#include "BlockParameterGeneric.h"
#include "BlockParameterPort.h"
#include "BlockParameterWishbone.h"
+#include "Parameters.h"
ReferenceBlock::ReferenceBlock(const QString _xmlFile) : AbstractBlock() {
xmlFile = _xmlFile;
-void ReferenceBlock::setBriefDescription(const QString& str) {
+void ReferenceBlock::setDescription(const QString& str) {
if(str != NULL)
- descriptionBrief = str;
-void ReferenceBlock::setDetailedDescription(const QString& str) {
- if(str != NULL)
- descriptionDetail = str;
+ description = str;
void ReferenceBlock::addImplementation(BlockImplementation *impl) {
else {
QDomText txtName = nodeNameTxt.toText();
- name = txtName.data().trimmed();
+ name = Parameters::normalizeName(txtName.data().trimmed());
cout<< "block name : " << qPrintable(name) << endl;
QString idsStr = eltCat.attribute("ids","none");
if (idsStr == "none") throw (Exception(BLOCKFILE_CORRUPTED));
- QStringList listCat = idsStr.split(",");
- foreach(QString str, listCat)
- {
- int idCat = str.toInt(&ok);
- categories.append(idCat);
+ if (idsStr.isEmpty()) {
+ categories.append(99);
+ }
+ else {
+ QStringList listCat = idsStr.split(",");
+ foreach(QString str, listCat)
+ {
+ int idCat = str.toInt(&ok);
+ categories.append(idCat);
+ }
// getting description
cout << "Block info : get description" << endl;
QDomElement eltDesc = eltCat.nextSiblingElement("description");
- // getting brief
- QDomElement eltBrief = eltDesc.firstChildElement("brief");
- QDomNode nodeBriefTxt = eltBrief.firstChild();
- if (nodeBriefTxt.isNull()) {
- descriptionBrief = "no brief description";
+ // getting text
+ QDomNode nodeTxt = eltDesc.firstChild();
+ if (nodeTxt.isNull()) {
+ description = "no description";
else {
- QDomText txtBrief = nodeBriefTxt.toText();
- descriptionBrief = txtBrief.data().trimmed();
- cout << "block brief desc : " << qPrintable(descriptionBrief) << endl;
- }
- // getting detailed
- QDomElement eltDetail = eltBrief.nextSiblingElement("detailed");
- QDomNode nodeDetailTxt = eltDetail.firstChild();
- if (nodeDetailTxt.isNull()) {
- descriptionDetail = "no detailed description";
- }
- else {
- QDomText txtDetail = nodeDetailTxt.toText();
- descriptionDetail = txtDetail.data().trimmed();
- cout << "block detail desc : " << qPrintable(descriptionDetail) << endl;
- }
+ QDomText txtBrief = nodeTxt.toText();
+ description = txtBrief.data().trimmed();
+ cout << "block desc : " << qPrintable(description) << endl;
+ }
void ReferenceBlock::loadParameters(QDomElement &elt) throw(Exception) {
QString nameStr;
QString typeStr;
QString widthStr;
+ QString endianStr;
QString purposeStr;
+ QString clockStr;
int purpose;
QString multStr;
int mult;
QDomElement eltInputs = elt.firstChildElement("inputs");
// getting each input
QDomNodeList listNodeInputs = eltInputs.elementsByTagName("input");
+ // find all input clocks
+ QList<AbstractInterface*> clocks;
+ for(int i=0;i<listNodeInputs.size();i++) {
+ QDomNode node = listNodeInputs.at(i);
+ QDomElement eltInput = node.toElement();
+ purposeStr = eltInput.attribute("purpose","none");
+ if (purposeStr == "clock") {
+ nameStr = eltInput.attribute("name","none");
+ inter = new ReferenceInterface(this,nameStr,AbstractInterface::Input, AbstractInterface::Clock, "boolean", "1", AbstractInterface::LittleEndian, 1);
+ inputs.append(inter);
+ clocks.append(inter);
+ }
+ }
+ cout << "number of clocks: " << clocks.size() << endl;
+ // find inputs
for(int i=0;i<listNodeInputs.size();i++) {
QDomNode node = listNodeInputs.at(i);
QDomElement eltInput = node.toElement();
- nameStr = eltInput.attribute("name","none");
