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54 A GPU-Accelerated Envelope-Following Method for Switching Power Converter Simulation
58 Xue-Xin Liu\IEEEauthorrefmark{1},
59 Sheldon X.-D. Tan\IEEEauthorrefmark{1},
60 Hai Wang\IEEEauthorrefmark{1}, and
61 Hao Yu\IEEEauthorrefmark{2}
64 \IEEEauthorrefmark{1}Dept. Electrical Engineering,
65 University of California, Riverside, CA 92521
68 \IEEEauthorrefmark{2}School of Electrical \& Electronic Engineering,
69 Nanyang Technological University
72 This research was supported in part by NSF grants under
79 %\IEEEpubid{978-3-9810801-8-6/DATE12/@2012 EDAA}
84 % Power converters have seen a surge of new trends and novel
85 % applications due to their widespread use in renewable energy
86 % systems and emerging hybrid and purely-electric vehicles. More
87 % efficient simulation techniques for power converters are urgently
88 % needed to meet more design constraints.
89 In this paper, we propose a new envelope-following parallel transient analysis method for
90 the general switching power converters. The new method first exploits
91 the parallelisim in the envelope-following method
92 and parallelize the Newton update solving part,
93 which is the most computational expensive, in GPU platforms
94 to boost the simulation performance.
95 To further speed up the iterative GMRES
96 solving for Newton update equation in the envelope-following
97 method, we apply the matrix-free Krylov basis generation
98 technique, which was previously used for RF simulation.
99 Last, the new method also applies more robust
100 Gear-2 integration to compute the sensitivity matrix instead of
101 traditional integration methods.
102 %Furthermore, the resulted Gear-2 and matrix-free GMRES have been
103 Experimental results from several integrated on-chip power
104 converters show that the proposed GPU envelope-following algorithm leads to
105 about 10$\times$ speedup compared to its CPU counterpart,
106 and 100$\times$ faster than the traditional envelop-following methods
107 while still keeps the similar accuracy.
112 %\input bdf.tex % now inside gpu.tex now
116 \section{Conclusion} \label{sec:conclusion}
117 A new envelope-following method for transient analysis of
118 switching power converters has been introduced.
119 First, the computationally expensive step,
120 the solving of Newton update equation,
121 has been parallelized on CUDA-enabled GPU platforms
122 with iterative GMRES solver to boost performance of the analysis method.
123 To further speed up the GMRES solving for Newton update equation,
124 we have employed the matrix-free Krylov basis generation technique.
125 The proposed method also applies the more robust Gear-2 integration
126 to compute the sensitivity matrix.
127 Experimental results from several integrated
128 on-chip power converters have shown that the proposed GPU
129 envelope-following algorithm can lead to about 10$\times$
130 speedup compared to its CPU counterpart,
131 and 100$\times$ faster than the traditional
132 envelop-following methods while still keeps the similar accuracy.
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136 \bibliography{./envelope,../../bib/interconnect,../../bib/architecture,../../bib/simulation}