5 %\subsection{Implementation}
7 %All the algorithms detailed in this article have
8 %been implemented using Python~2.7 on a personal computer (Ubuntu~12.04 with 6~GiB memory, quad-core Intel~i5 with an operating frequency of
9 %2.5~GHz). %All programs can be downloaded at \begin{color}{red} \url{http://......} \end{color}.
10 %%genes from large amount of chloroplast genomes.
15 %\caption{Type of annotations and execution time}\label{Etime}
17 %%\begin{tabular}{p{2.3cm}p{0.5cm}p{0.25cm}p{0.5cm}p{0.25cm}p{0.5cm}p{0.25cm}}%p{0.5cm}p{0.25cm}p{0.5cm}p{0.2cm}}
18 %\begin{tabular}{ccccccc}
20 % Method & \multicolumn{2}{c}{Annotation} & \multicolumn{2}{c}{Features} & \multicolumn{2}{c}{Exec. time (min.)} \\%& \multicolumn{2}{c}{Core genes} & \multicolumn{2}{c}{Bad genomes} \\
21 %~ & N & D & Name & Seq & N & D \\%& N & D & N & D \\
23 %First approach & $\surd$ & - & - & $\surd$ & 1.7 & -\\% & ? & - & 0 & -\\[0.5ex]
24 %Second approach & $\surd$ & $\surd$ & $\surd$ & - & 4.98 & 1.52\\% & 28 & 10 & 1 & 0\\[0.5ex]
25 %Third approach & $\surd$ & $\surd$ & $\surd$ & $\surd$ & \multicolumn{2}{c}{$\simeq$3 days + 1.29} \\%& \multicolumn{2}{c}{4} & \multicolumn{2}{c}{1}\\[1ex]
34 %Table~\ref{Etime} presents the annotation type,
35 %execution time, and the number of core genes for each proposed method. The following
36 %notations have been used: \textbf{N} denotes NCBI and \textbf{D} means DOGMA,
37 %while \textbf{Seq} stands for sequence. The two first {\it Annotation} columns
38 %represent the algorithm used to annotate chloroplast genomes. The next two {\it
39 %Features} columns mean the kind of gene feature used to extract core
40 %genes: gene name, gene sequence, or both of them.
43 %almost all methods need low execution time to extract core genes
44 %from the large set of chloroplast genomes. Only the third method requires
45 %more than one day of computation (about 3-4 days) for sequence comparisons. However,
46 %once the quality genomes are well constructed, it only takes 1.29~minutes to
47 %extract the core genes. Such low execution times allow us to use these
48 %methods to extract all core genomes on a personal computer.
49 %The lowest execution time (1.52~minutes)
50 %is obtained with the second method using DOGMA annotations.
53 %The second important computational factor is the amount of memory necessary for each
54 %methodology. Table~\ref{mem} shows the memory usage of each
55 %method. In this table, the values are presented in megabyte
56 %unit, while \textit{gV} means geneVision~file~format. We can notice that
57 %the quantity of required memory is relatively low for all methods,
58 %and is available on any personal computer. The different values also
59 %show that the gene features method based on DOGMA annotations has the
60 %most reasonable memory usage, except when extracting core
61 %sequences. The third method gives the lowest values if we already have
62 %the ``quality genomes'', otherwise it will consume far more
63 %memory. Remark that the amount of memory used by the third method also
64 %depends on the size of each genome.
69 %\caption{Memory usages for each methodology (in MB)}\label{mem}
72 %\begin{tabular}{p{2.5cm}@{\hskip 0.1mm}p{1.5cm}@{\hskip 0.1mm}p{1cm}@{\hskip 0.1mm}p{1cm}@{\hskip 0.1mm}p{1cm}@{\hskip 0.1mm}p{1cm}@{\hskip 0.1mm}p{1cm}@{\hskip 0.1mm}p{1cm}}
74 %Method& & Load Gen. & Conv. gV & Read gV & ICM & Core tree & Core Seq. \\
76 %Gene prediction & NCBI & 108 & - & - & - & - & -\\
77 %\multirow{2}{*}{Gene Features} & NCBI & 15.4 & 18.9 & 17.5 & 18 & 18 & 28.1\\
78 % & DOGMA& 15.3 & 15.3 & 16.8 & 17.8 & 17.9 & 31.2\\
79 %Gene Quality & ~ & 15.3 & $\le$3G & 16.1 & 17 & 17.1 & 24.4\\
86 %\subsection{Results comparison}
88 %Method 2 has indicated to us that two genomes must be removed from the
89 %set of chloroplasts, namely \textit{Epifagus virginiana} (NC\_001568.1)
90 %and \textit{Cuscuta gronovii} (NC\_009765.1). The reason to
91 %be of this update is that (1) these chloroplastic genomes are non functional ones,
92 %and (2) considering them leads to a too small final core genome.