- typeStr = eltInput.attribute("type","none");
- widthStr = eltInput.attribute("width","none");
purposeStr = eltInput.attribute("purpose","none");
- cout << "block : " << this->getName().toStdString() << endl;
- cout << "purpose for " << nameStr.toStdString() << " : " << purposeStr.toStdString() << endl;
purpose = ReferenceInterface::translatePurpose(purposeStr);
- cout << "translated purpose : " << purpose << endl;
- multStr = eltInput.attribute("multiplicity","none");
- mult = ReferenceInterface::translateMultiplicity(multStr);
+ if (purpose != AbstractInterface::Clock) {
+ cout << "translated purpose : " << purpose << endl;
+ nameStr = eltInput.attribute("name","none");
+ typeStr = eltInput.attribute("type","none");
+ widthStr = eltInput.attribute("width","none");
+ endianStr = eltInput.attribute("endian","none");
+ clockStr = eltInput.attribute("clock","none");
+ int endianess;
+ if ((endianStr == "none") || (endianStr == "little")) {
+ endianess = AbstractInterface::LittleEndian;
+ }
+ else if (endianStr == "big") {
+ endianess = AbstractInterface::BigEndian;
+ }
+ else {
+ throw (Exception(BLOCKFILE_CORRUPTED));
+ }
- inter = new ReferenceInterface(this,nameStr,typeStr,widthStr,AbstractInterface::Input, purpose, mult);
- inputs.append(inter);
+ multStr = eltInput.attribute("multiplicity","none");
+ mult = ReferenceInterface::translateMultiplicity(multStr);
+ inter = new ReferenceInterface(this,nameStr, AbstractInterface::Input, purpose, typeStr, widthStr, endianess, mult);
+ if (clockStr == "none") {
+ // no clock given, take the first one (hope that there is a single one !)
+ clockStr = clocks.at(0)->getName();
+ }
+ if (! inter->setClockIface(clockStr)) {
+ throw (Exception(BLOCKFILE_CORRUPTED));
+ }
+ inputs.append(inter);
+ }
// getting each control
QDomNodeList listNodeInCtl = eltInputs.elementsByTagName("control");
AbstractInterface* dataIface = getIfaceFromName(nameStr);
if (dataIface == NULL) throw (Exception(BLOCKFILE_CORRUPTED));
nameStr = dataIface->getName()+"_enb";
- inter = new ReferenceInterface(this,nameStr,"boolean","1",AbstractInterface::Input, AbstractInterface::Control, 1);
+ inter = new ReferenceInterface(this,nameStr,AbstractInterface::Input, AbstractInterface::Control,"boolean","1", AbstractInterface::LittleEndian, 1);
if (!inter->setAssociatedIface(dataIface)) {
throw (Exception(BLOCKFILE_CORRUPTED));
for(int i=0;i<listNodeOutputs.size();i++) {
QDomNode node = listNodeOutputs.at(i);
QDomElement eltOutput = node.toElement();
nameStr = eltOutput.attribute("name","none");
typeStr = eltOutput.attribute("type","none");
widthStr = eltOutput.attribute("width","none");
+ endianStr = eltOutput.attribute("endian","none");
+ clockStr = eltOutput.attribute("clock","none");
+ int endianess;
+ if ((endianStr == "none") || (endianStr == "little")) {
+ endianess = AbstractInterface::LittleEndian;
+ }
+ else if (endianStr == "big") {
+ endianess = AbstractInterface::BigEndian;
+ }
+ else {
+ throw (Exception(BLOCKFILE_CORRUPTED));
+ }
purposeStr = eltOutput.attribute("purpose","none");
purpose = ReferenceInterface::translatePurpose(purposeStr);
multStr = eltOutput.attribute("multiplicity","none");
mult = ReferenceInterface::translateMultiplicity(multStr);
- inter = new ReferenceInterface(this,nameStr,typeStr,widthStr,AbstractInterface::Output, purpose, mult);
+ inter = new ReferenceInterface(this,nameStr,AbstractInterface::Output, purpose,typeStr,widthStr, endianess, mult);
+ if (clockStr == "none") {
+ // no clock given, take the first one (hope that there is a single one !)
