1 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% chapter.tex %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
5 % Use this file as a template for your own input.
7 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Springer-Verlag %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
8 %\motto{Use the template \emph{chapter.tex} to style the various elements of your chapter content.}
9 \chapter{Chapter Heading}
10 \label{intro} % Always give a unique label
12 % to alter or adjust the chapter heading in the running head
14 \abstract*{Each chapter should be preceded by an abstract (no more than 200 words) that summarizes the content. The abstract will appear \textit{online} at \url{www.SpringerLink.com} and be available with unrestricted access. This allows unregistered users to read the abstract as a teaser for the complete chapter.
15 Please use the 'starred' version of the new \texttt{abstract} command for typesetting the text of the online abstracts (cf. source file of this chapter template \texttt{abstract}) and include them with the source files of your manuscript. Use the plain \texttt{abstract} command if the abstract is also to appear in the printed version of the book.}
17 \abstract{Each chapter should be preceded by an abstract (no more than 200 words) that summarizes the content. The abstract will appear \textit{online} at \url{www.SpringerLink.com} and be available with unrestricted access. This allows unregistered users to read the abstract as a teaser for the complete chapter. \newline\indent
18 Please use the 'starred' version of the new \texttt{abstract} command for typesetting the text of the online abstracts (cf. source file of this chapter template \texttt{abstract}) and include them with the source files of your manuscript. Use the plain \texttt{abstract} command if the abstract is also to appear in the printed version of the book.}
20 \section{Section Heading}
22 Use the template \emph{chapter.tex} together with the document class SVMono (monograph-type books) or SVMult (edited books) to style the various elements of your chapter content conformable to the Springer Nature layout.
24 \section{Section Heading}
26 % Always give a unique label
27 % and use \ref{<label>} for cross-references
28 % and \cite{<label>} for bibliographic references
30 % to alter or adjust the section heading in the running head
31 Instead of simply listing headings of different levels we recommend to let every heading be followed by at least a short passage of text. Furtheron please use the \LaTeX\ automatism for all your cross-references and citations.
33 Please note that the first line of text that follows a heading is not indented, whereas the first lines of all subsequent paragraphs are.
37 Use the standard \verb|equation| environment to typeset your equations, e.g.
43 however, for multiline equations we recommend to use the \verb|eqnarray| environment\footnote{In physics texts please activate the class option \texttt{vecphys} to depict your vectors in \textbf{\itshape boldface-italic} type - as is customary for a wide range of physical subjects.}.
45 \left|\nabla U_{\alpha}^{\mu}(y)\right| &\le&\frac1{d-\alpha}\int
46 \left|\nabla\frac1{|\xi-y|^{d-\alpha}}\right|\,d\mu(\xi) =
47 \int \frac1{|\xi-y|^{d-\alpha+1}} \,d\mu(\xi)\qquad \\
48 &=&(d-\alpha+1) \int\limits_{d(y)}^\infty
49 \frac{\mu(B(y,r))}{r^{d-\alpha+2}}\,dr \le (d-\alpha+1)
50 \int\limits_{d(y)}^\infty \frac{r^{d-\alpha}}{r^{d-\alpha+2}}\,dr
54 \enlargethispage{24pt}
56 \subsection{Subsection Heading}
58 Instead of simply listing headings of different levels we recommend to let every heading be followed by at least a short passage of text. Further on please use the \LaTeX\ automatism for all your cross-references\index{cross-references} and citations\index{citations} as has already been described in Sect.~\ref{sec:2}.
61 Please do not use quotation marks when quoting texts! Simply use the \verb|quotation| environment -- it will automatically be rendered in the preferred layout.
65 \subsubsection{Subsubsection Heading}
66 Instead of simply listing headings of different levels we recommend to let every heading be followed by at least a short passage of text. Furtheron please use the \LaTeX\ automatism for all your cross-references and citations as has already been described in Sect.~\ref{subsec:2}, see also Fig.~\ref{fig:1}\footnote{If you copy text passages, figures, or tables from other works, you must obtain \textit{permission} from the copyright holder (usually the original publisher). Please enclose the signed permission with the manucript. The sources\index{permission to print} must be acknowledged either in the captions, as footnotes or in a separate section of the book.}
68 Please note that the first line of text that follows a heading is not indented, whereas the first lines of all subsequent paragraphs are.
74 % Use the relevant command for your figure-insertion program
75 % to insert the figure file.
76 % For example, with the option graphics use
77 \includegraphics[scale=.65]{figure}
80 %\picplace{5cm}{2cm} % Give the correct figure height and width in cm
82 \caption{If the width of the figure is less than 7.8 cm use the \texttt{sidecapion} command to flush the caption on the left side of the page. If the figure is positioned at the top of the page, align the sidecaption with the top of the figure -- to achieve this you simply need to use the optional argument \texttt{[t]} with the \texttt{sidecaption} command}
83 \label{fig:1} % Give a unique label
87 \paragraph{Paragraph Heading} %
88 Instead of simply listing headings of different levels we recommend to let every heading be followed by at least a short passage of text. Furtheron please use the \LaTeX\ automatism for all your cross-references and citations as has already been described in Sect.~\ref{sec:2}.
