public :
enum IfaceWidthType { Expression = 1, Boolean, Natural};
- enum IfacePurpose { Data = 1, Clock = 2, Reset = 3, Wishbone = 4 };
+ enum IfacePurpose { Data = 1, Control, Clock, Reset, Wishbone };
enum IfaceDirection { Input = 1, Output = 2, InOut = 3 };
enum IfaceVHDLContext { Entity = 1, Component = 2, Architecture = 3 }; // NB : 3 is when creating an instance of the block that owns this iface
enum IfaceVHDLFlags { NoComma = 1 };
enum ParamType { Expression = 1, Character, String, Bit, BitVector, Boolean, Integer, Natural, Positive, Real, Time};\r
// a bit ugly to put that here but more practical for using them\r
+ /*!\r
+ * \brief The ParamWBAccess enum\r
+ * Read means that the block setup the value of this parameter and it is possible to \r
+ * to read that value from outside the FPGA (via the wrapper of the wishbone). Thus,\r
+ * from the block point of view, the parameter corresponds to an output port.\r
+ * Write means that it is possible to setup the value of this paramter from outside the FPGA (via\r
+ * the wrapper of the wishbone) so that the block can read that value. Thus,\r
+ * from the block point of view, the parameter corresponds to an input port.\r
+ */\r
enum ParamWBAccess { Read = 1, Write = 2};\r
enum ParamWBDuration { Permanent = 1, Trigger = 2 };\r
enum ParamVHDLContext { Entity = 1, Component = 2, Architecture = 3 }; // NB : 3 is when creating an instance of the block that owns this iface\r
using namespace std;
using namespace Qt;
+ * \brief The ConnectedInterface class represents an interface of block (functional or group) that may be connected from/to other interfaces
+ * A ConnectedInterface is used to establish connection between blocks.
+ */
class ConnectedInterface : public AbstractInterface {
public :
virtual bool canConnectTo(AbstractInterface* iface) = 0;
virtual bool canConnectFrom(AbstractInterface* iface) = 0;
- // others
+ // others
bool connectTo(ConnectedInterface* iface);
bool connectFrom(ConnectedInterface* iface);
ConnectedInterface* getConnectionToParentGroup();
ConnectedInterface* getConnectionFromParentGroup();
- virtual AbstractInterface *clone() = 0;
+ virtual AbstractInterface *clone() = 0;
void removeConnectedTo(ConnectedInterface *inter);
virtual void clearConnectedTo();
//virtual void connectionsValidation(QStack<AbstractInterface*> *interfacetoValidate, QList<AbstractInterface*> *validatedInterfaces) throw(Exception) = 0;
+ /*!
+ * \brief connectedTo lists of connections to interfaces owned by other blocks (functional or group)
+ * Since the graph is oriented, and taking into account it modles a FPGA desing,
+ * this interface may be connected to several interfaces owned by other blocks (functional or group).
+ * connectedTo references such interfaces if they exist.
+ */
QList<ConnectedInterface*> connectedTo;
+ /*!
+ * \brief connectedFrom connection from an interface owned by another blocks (functional or group)
+ * Since the graph is oriented, and taking into account it modles a FPGA desing,
+ * there may be a single interface owned by another block (functional or group) that is connected to
+ * this interface. connecteFrom references such an interface if it exists.
+ */
ConnectedInterface* connectedFrom;
+ /*!
+ * \brief associatedIface the control (resp. data) interface that is bounded to this data (resp. control) interface
+ * If a reference block is designed to be fully integrated in Blast, nearly every data interface is bounded
+ * to a control interface that signals if the value presented on the interface is valid or not. associatedIface
+ * references this control interface if this is a data interface, and a data interface is this is a control interface.
+ * Note that the association is done by the call of setAssociatedIface() that must be done only for a control interface.
+ * (NB: a test is done in the method to prevent the other case).
+ */
+ ConnectedInterface* associatedIface;
try {
+ catch(int err) {
+ throw(err);
+ }
+ // create interfaces that correspond to a wishbone parameter, if any.
+ try {
+ createInterfaceForParameters();
+ }
catch(int err) {
-void ReferenceBlock::parametersValidation(QList<AbstractBlock *> *checkedBlocks, QList<AbstractBlock *> *blocksToConfigure)
+void ReferenceBlock::createInterfaceForParameters() throw(Exception){
+ ReferenceInterface* iface = NULL;
+ foreach(BlockParameter* param, params) {
+ if (param->isWishboneParameter()) {
+ BlockParameterWishbone* p = (BlockParameterWishbone*)param;
+ int orientation = -1;
+ if (p->getWBAccess() == BlockParameter::Read) {
+ iface = new ReferenceInterface(this,p->getName(),p->getType(),p->getWidth(), AbstractInterface::Output, AbstractInterface::Wishbone,1);
+ outputs.append(iface);
+ }
+ else if (p->getWBAccess() == BlockParameter::Write) {
+ iface = new ReferenceInterface(this,p->getName(),p->getType(),p->getWidth(), AbstractInterface::Input, AbstractInterface::Wishbone,1);
+ inputs.append(iface);
+ }
+ ReferenceInterface* iface = new ReferenceInterface(this,p->getName(),p->getType(),p->getWidth(), orientation, AbstractInterface::Wishbone,1);
+ }
+ }
+void ReferenceBlock::parametersValidation(QList<AbstractBlock *> *checkedBlocks, QList<AbstractBlock *> *blocksToConfigure) {
void loadInformations(QDomElement &elt) throw(Exception);
void loadParameters(QDomElement &elt) throw(Exception);
void loadInterfaces(QDomElement &elt) throw(Exception);
+ void createInterfaceForParameters() throw(Exception);
friend QDataStream &operator<<(QDataStream &out, const ReferenceBlock &b);
friend QDataStream &operator>>(QDataStream &in, ReferenceBlock &b);
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- type : required
- value : required if context = constant/generic, optionnal if context = wb, optional but not used if context = user/port
- context : required
- - core : required if context = wb, not used for others. Possibles values : r or w. Specify if the parameter will be a register
+ - wishbone : required if context = wb, not used for others. Possibles values : r or w,keep_value,type_init. Specify if the parameter will be a register
that is read by the core, i.e. an input port of the core, or written by the core.
<inputs>, <outputs> attributes :
<input name="data_i" pattern="(1){$nb_data}" />
- <output name="data_o" pattern="00{$nb_data}" counter="{2,$nb_data+2}"/>
+ <output name="data_o" pattern="00{$nb_data}" counter="{2:$nb_data+2:1}"/>
<input name="clk" type="boolean" width="1" purpose="clock" />\r
<input name="rst" type="boolean" width="1" purpose="reset" />\r
- \r
<input name="data_i" type="expression" width="$data_width" />\r
+ <control iface="data_i" />\r
<output name="data_o" type="expression" width="$data_width" multiplicity="1"/>\r
+ <control iface="data_o" />\r
</outputs> \r
<xs:attribute ref="name" use="required"/>
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<xs:attribute name="context" type="xs:string" />
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+ <xs:complexType>
+ <xs:attribute ref="iface"/>
+ </xs:complexType>
+ </xs:element>
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