+ clockStr = clocks.at(0)->getName();
+ }
+ if (! inter->setClockIface(clockStr)) {
+ throw (Exception(BLOCKFILE_CORRUPTED));
+ }
// getting each control
AbstractInterface* dataIface = getIfaceFromName(nameStr);
if (dataIface == NULL) throw (Exception(BLOCKFILE_CORRUPTED));
nameStr = dataIface->getName()+"_enb";
- inter = new ReferenceInterface(this,nameStr,"boolean","1",AbstractInterface::Output, AbstractInterface::Control, 1);
+ inter = new ReferenceInterface(this,nameStr,AbstractInterface::Output, AbstractInterface::Control,"boolean","1",AbstractInterface::LittleEndian, 1);
if (!inter->setAssociatedIface(dataIface)) {
throw (Exception(BLOCKFILE_CORRUPTED));
nameStr = eltBidir.attribute("name","none");
typeStr = eltBidir.attribute("type","none");
widthStr = eltBidir.attribute("width","none");
+ endianStr = eltBidir.attribute("endian","none");
+ clockStr = eltBidir.attribute("clock","none");
+ int endianess;
+ if ((endianStr == "none") || (endianStr == "little")) {
+ endianess = AbstractInterface::LittleEndian;
+ }
+ else if (endianStr == "big") {
+ endianess = AbstractInterface::BigEndian;
+ }
+ else {
+ throw (Exception(BLOCKFILE_CORRUPTED));
+ }
purposeStr = eltBidir.attribute("purpose","none");
purpose = ReferenceInterface::translatePurpose(purposeStr);
multStr = eltBidir.attribute("multiplicity","none");
mult = ReferenceInterface::translateMultiplicity(multStr);
- inter = new ReferenceInterface(this,nameStr,typeStr,widthStr,AbstractInterface::InOut, purpose, mult);
+ inter = new ReferenceInterface(this,nameStr,AbstractInterface::InOut, purpose,typeStr,widthStr, endianess, mult);
+ if (clockStr == "none") {
+ // no clock given, take the first one (hope that there is a single one !)
+ clockStr = clocks.at(0)->getName();
+ }
+ if (! inter->setClockIface(clockStr)) {
+ throw (Exception(BLOCKFILE_CORRUPTED));
+ }
cout << "creating interface for parameter wb " << qPrintable(p->getName()) << endl;
if (p->getWBAccess() == BlockParameter::Read) {
- iface = new ReferenceInterface(this,p->getName(),p->getTypeString(),p->getWidth(), AbstractInterface::Output, AbstractInterface::Wishbone,1);
+ iface = new ReferenceInterface(this,p->getName(), AbstractInterface::Output, AbstractInterface::Wishbone, p->getTypeString(),p->getWidth(), AbstractInterface::LittleEndian, 1);
else if (p->getWBAccess() == BlockParameter::Write) {
- iface = new ReferenceInterface(this,p->getName(),p->getTypeString(),p->getWidth(), AbstractInterface::Input, AbstractInterface::Wishbone,1);
+ iface = new ReferenceInterface(this,p->getName(), AbstractInterface::Input, AbstractInterface::Wishbone,p->getTypeString(),p->getWidth(),AbstractInterface::LittleEndian,1);
else {
toWrite << b.name;
toWrite << b.xmlFile;
- toWrite << b.descriptionBrief;
- toWrite << b.descriptionDetail;
+ toWrite << b.description;
toWrite << b.categories;
toWrite << b.hashMd5;
toWrite << b.params.size();
toWrite << b.inputs.size();
- // firstly write control ifaces
+ // firstly write clock ifaces
+ for(int i=0; i<b.inputs.size(); i++){
+ ReferenceInterface *iface = (ReferenceInterface *)(b.inputs.at(i));
+ if (iface->getPurpose() == AbstractInterface::Clock) {