90 Please note that the first line of text that follows a heading is not indented, whereas the first lines of all subsequent paragraphs are.
92 For typesetting numbered lists we recommend to use the \verb|enumerate| environment -- it will automatically render Springer's preferred layout.
95 \item{Livelihood and survival mobility are oftentimes coutcomes of uneven socioeconomic development.}
97 \item{Livelihood and survival mobility are oftentimes coutcomes of uneven socioeconomic development.}
98 \item{Livelihood and survival mobility are oftentimes coutcomes of uneven socioeconomic development.}
100 \item{Livelihood and survival mobility are oftentimes coutcomes of uneven socioeconomic development.}
104 \subparagraph{Subparagraph Heading} In order to avoid simply listing headings of different levels we recommend to let every heading be followed by at least a short passage of text. Use the \LaTeX\ automatism for all your cross-references and citations as has already been described in Sect.~\ref{sec:2}, see also Fig.~\ref{fig:2}.
106 Please note that the first line of text that follows a heading is not indented, whereas the first lines of all subsequent paragraphs are.
108 For unnumbered list we recommend to use the \verb|itemize| environment -- it will automatically render Springer's preferred layout.
111 \item{Livelihood and survival mobility are oftentimes coutcomes of uneven socioeconomic development, cf. Table~\ref{tab:1}.}
113 \item{Livelihood and survival mobility are oftentimes coutcomes of uneven socioeconomic development.}
114 \item{Livelihood and survival mobility are oftentimes coutcomes of uneven socioeconomic development.}
116 \item{Livelihood and survival mobility are oftentimes coutcomes of uneven socioeconomic development.}
121 % Use the relevant command for your figure-insertion program
122 % to insert the figure file.
123 % For example, with the option graphics use
124 \includegraphics[scale=.65]{figure}
127 %\picplace{5cm}{2cm} % Give the correct figure height and width in cm
129 \caption{Please write your figure caption here}
130 \label{fig:2} % Give a unique label
133 \runinhead{Run-in Heading Boldface Version} Use the \LaTeX\ automatism for all your cross-references and citations as has already been described in Sect.~\ref{sec:2}.
135 \subruninhead{Run-in Heading Italic Version} Use the \LaTeX\ automatism for all your cross-refer\-ences and citations as has already been described in Sect.~\ref{sec:2}\index{paragraph}.
137 \subsubruninhead{Run-in Heading Displayed Version} Use the \LaTeX\ automatism for all your cross-refer\-ences and citations as has already been described in Sect.~\ref{sec:2}\index{paragraph}.
138 % Use the \index{} command to code your index words
143 \caption{Please write your table caption here}
144 \label{tab:1} % Give a unique label
146 % For LaTeX tables use
148 \begin{tabular}{p{2cm}p{2.4cm}p{2cm}p{4.9cm}}
149 \hline\noalign{\smallskip}
150 Classes & Subclass & Length & Action Mechanism \\
151 \noalign{\smallskip}\svhline\noalign{\smallskip}
152 Translation & mRNA$^a$ & 22 (19--25) & Translation repression, mRNA cleavage\\
153 Translation & mRNA cleavage & 21 & mRNA cleavage\\
154 Translation & mRNA & 21--22 & mRNA cleavage\\
155 Translation & mRNA & 24--26 & Histone and DNA Modification\\
156 \noalign{\smallskip}\hline\noalign{\smallskip}
158 $^a$ Table foot note (with superscript)
161 \section{Section Heading}
163 % Always give a unique label
164 % and use \ref{<label>} for cross-references
165 % and \cite{<label>} for bibliographic references
167 % to alter or adjust the section heading in the running head
168 Instead of simply listing headings of different levels we recommend to let every heading be followed by at least a short passage of text. Furtheron please use the \LaTeX\ automatism for all your cross-references and citations as has already been described in Sect.~\ref{sec:2}.
170 Please note that the first line of text that follows a heading is not indented, whereas the first lines of all subsequent paragraphs are.
172 If you want to list definitions or the like we recommend to use the Springer-enhanced \verb|description| environment -- it will automatically render Springer's preferred layout.
174 \begin{description}[Type 1]
175 \item[Type 1]{That addresses central themes pertainng to migration, health, and disease. In Sect.~\ref{sec:1}, Wilson discusses the role of human migration in infectious disease distributions and patterns.}
176 \item[Type 2]{That addresses central themes pertainng to migration, health, and disease. In Sect.~\ref{subsec:2}, Wilson discusses the role of human migration in infectious disease distributions and patterns.}
179 \subsection{Subsection Heading} %
180 In order to avoid simply listing headings of different levels we recommend to let every heading be followed by at least a short passage of text. Use the \LaTeX\ automatism for all your cross-references and citations citations as has already been described in Sect.~\ref{sec:2}.
