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[book_gpu.git] / BookGPU / Chapters / chapter5 / src / chapter5 / heat_equation / main.cu
1 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\r
3 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\r
4 \r
5 #include <gpulab/gpulab.h>\r
6 #include <gpulab/grid.h>\r
7 #include <gpulab/FD/stencil.h>\r
8 #include <gpulab/integration/ode_solver.h>\r
9 #include <gpulab/integration/forward_euler.h>\r
10 #include <gpulab/io/print.h>\r
11 \r
12 #include "../../../code/laplacian.cu"\r
13 \r
14 #define PI 3.141592653589793\r
15 \r
16 // Define and assmble heat solver components here\r
17 typedef float                                                                                           value_type;\r
18 typedef laplacian<value_type>                                                           rhs_type;\r
19 typedef gpulab::grid<value_type,gpulab::device_memory>          vector_type;\r
20 typedef gpulab::grid<value_type,gpulab::host_memory>            host_vector_type;\r
21 typedef vector_type::property_type                                                      property_type;\r
22 typedef gpulab::integration::forward_euler                                      time_integrator_type;\r
23 \r
24 int main(int argc, char *argv[])\r
25 {\r
26         // Initialize gpulab\r
27         gpulab::init(argc,argv);\r
29 \r
30         // Get grid dimension from user unput\r
31         // TODO: Should we use cofig_reader instead?\r
32         int alpha               = (argc > 1) ? atoi(argv[1]) : 1;\r
33         int N                   = (argc > 2) ? atoi(argv[2]) : 16;\r
34         value_type tend = (argc > 3) ? atof(argv[3]) : 1.;\r
35         \r
36         // Setup grids\r
37         gpulab::grid_dim<int>        dim(N,N,1);       // Discrete dimension\r
38         gpulab::grid_dim<value_type> p0(0,0);          // Physical dimension start values\r
39         gpulab::grid_dim<value_type> p1(1,1);          // Physical dimension end values\r
40         property_type                props(dim,p0,p1); // Gather in property class\r
41         host_vector_type             u0(props);        // Initialize host vector u0 for initial values\r
42         host_vector_type             ut(props);        // Initialize host vector ut for exact solution\r
43         \r
44         value_type dx = min(u0.local_props().delta.x,u0.local_props().delta.y);\r
45         value_type dt = 1./(alpha*alpha*10.0)*dx*dx;            // Time step. For explicit Euler and alpha=1, dt <= 0.5*dx^2\r
46         GPULAB_LOG_INF("Using dt=%e\n",dt);\r
47 \r
48         // Initialize u_h\r
49         for(int j=0; j<u0.Ny(); ++j)\r
50         {\r
51                 for(int i=0; i<u0.Nx(); ++i)\r
52                 {\r
53                         value_type x = i/(value_type)(u0.Nx()-1);\r
54                         value_type y = j/(value_type)(u0.Ny()-1);\r
55                         u0[j*u0.Nx()+i] = sin(PI*x)*sin(PI*y);\r
56                         ut[j*ut.Nx()+i] = exp(-2.0*PI*PI*tend)*sin(PI*x)*sin(PI*y);\r
57                 }\r
58         }\r
59         vector_type u(u0);                                                                                      // Initialize device vector u from host vector u0\r
60 \r
61         // Create time integrator and take time steps\r
62         time_integrator_type solver;                                                            // Create time integrator\r
63         rhs_type rhs(alpha);                                                                            // Create right hand side operator\r
64         solver(&rhs,u,0.0f,tend,dt);                                                            // Integrate t=0 to tend using dt\r
65 \r
66         gpulab::io::print(ut,gpulab::io::TO_BINARY_FILE,1,"ut.bin");// Print initial state\r
67         \r
68         ut.axpy(-1.0,u);\r
69         GPULAB_LOG_INF("||e||_inf = %e\n", ut.nrmi());\r
70 \r
71         value_type enrm = ut.nrmi();\r
72         gpulab::io::print(ut,gpulab::io::TO_BINARY_FILE,1,"e.bin");     // Print error\r
73         gpulab::io::print(u0,gpulab::io::TO_BINARY_FILE,1,"u0.bin");// Print initial state\r
74         gpulab::io::print(u, gpulab::io::TO_BINARY_FILE,1,"u.bin");     // Print final state\r
75 \r
76         gpulab::finalize();\r
77     return 0;\r
78 }