2 node [style = rounded, shape = rect] PI [label="Choose cover X"]
3 node [style = rounded, shape = rect] PIb [label="Set b, T"]
5 node [style = rounded, shape = rect] message [label="Message mess"]
6 node [style = rounded, shape = rect] key [label="Key k"]
7 node [style = rounded, shape = rect] ee [label="Modify b, T"]
10 node [style = rounded, shape = rect] encrypt [label="m=encryption(mess,k)"]
11 node [style = rounded, shape = rect] STC [label="y= STC(x,m,H)"]
12 node [style = rounded, shape = rect] sample [label="y= sample(x,m)"]
13 node [style = rounded, shape = rect] emb [label="stego=embedding(y,X)"]
15 node [style = rounded, shape = rect] start [label="Start"]
16 node [style = rounded, shape = rect] end [label="End"]
17 node [style = rounded, shape = rect] ED [label="x=Edge Detection(b,T,X)"]
19 node [style = "", shape = diamond] cond [label="Size of x\n enough for m"];
20 node [style = "", shape = diamond] condStrat [label="Strategy is fixed"];
22 node [style = "", shape = diamond] condEmb [label="Use of STC"];
36 cond -> condEmb [label="Yes with H"]
37 cond -> condStrat [label="No"]
39 condEmb -> STC [label="Yes"]
40 condEmb -> sample [label="No"]
44 condStrat -> ee [label="Yes"]
45 condStrat -> PI [label="No"]