-``test" "test" ``test''
This chapter introduces the Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) architecture and all
the concepts needed to understand how GPUs work and can be used to speed up the
execution of some algorithms. First of all this chapter gives a brief history of
\subsubsection*{Choice of the leaving variable}
The stability and robustness of the algorithm depend considerably on the choice of the leaving variable. With respect to this, the \textit{expand} method~\cite{GILL1989} proves to be very useful in the sense that it helps to avoid cycles and reduces the risks of encountering numerical instabilities. This method consists of two steps of complexity $\mathcal{O}(m)$. In the first step, a small perturbation is applied to the bounds of the variables to prevent stalling of the objective value, thus avoiding cycles. These perturbed bounds are then used to determine the greatest gain on the entering variable imposed by the most constraining basic variable. The second phase uses the original bounds to define the basic variable offering the gain closest to the one of the first phase. This variable will then be selected for leaving the basis.
\section{Branch-and-bound\index{branch-and-bound} algorithm}
\subsection{Integer linear programming\index{integer linear programming}}
At the spline evaluation stage we need to compute $s(z_k)$ for a sequence of query values ${z_k}, k=1,\ldots,K$. For each $z_k$ we locate the interval $[t_i,t_{i+1}]$ containing $z_k$, using the bisection algorithm presented in Listing \ref{ch11:algeval}, and then apply the appropriate coefficients of the quadratic function. This is also done in parallel.
The bisection algorithm could be implemented using texture memory (to cache the array \texttt{z}), but this is not shown in Listing \ref{ch11:algeval}.
-\lstinputlisting[label=ch11:algcoef,caption=Implementation of the kernel for calculating spline knots and coefficients; function fmax is used to avoid division by zero for data with coinciding abscissae.]{Chapters/chapter11/code1.cu}
+\lstinputlisting[label=ch11:algcoef,caption=implementation of the kernel for calculating spline knots and coefficients; function fmax is used to avoid division by zero for data with coinciding abscissae.]{Chapters/chapter11/code1.cu}
%% \begin{figure}[!hp]
the GPU. A call to \texttt{cudaMalloc}\index{CUDA functions!cudaMalloc}
allocates memory on the GPU. The second parameter represents the size of the
allocated variables, this size is expressed in bits.
\lstinputlisting[label=ch2:lst:ex1,caption=simple example]{Chapters/chapter2/ex1.cu}
Matrix components precompute these compact stencil coefficients and provides member functions that computes the finite difference approximation of input vectors. Unit scaled coefficients (assuming grid spacing is one) are computed and stored to be accessible via both CPU and GPU memory. On the GPU, the constant memory space is used for faster memory access~\cite{ch5:cudaguide}. In order to apply a stencil on a non unit-spaced grid, with grid space $\Delta x$, the scale factor $1/(\Delta x)^q$ will have to be multiplied by the finite difference sum, i.e., $(c_{00}u_0 + c_{01}u_1 + c_{02}u_2)/(\Delta x)^q \approx u^{(q)}_0$ as in the first row of \eqref{ch5:eq:stencilmatrix}.
Setting up a two-dimensional grid of size $N_x \times N_y$ in the unit square and computing the first derivative hereof is illustrated in Listing~\ref{ch5:lst:stencil}. The grid is a vector component, derived from the vector class. It is by default treated as a device object and memory is automatically allocated on the device to fit the grid size. The finite difference approximation as in \eqref{ch5:eq:fdstencil}, is performed via a CUDA kernel behind the scenes during the calls to \texttt{mult} and \texttt{diff\_x}, utilizing the memory hierarchy as the CUDA guidelines prescribe~\cite{ch5:cudaguide,ch5:cudapractice}. To increase developer productivity, kernel launch configurations have default settings, based on CUDA guidelines, principles, and experiences from performance testings, such that the user does not have to explicitly specify them. For problem-specific finite difference approximations, where the built-in stencil operators are insufficient, a pointer to the coefficient matrix \eqref{ch5:eq:stencilcoeffs} can be accessed as demonstrated in Listing \ref{ch5:lst:stencil} and passed to customized kernels.
\lstinputlisting[label=ch5:lst:stencil,caption={two-dimensional finite difference stencil example: computing the first derivative using five points ($\alpha=\beta=2$) per dimension, a total nine-point stencil}]{Chapters/chapter5/code/ex2.cu}
In the following sections we demonstrate how to go from an initial value problem (IVP) or a boundary value problem (BVP) to a working application solver by combining existing library components along with new custom-tailored components. We also demonstrate how to apply spatial and temporal domain decomposition strategies that can make existing solvers take advantage of systems equipped with multiple GPUs. Next section demonstrates how to rapidly assemble a PDE solver using library components.
case tagState: // Management of local state messages
// Actual reception of the message
MPI_Recv(&recvdState, 1, MPI_CHAR, status.MPI_SOURCE, tagState, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status);
- // Updates of numbers of stabilized nodes and received state msgs
+ // Updates of numbers of stabilized nodes and recvd state msgs
nbOtherCVs += recvdState;
// Unlocking of the computing thread when states of all other