% Reduce operation
\subsection{Parallel reduction}
-A parallel reduction\index{parallel reduction} operation is performed in an efficient manner inside a GPU block as shown in Figure~\ref{chXXX:fig:reduc}. Shared memory is used for a fast and reliable way to communicate between threads. However, at the grid level, reduction cannot be easily implemented due to the lack of direct communication between blocks. The usual way of dealing with this type of limitation is to apply the reduction in two separate steps. The first one involves a GPU kernel reducing the data over multiple blocks, the local result of each block being stored on completion. The second step finishes the reduction on a single block or on the CPU.
+A parallel reduction\index{parallel!reduction} operation is performed in an efficient manner inside a GPU block as shown in Figure~\ref{chXXX:fig:reduc}. Shared memory is used for a fast and reliable way to communicate between threads. However, at the grid level, reduction cannot be easily implemented due to the lack of direct communication between blocks. The usual way of dealing with this type of limitation is to apply the reduction in two separate steps. The first one involves a GPU kernel reducing the data over multiple blocks, the local result of each block being stored on completion. The second step finishes the reduction on a single block or on the CPU.
An optimized way of doing the reduction can be found in the examples\footnote{Available at http://docs.nvidia.com/cuda/cuda-samples/index.html\#advanced} provided by NVIDIA.
%In order to keep code listings compact hereafter, the reduction of values among a block will be referred to as \textit{reduceOperation(value)} (per extension \textit{reduceArgMax(maxVal)}).
elements necessary to compute this multiplication. First, each computing node determines, in its
local subvector, the vector elements needed by other nodes. Then, the neighboring nodes exchange
between them these shared vector elements. The data exchanges are implemented by using the MPI
-point-to-point communication routines: blocking\index{MPI subroutines!blocking} sends with \verb+MPI_Send()+
-and nonblocking\index{MPI subroutines!nonblocking} receives with \verb+MPI_Irecv()+. Figure~\ref{ch12:fig:02}
+point-to-point communication routines: blocking\index{MPI!blocking} sends with \verb+MPI_Send()+
+and nonblocking\index{MPI!nonblocking} receives with \verb+MPI_Irecv()+. Figure~\ref{ch12:fig:02}
shows an example of data exchanges between \textit{Node 1} and its neighbors \textit{Node 0}, \textit{Node 2},
and \textit{Node 3}. In this example, the iterate matrix $A$ split between these four computing
nodes is that presented in Figure~\ref{ch12:fig:01}.
and vice versa before and after the synchronization operation between CPUs. We have used the CUBLAS\index{CUBLAS}
communication subroutines to perform the data transfers between a CPU core and its GPU: \verb+cublasGetVector()+
and \verb+cublasSetVector()+. Finally, in addition to the data exchanges, GPU nodes perform reduction operations
-to compute in parallel the dot products and Euclidean norms. This is implemented by using the MPI global communication\index{MPI subroutines!global}
+to compute in parallel the dot products and Euclidean norms. This is implemented by using the MPI global communication\index{MPI!global}
relaxed components to be used in the computational process may be guided by any criterion,
and in particular, a natural criterion is to pickup the most recently available
values of the components computed by the processors. Furthermore, the asynchronous
-iterations are implemented by means of nonblocking MPI communication subroutines\index{MPI subroutines!nonblocking}
+iterations are implemented by means of nonblocking MPI communication subroutines\index{MPI!nonblocking}
(asynchronous communications).
The important property ensuring the convergence of the parallel projected Richardson
and \verb+cublasGetVectorAsync()+ in the asynchronous algorithm. Moreover, we
use the communication routines of the MPI library to carry out the data exchanges
between the neighboring nodes. We use the following communication routines: \verb+MPI_Isend()+
-and \verb+MPI_Irecv()+ to perform nonblocking\index{MPI subroutines!nonblocking}
+and \verb+MPI_Irecv()+ to perform nonblocking\index{MPI!nonblocking}
sends and receives, respectively. For the synchronous algorithm, we use the MPI
routine \verb+MPI_Waitall()+ which puts the MPI process of a computing node in
blocking status until all data exchanges with neighboring nodes (sends and receives)
are completed. In contrast, for the asynchronous algorithms, we use the MPI routine
\verb+MPI_Test()+ which tests the completion of a data exchange (send or receives)
-without putting the MPI process in blocking status\index{MPI subroutines!blocking}.
+without putting the MPI process in blocking status\index{MPI!blocking}.
The function $Compute\_New\_Vector\_Elements()$ (line~$6$ in Algorithm~\ref{ch13:alg:02})
computes, at each iteration, the new elements of the iterate vector $U$. Its general code
conv \leftarrow true;
-where the function $AllReduce()$ uses the MPI global reduction subroutine\index{MPI subroutines!global}
+where the function $AllReduce()$ uses the MPI global reduction subroutine\index{MPI!global}
\verb+MPI_Allreduce()+ to compute the maximal value, $maxerror$, among the local
absolute errors, $error$, of all computing nodes, and $p$ (in Algorithm~\ref{ch13:alg:02})
is used as a counter of the local relaxations carried out by a computing node. In
UPMC (Universit\'e Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris, France).
As a remark, the execution times measured on the C2050 would be the same
on the C2070 and on the C2075, the only difference between these GPUs
-being their memory size and their TDP (Thermal Design Power)\index{TDP (Thermal Design Power)}.
+being their memory size and their TDP (Thermal Design Power)\index{TDP (thermal design power)}.