182 Please note that the first line of text that follows a heading is not indented, whereas the first lines of all subsequent paragraphs are.
185 If you want to emphasize complete paragraphs of texts we recommend to use the newly defined Springer class option \verb|graybox| and the newly defined environment \verb|svgraybox|. This will produce a 15 percent screened box 'behind' your text.
187 If you want to emphasize complete paragraphs of texts we recommend to use the newly defined Springer class option and environment \verb|svgraybox|. This will produce a 15 percent screened box 'behind' your text.
191 \subsubsection{Subsubsection Heading}
192 Instead of simply listing headings of different levels we recommend to let every heading be followed by at least a short passage of text. Furtheron please use the \LaTeX\ automatism for all your cross-references and citations as has already been described in Sect.~\ref{sec:2}.
194 Please note that the first line of text that follows a heading is not indented, whereas the first lines of all subsequent paragraphs are.
197 Theorem text goes here.
203 Definition text goes here.
208 Proof text goes here.
212 \paragraph{Paragraph Heading} %
213 Instead of simply listing headings of different levels we recommend to let every heading be followed by at least a short passage of text. Furtheron please use the \LaTeX\ automatism for all your cross-references and citations as has already been described in Sect.~\ref{sec:2}.
215 Note that the first line of text that follows a heading is not indented, whereas the first lines of all subsequent paragraphs are.
217 % For built-in environments use
220 Theorem text goes here.
224 Definition text goes here.
229 Proof text goes here.
234 \begin{trailer}{Trailer Head}
235 If you want to emphasize complete paragraphs of texts in an \verb|Trailer Head| we recommend to
236 use \begin{verbatim}\begin{trailer}{Trailer Head}
238 \end{trailer}\end{verbatim}
241 \begin{example}{Example}
242 If you want to emphasize complete paragraphs of texts in an \verb|Example| we recommend to
243 use \begin{verbatim}\begin{example}{Example}
245 \end{example}\end{verbatim}
248 \begin{question}{Questions}
249 If you want to emphasize complete paragraphs of texts in an \verb|Questions| we recommend to
250 use \begin{verbatim}\begin{question}{Questions}
252 \end{question}\end{verbatim}
257 \begin{important}{Important}
258 If you want to emphasize complete paragraphs of texts in an \verb|Important| we recommend to
259 use \begin{verbatim}\begin{important}{Important}
261 \end{important}\end{verbatim}
264 \begin{warning}{Attention}
265 If you want to emphasize complete paragraphs of texts in an \verb|Attention| we recommend to
266 use \begin{verbatim}\begin{warning}{Attention}
268 \end{warning}\end{verbatim}
271 \begin{programcode}{Program Code}
272 If you want to emphasize complete paragraphs of texts in an \verb|Program Code| we recommend to
275 \verb|\begin{programcode}{Program Code}|
277 \verb|\begin{verbatim}...\end{verbatim}|
279 \verb|\end{programcode}|
284 If you want to emphasize complete paragraphs of texts in an \verb|Tips| we recommend to
285 use \begin{verbatim}\begin{tips}{Tips}
287 \end{tips}\end{verbatim}
292 \begin{overview}{Overview}
293 If you want to emphasize complete paragraphs of texts in an \verb|Overview| we recommend to
294 use \begin{verbatim}\begin{overview}{Overview}
296 \end{overview}\end{verbatim}
298 \begin{backgroundinformation}{Background Information}
299 If you want to emphasize complete paragraphs of texts in an \verb|Background|
300 \verb|Information| we recommend to
303 \verb|\begin{backgroundinformation}{Background Information}|
307 \verb|\end{backgroundinformation}|
308 \end{backgroundinformation}
309 \begin{legaltext}{Legal Text}
310 If you want to emphasize complete paragraphs of texts in an \verb|Legal Text| we recommend to
311 use \begin{verbatim}\begin{legaltext}{Legal Text}
313 \end{legaltext}\end{verbatim}
316 \begin{acknowledgement}
317 If you want to include acknowledgments of assistance and the like at the end of an individual chapter please use the \verb|acknowledgement| environment -- it will automatically render Springer's preferred layout.
318 \end{acknowledgement}
321 \addcontentsline{toc}{section}{Appendix}
323 When placed at the end of a chapter or contribution (as opposed to at the end of the book), the numbering of tables, figures, and equations in the appendix section continues on from that in the main text. Hence please \textit{do not} use the \verb|appendix| command when writing an appendix at the end of your chapter or contribution. If there is only one the appendix is designated ``Appendix'', or ``Appendix 1'', or ``Appendix 2'', etc. if there is more than one.
328 % Problems or Exercises should be sorted chapterwise
330 \addcontentsline{toc}{section}{Problems}
332 % Use the following environment.
333 % Don't forget to label each problem;
334 % the label is needed for the solutions' environment
337 A given problem or Excercise is described here. The
338 problem is described here. The problem is described here.
343 \textbf{Problem Heading}\\
344 (a) The first part of the problem is described here.\\
345 (b) The second part of the problem is described here.