+ toWrite << iface->getName();
+ toWrite << iface->getType();
+ toWrite << iface->getWidthString();
+ toWrite << iface->getPurpose();
+ toWrite << iface->getDirection();
+ toWrite << iface->getMultiplicity();
+ toWrite << iface->getClockIfaceType();
+ toWrite << iface->getClockIfaceString();
+ }
+ }
+ // secondly write control ifaces
for(int i=0; i<b.inputs.size(); i++){
ReferenceInterface *iface = (ReferenceInterface *)(b.inputs.at(i));
if (iface->getPurpose() == AbstractInterface::Control) {
toWrite << iface->getName();
- toWrite << iface->getWidth();
+ toWrite << iface->getType();
+ toWrite << iface->getWidthString();
toWrite << iface->getPurpose();
toWrite << iface->getDirection();
toWrite << iface->getMultiplicity();
+ toWrite << iface->getClockIfaceType();
+ toWrite << iface->getClockIfaceString();
// secondly, write other ifaces
for(int i=0; i<b.inputs.size(); i++){
ReferenceInterface *iface = (ReferenceInterface *)(b.inputs.at(i));
- if (iface->getPurpose() != AbstractInterface::Control) {
+ if ((iface->getPurpose() != AbstractInterface::Control) && (iface->getPurpose() != AbstractInterface::Clock)) {
toWrite << iface->getName();
- toWrite << iface->getWidth();
+ toWrite << iface->getType();
+ toWrite << iface->getWidthString();
toWrite << iface->getPurpose();
toWrite << iface->getDirection();
toWrite << iface->getMultiplicity();
+ toWrite << iface->getClockIfaceType();
+ toWrite << iface->getClockIfaceString();
toWrite << b.outputs.size();
ReferenceInterface *iface = (ReferenceInterface *)(b.outputs.at(i));
if (iface->getPurpose() == AbstractInterface::Control) {
toWrite << iface->getName();
- toWrite << iface->getWidth();
+ toWrite << iface->getType();
+ toWrite << iface->getWidthString();
toWrite << iface->getPurpose();
toWrite << iface->getDirection();
toWrite << iface->getMultiplicity();
+ toWrite << iface->getClockIfaceType();
+ toWrite << iface->getClockIfaceString();
// secondly, write other ifaces
ReferenceInterface *iface = (ReferenceInterface *)(b.outputs.at(i));
if (iface->getPurpose() != AbstractInterface::Control) {
toWrite << iface->getName();
- toWrite << iface->getWidth();
+ toWrite << iface->getType();
+ toWrite << iface->getWidthString();
toWrite << iface->getPurpose();
toWrite << iface->getDirection();
toWrite << iface->getMultiplicity();
+ toWrite << iface->getClockIfaceType();
+ toWrite << iface->getClockIfaceString();
toWrite << b.bidirs.size();
for(int i=0; i<b.bidirs.size(); i++){
ReferenceInterface *iface = (ReferenceInterface *)(b.bidirs.at(i));
toWrite << iface->getName();
- toWrite << iface->getWidth();
+ toWrite << iface->getType();
+ toWrite << iface->getWidthString();
toWrite << iface->getPurpose();
toWrite << iface->getDirection();
toWrite << iface->getMultiplicity();
+ toWrite << iface->getClockIfaceType();
+ toWrite << iface->getClockIfaceString();
out << blockData;
in >> b.name;
in >> b.xmlFile;
- in >> b.descriptionBrief;
- in >> b.descriptionDetail;
+ in >> b.description;
in >> b.categories;
in >> b.hashMd5;
iface = new ReferenceInterface(&b);
in >> txt;
+ int type;
+ in >> type;
+ iface->setType(type);
in >> txt;
in >> val;
in >> val;
+ int clkType;
+ QString clk;
