]> AND Private Git Repository - book_gpu.git/blob - BookGPU/Chapters/chapter5/figures/MultiGPUAlpha3TimingsTeslaM2050.tikz
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[book_gpu.git] / BookGPU / Chapters / chapter5 / figures / MultiGPUAlpha3TimingsTeslaM2050.tikz
1 % This file was created by matlab2tikz v0.4.0.
2 % Copyright (c) 2008--2013, Nico Schlömer <nico.schloemer@gmail.com>
3 % All rights reserved.
5 % The latest updates can be retrieved from
6 %   http://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/22022-matlab2tikz
7 % where you can also make suggestions and rate matlab2tikz.
11 \begin{tikzpicture}
13 \begin{axis}[%
14 width=\figurewidth,
15 height=\figureheight,
16 scale only axis,
17 xmode=log,
18 xmin=10000,
19 xmax=100000000,
20 xminorticks=true,
21 xlabel={N},
22 xmajorgrids,
23 xminorgrids,
24 ymode=log,
25 ymin=1e-005,
26 ymax=0.1,
27 yminorticks=true,
28 ylabel={Time [s]},
29 ymajorgrids,
30 yminorgrids,
31 legend style={at={(0.03,0.97)},anchor=north west,draw=black,fill=white,legend cell align=left}
32 ]
33 \addplot [
34 color=darkgray!40!black,
35 dotted,
36 line width=1.0pt,
37 mark=x,
38 mark options={solid,fill=lightgray!80!black}
39 ]
40 table[row sep=crcr]{
41 65536 6.61134719848633e-005\\
42 262144 0.000195407867431641\\
43 1048576 0.000729703903198242\\
44 4194304 0.00263791084289551\\
45 16777216 0.0104172945022583\\
46 67108864 0.0417473077774048\\
47 };
48 \addlegendentry{\tiny{1 GPU}};
50 \addplot [
51 color=darkgray!40!black,
52 dotted,
53 line width=1.0pt,
54 mark=*,
55 mark options={solid,fill=lightgray!80!black}
56 ]
57 table[row sep=crcr]{
58 65536 0.000160098075866699\\
59 262144 0.000235605239868164\\
60 1048576 0.000513696670532227\\
61 4194304 0.00168628692626953\\
62 16777216 0.00567271709442139\\
63 67108864 0.0216208934783936\\
64 };
65 \addlegendentry{\tiny{2 GPUs}};
67 \addplot [
68 color=darkgray!40!black,
69 dotted,
70 line width=1.0pt,
71 mark=triangle*,
72 mark options={solid,fill=lightgray!80!black}
73 ]
74 table[row sep=crcr]{
75 65536 0.000244712829589844\\
76 262144 0.000288915634155273\\
77 1048576 0.000451016426086426\\
78 4194304 0.00104920864105225\\
79 16777216 0.00314109325408936\\
80 67108864 0.0112285852432251\\
81 };
82 \addlegendentry{\tiny{4 GPUs}};
84 \addplot [
85 color=darkgray!40!black,
86 dotted,
87 line width=1.0pt,
88 mark=square*,
89 mark options={solid,fill=lightgray!80!black}
90 ]
91 table[row sep=crcr]{
92 65536 0.000238609313964844\\
93 262144 0.000275707244873047\\
94 1048576 0.000345993041992188\\
95 4194304 0.00065159797668457\\
96 16777216 0.00187878608703613\\
97 67108864 0.00595250129699707\\
98 };
99 \addlegendentry{\tiny{8 GPUs}};
101 \addplot [
102 color=darkgray!40!black,
103 dotted,
104 line width=1.0pt,
105 mark=diamond*,
106 mark options={solid,fill=lightgray!80!black}
107 ]
108 table[row sep=crcr]{
109 65536 0.000242710113525391\\
110 262144 0.000268697738647461\\
111 1048576 0.000305795669555664\\
112 4194304 0.000477385520935059\\
113 16777216 0.0010857105255127\\
114 67108864 0.0031994104385376\\
115 };
116 \addlegendentry{\tiny{16 GPUs}};
118 \addplot [
119 color=darkgray!40!black,
120 dotted,
121 line width=1.0pt,
122 mark=triangle*,
123 mark options={solid,,rotate=180,fill=lightgray!80!black}
124 ]
125 table[row sep=crcr]{
126 65536 0.00025029182434082\\
127 262144 0.000261116027832031\\
128 1048576 0.000296306610107422\\
129 4194304 0.000368380546569824\\
130 16777216 0.000673604011535645\\
131 67108864 0.00190730094909668\\
132 };
133 \addlegendentry{\tiny{32 GPUs}};
135 \end{axis}
136 \end{tikzpicture}%