We emphasize that the execution times correspond to the
complete propagation for all six energies of the large case (see
Table~\ref{data-sets}), that is to say to the complete execution of
% One simple way to estimate $x((m+k)T)$ is to use the information at
% $mT$ and $(m-1)T$, which leads to the forward-Euler method as
To estimate $x((m+k)T)$,
-a forward Euler\index{forward Euler} style jumping relies only on $x(mT)$ and $x((m-1)T)$,
+a forward Euler\index{Euler!forward Euler} style jumping relies only on $x(mT)$ and $x((m-1)T)$,
However, this approach is inefficient due to its restriction on
envelope step $k$, since larger $k$ usually causes instability.
-Instead, backward Euler\index{backward Euler} jumping,
+Instead, backward Euler\index{Euler!backward Euler} jumping,
%and the equation becomes
x((m+k)T)-x(mT) = k\left[x((m+k)T)-x((m+k-1)T)\right],
At each time step, SPICE\index{SPICE} has
to linearize device models, stamp matrix elements
into MNA (short for modified nodal analysis\index{modified nodal analysis, or MNA}) matrices,
-and solve circuit equations in its inner Newton iteration\index{Newton iteration}.
+and solve circuit equations in its inner Newton iteration\index{iterative method!Newton iteration}.
When convergence is attained,
circuit states are saved and then next time step begins.
This is also the time when we store the needed matrices
\label{fig:ef2} }
\caption{Transient envelope-following\index{envelope-following} analysis.
- (Both two figures reflect backward Euler\index{backward Euler} style envelope-following.)}
+ (Both two figures reflect backward Euler\index{Euler!backward Euler} style envelope-following.)}
\frac{\partial u}{\partial t} = \mymat{A}\myvec{u}, \qquad \mymat{A} \in \mathbb{R}^{N\times N}, \quad \myvec{u} \in \mathbb{R}^{N},
-where $\mymat{A}$ is the sparse finite difference matrix and $N$ is the number of unknowns in the discrete system. The temporal derivative is now free to be approximated by any suitable choice of a time-integration method\index{time integration}. The most simple integration scheme would be the first-order accurate explicit forward Euler method\index{forward Euler},
+where $\mymat{A}$ is the sparse finite difference matrix and $N$ is the number of unknowns in the discrete system. The temporal derivative is now free to be approximated by any suitable choice of a time-integration method\index{time integration}. The most simple integration scheme would be the first-order accurate explicit forward Euler method\index{Euler!forward Euler},
\myvec{u}^{n+1} = \myvec{u}^n + \delta t\,\mymat{A}\myvec{u}^n,
the computations~\cite{ChVCV13,Hoefler08a}. So, the logical and classical way
to implement such an overlap is to use three threads: one for
computing, one for sending, and one for receiving. Moreover, since
-the communication is performed by threads, blocking synchronous communications\index{MPI!communication!blocking}\index{MPI!communication!synchronous}
+the communication is performed by threads, blocking synchronous communications\index{MPI!blocking}\index{MPI!synchronous}
can be used without deteriorating the overall performance.
In this basic version, the termination\index{termination} of the global process is performed
\frac{g^{*,n+1}-g^n}{\tau} =\frac{(1-\Gamma)}{\tau} (g_e^n-g^n).
-The first term is similar to a first-order accurate Forward Euler\index{forward Euler} approximation of a rate of change term. This motivates an {\em embedded penalty forcing technique} based on adding a correction term of the form
+The first term is similar to a first-order accurate Forward Euler\index{Euler!forward Euler} approximation of a rate of change term. This motivates an {\em embedded penalty forcing technique} based on adding a correction term of the form
\partial_t g = \mathcal{N}(g) + \frac{1-\Gamma(x)}{\tau} (g_e(t,x)-g(t,x)), \quad {\bf x}\in\Omega_\Gamma,
Tree-based strategies consist of building and/or exploring the solution tree in parallel by performing operations on several subproblems simultaneously. This coarse-grained type of parallelism affects the general structure of the B\&B algorithm and makes it highly irregular.\\
-The parallel tree exploration \index{parallel tree exploration} model, illustrated in Figure \ref{ch8:parallel_tree}, consists of visiting in parallel different paths of the same tree. The search tree is explored in parallel by performing the branching, selection, bounding, and elimination operators on several subproblems simultaneously.\\
+The parallel tree exploration \index{parallel!tree exploration} model, illustrated in Figure \ref{ch8:parallel_tree}, consists of visiting in parallel different paths of the same tree. The search tree is explored in parallel by performing the branching, selection, bounding, and elimination operators on several subproblems simultaneously.\\
Node-based strategies introduce parallelism when performing the operations on a single problem. For instance, they consist of executing the bounding operation in parallel for each subproblem to accelerate the execution. This type of parallelism has no influence on the general structure of the B\&B algorithm and is particular to the problem being solved.\\
-The parallel evaluation of bounds \index{parallel evaluation of bounds} model, as shown in Figure \ref{ch8:bounds_parallel}, allows the parallelization of the bounding of subproblems generated by the branching operator. This model is used in the case where the bounding operator is performed several times after the branching operator. Compared to the sequential B\&B, the model does not change the order and the number of explored subproblems in the parallel B\&B algorithm.
+The parallel evaluation of bounds \index{parallel!evaluation of bounds} model, as shown in Figure \ref{ch8:bounds_parallel}, allows the parallelization of the bounding of subproblems generated by the branching operator. This model is used in the case where the bounding operator is performed several times after the branching operator. Compared to the sequential B\&B, the model does not change the order and the number of explored subproblems in the parallel B\&B algorithm.