-\cite{bgs11:ip}, we establish the equivalence between asynchronous
-iterations and a class of globally recurrent MLP.
-The investigation the converse problem is the second contribution:
-we indeed study the ability for
-classical MultiLayer Perceptrons to learn a particular family of
-discrete chaotic dynamical systems. This family, called chaotic
-iterations, is defined by a Boolean vector, an update function, and a
-sequence giving which component to update at each iteration. It has
-been previously established that such dynamical systems is
-chaotically iterated (as it is defined by Devaney) when the chosen function has
-a strongly connected iterations graph. In this document, we
-experiment several MLPs and try to learn some iterations of this kind.
-We show that non-chaotic iterations can be learned, whereas it is
-far more difficult for chaotic ones. That is to say, we have
-discovered at least one family of problems with a reasonable size,
-such that artificial neural networks should not be applied
-due to their inability to learn chaotic behaviors in this context.
+\cite{bgs11:ip}, we establish the equivalence between chaotic
+iterations and a class of globally recurrent MLP. The second
+contribution is a study of the converse problem, indeed we investigate the
+ability of classical multiLayer perceptrons to learn a particular
+family of discrete chaotic dynamical systems. This family is defined
+by a Boolean vector, an update function, and a sequence defining which
+component to update at each iteration. It has been previously
+established that such dynamical systems are chaotically iterated (as
+it is defined by Devaney) when the chosen function has a strongly
+connected iterations graph. In this document, we experiment several
+MLPs and try to learn some iterations of this kind. We show that
+non-chaotic iterations can be learned, whereas it is far more
+difficult for chaotic ones. That is to say, we have discovered at
+least one family of problems with a reasonable size, such that
+artificial neural networks should not be applied due to their
+inability to learn chaotic behaviors in this context.