+ in >> clkType;
+ in >> clk;
+ if (clkType == AbstractInterface::ParameterName) {
+ clk = "$"+clk;
+ }
+ if (! iface->setClockIface(clk)) {
+ cerr << "Abnormal case while reading a reference block in library: cannot set ref clock for an interface" << endl;
+ }
if (iface->getPurpose() == AbstractInterface::Data) {
QString ctlRefName = iface->getName()+"_enb";
ReferenceInterface* ctlRefIface = AI_TO_REF(b.getIfaceFromName(ctlRefName));
if (ctlRefIface != NULL) {
if (! ctlRefIface->setAssociatedIface(iface)) {
- cerr << "Abnormal case while reading a reference block in library" << endl;
+ cerr << "Abnormal case while reading a reference block in library: cannot set associated control interface for data interface" << endl;
iface = new ReferenceInterface(&b);
in >> txt;
+ int type;
+ in >> type;
+ iface->setType(type);
in >> txt;
in >> val;
in >> val;
+ int clkType;
+ QString clk;
+ in >> clkType;
+ in >> clk;
+ if (clkType == AbstractInterface::ParameterName) {
+ clk = "$"+clk;
+ }
+ if (! iface->setClockIface(clk)) {
+ cerr << "Abnormal case while reading a reference block in library: cannot set ref clock for an interface" << endl;
+ }
if (iface->getPurpose() == AbstractInterface::Data) {
QString ctlRefName = iface->getName()+"_enb";
iface = new ReferenceInterface(&b);
in >> txt;
+ int type;
+ in >> type;
+ iface->setType(type);
in >> txt;
in >> val;
in >> val;
+ int clkType;
+ QString clk;
+ in >> clkType;
+ in >> clk;
+ if (clkType == AbstractInterface::ParameterName) {
+ clk = "$"+clk;
+ }
+ if (! iface->setClockIface(clk)) {
+ cerr << "Abnormal case while reading a reference block in library: cannot set ref clock for an interface" << endl;
+ }
return in;
-bool ReferenceBlock::checkInputPatternCompatibility() {
- return false;
+void ReferenceBlock::checkInputPatternCompatibility() throw(Exception){
+ throw(Exception(INVALID_REFBLOCK_USE));
+void ReferenceBlock::computeOutputPattern(int nbExec) throw(Exception) {
+ // does strictly nothing
+ throw(Exception(INVALID_REFBLOCK_USE));
-bool ReferenceBlock::computeOutputPattern(int nbExec) {
+void ReferenceBlock::computeAdmittanceDelays() throw(Exception) {
// does strictly nothing
- return false;
+ throw(Exception(INVALID_REFBLOCK_USE));
+void ReferenceBlock::generateVHDL(const QString& path) throw(Exception){
+ throw(Exception(INVALID_REFBLOCK_USE));
+void ReferenceBlock::generateComments(QTextStream& out, QDomElement &elt, QString coreFile) throw(Exception) {
+ throw(Exception(INVALID_REFBLOCK_USE));
+void ReferenceBlock::generateLibraries(QTextStream& out, QDomElement &elt) throw(Exception) {
+ throw(Exception(INVALID_REFBLOCK_USE));
+void ReferenceBlock::generateArchitecture(QTextStream& out, QDomElement &elt ) throw(Exception) {
+ throw(Exception(INVALID_REFBLOCK_USE));
+void ReferenceBlock::generateController(QTextStream& out) throw(Exception) {
+ throw(Exception(INVALID_REFBLOCK_USE));
+void ReferenceBlock::generateEntityOrComponentBody(QTextStream &out, int indentLevel, bool hasController) throw(Exception) {
+ throw(Exception(INVALID_REFBLOCK_USE));
+QList<QString> ReferenceBlock::getExternalResources() {
+ QList<QString> list;
+ return list;