhal = {no},
+domainehal = {INFO:INFO_SE, INFO:INFO_MO},
+equipe = {ie},
+classement = {*},
+author = {Couchot, Jean-Fran\c{c}ois and Dadeau, Fr\'ed\'eric},
+title = {Guiding the Correction of Parameterized Specifications},
+booktitle = {IFM'07, 6th Int. Conf. on Integrated Formal Methods},
+pages = {176--194},
+series = {LNCS},
+volume = 4591,
+publisher = {Springer},
+doi = {10.1007/978-3-540-73210-5_10},
+url = {},
+address = {Oxford, UK},
+month = jul,
+year = 2007,
+inhal = {no},
+equipe = {and},
+classement = {*},
+author = {Couchot, Jean-Fran\c{c}ois and Hubert, T.},
+title = {A Graph-based Strategy for the Selection of Hypotheses},
+booktitle = {FTP'07, Int. Workshop on First-Order Theorem Proving},
+address = {Liverpool, UK},
+month = sep,
+year = 2007,
+inhal = {inria},
+domainehal = {INFO:INFO_SE, INFO:INFO_MO},
+equipe = {ie},
+classement = {ACTI},
+author = {Couchot, Jean-Fran\c{c}ois and Giorgetti, Alain and Stouls, Nicolas},
+title = {{G}raph {B}ased {R}eduction of {P}rogram {V}erification {C}onditions},
+abstract = {{I}ncreasing the automaticity of proofs in deductive verification of {C} programs is a challenging task. {W}hen applied to industrial {C} programs known heuristics to generate simpler verification conditions are not efficient enough. {T}his is mainly due to their size and a high number of irrelevant hypotheses. {T}his work presents a strategy to reduce program verification conditions by selecting their relevant hypotheses. {T}he relevance of a hypothesis is determined by the combination of a syntactic analysis and two graph traversals. {T}he first graph is labeled by constants and the second one by the predicates in the axioms. {T}he approach is applied on a benchmark arising in industrial program verification.},
+affiliation = {{L}aboratoire d'{I}nformatique de l'{U}niversit{\'e} de {F}ranche-{C}omt{\'e} - {LIFC} - {INRIA} - {U}niversit{\'e} de {F}ranche-{C}omt{\'e} - {AMAZONES} - {CITI} {I}nsa {L}yon / {INRIA} {G}renoble {R}h{\^o}ne-{A}lpes - {INSA} - {I}nstitut {N}ational des {S}ciences {A}ppliqu{\'e}es - {INRIA} },
+booktitle = {AFM'09, {A}utomated {F}ormal {M}ethods (colocated with {CAV}'09)},
+publisher = {ACM Press},
+pages = {40--47},
+url = {},
+otherUrl = {},
+address = {Grenoble, France},
+editor = {Hassen Sa\"{i}di and N. Shankar},
+year = 2009,
+inhal = {no},
+equipe = {and},
+classement = {*},
+author = {Couchot, Jean-Fran\c{c}ois and Lescuyer, S.},
+title = {Handling Polymorphism in Automated Deduction},
+booktitle = {CADE'07, 21st Int. Conf. on Automated Deduction},
+pages = {263--278},
+series = {LNCS},
+volume = 4603,
+publisher = {Springer},
+isbn = {978-3-540-73594-6},
+doi = {10.1007/978-3-540-73595-3_18},
+url = {},
+address = {Bremen, Germany},
+month = jul,
+year = 2007,
+inhal = {no},
+domainehal = {INFO:INFO_SE, INFO:INFO_MO},
+equipe = {vesontio},
+classement = {ACTI},
+author = {Bouquet, Fabrice and Couchot, Jean-Fran\c{c}ois and Dadeau, Fr\'ed\'eric and Giorgetti, Alain},
+title = {Instantiation of Parameterized Data Structures for Model-Based Testing},
+booktitle = {B'2007, the 7th Int. B Conference},
+pages = {96--110},
+series = {LNCS},
+volume = 4355,
+publisher = {Springer},
+doi = {10.1007/11955757_10},
+url = {},
+editor = {Julliand, Jacques and Kouchnarenko, Olga},
+address = {Besancon, France},
+month = jan,
+year = 2007,
+ @book{LevinPeresWilmer2006,
+ added-at = {2010-01-19T17:51:27.000+0100},
+ author = {Levin, David A. and Peres, Yuval and Wilmer, Elizabeth L.},
+ biburl = {},
+ interhash = {61354795a6accb6407bfdbf04753a683},
+ intrahash = {097dc4d1d0e412b2444f540b04110797},
+ keywords = {markovchains probabilitytheory textbook},
+ publisher = {American Mathematical Society},
+ timestamp = {2010-01-19T17:51:27.000+0100},
+ title = {{Markov chains and mixing times}},
+ url = {},
+ year = 2006
+ }
+ @Book{proba,
+ author = {M. Mitzenmacher and Eli Upfal},
+ ALTeditor = {},
+ title = {Probability and Computing},
+ publisher = {Cambridge University Press},
+ year = {2005},
+ }
inhal = {no},
month = sep,
year = 2014,