93 %Additionally, we have been forced to remove \textit{NC\_012568.1 Micromonas pusilla}
94 %from the NCBI study, as its wrong annotations lead to an empty
98 %of {\it Core genes} in Table~\ref{Etime} represents the amount of genes in the last core
99 %genome (the core genes shared by all the chloroplasts).
100 %%The main goal is to find the maximum core genes that simulate
101 %%biological background of chloroplasts.
102 %With NCBI we obtained 28 genes for
103 %96 genomes, while DOGMA approach produces 10 genes for the whole 97 genomes.
104 % However we will see that the distribution of genomes
105 %in the NCBI core tree is less relevant, biologically speaking, than the one obtained
106 %by using DOGMA naming process (see Section~\ref{sec:discuss}).
108 %%\begin{sidewaystable}
111 % \begin{tabular}{llllllllll}
113 % Method & \multicolumn{2}{l}{Connected Components} & \multicolumn{6}{l}{ICM-Genes' names} & ICM-Quality test \\ \hline
114 % Annotation & NCBI & DOGMA & \multicolumn{3}{l}{NCBI} & \multicolumn{3}{l}{DOGMA} & NCBI and DOGMA \\
115 % Nb. of genomes & 99 & 99 & 99* & 97 & 96 & 99 & 97 & 96 & 99 \\
116 % Core genome & 5 & 3 & 9 & 0 & 28 & 2 & 10 & 28 & 5 \\
117 % Pan genome & 761 & 445 & 766 & 764 & 737 & 297 & 297 & 297 & 245 \\ \hline
121 %% Please remember to add \use{multirow} to your document preamble in order to suppor multirow cells
123 %\begin{tabular}{ccccl}
125 %Nb. of & Methods & Type of & Size of & \multicolumn{1}{c}{Names of core genes} \\
126 % genomes&&annotation&core genome&\\ \hline
127 %\multirow{3}{*}{97} & \multirow{2}{*}{Method 2} & NCBI & 0 & - \\
128 %\multicolumn{1}{l}{} & \multicolumn{1}{l}{} & DOGMA & 10 & ATPI, PSAA, PSAB, PSBA, \\
129 %&&&&PSBE, PSBF, PSBL, RPL2,\\
130 %&&&& TRNC-GCA, TRNH-GUG \\
131 %\multicolumn{1}{l}{} & Method 3 & Both & 5 & ATPI, ATPA, ATPH, PSBJ, PSBE \\
132 %\multirow{3}{*}{96} & \multirow{2}{*}{Method 2} & NCBI & 28 & ATPA, ATPB, ATPE, ATPH,\\
133 %&&&& ATPI, PETG, PSAA, PSAB,\\
134 %&&&& PSAC, PSBA, PSBD, PSBE,\\
135 %&&&& PSBF, PSBH, PSBJ, PSBK,\\
136 %&&&& PSBN, RBCL, RPL14, RPL16,\\
137 %&&&& RPL20, RPL36, RPS18, RPS3,\\
138 %&&&& RPS4, RPS7, RPS8, RPS11 \\
140 %\multicolumn{1}{l}{} & \multicolumn{1}{l}{Method 3} & Both & 5 & ATPI, ATPA, ATPH, PSBJ, PSBE \\ \hline
143 %%\end{sidewaystable}
147 \subsection{Biological evaluation}\label{sec:discuss}
148 It is well known that the first plants' endosymbiosis ended in a great diversification of
149 lineages comprising \textit{Red Algae}, \textit{Green Algae}, and \textit{Land Plants} (terrestrial).
150 Several second endosymbioses occurred then: two involving a \textit{Red Algae}
151 and other heterotrophic eucaryotes and giving birth to both \textit{Brown Algae}
152 and \textit{Dinoflagellates} lineages; another involving a \textit{Green Algae} and
153 a heterotrophic eucaryote and giving birth to \textit{Euglens}~\cite{mcfadden2001primary}.
155 The interesting point with the produced core trees (especially the one
156 obtained with DOGMA, see \url{http://members.femto-st.fr/christophe-guyeux/en/chloroplasts}) is
157 that organisms resulting from the first endosymbiosis are distributed in
158 each of the lineages found in the chloroplast genome structure
159 evolution. More precisely, all \textit{Red Algae} chloroplasts are grouped together in one lineage, while
160 \textit{Green Algae} and \textit{Land Plants} chloroplasts are all in a second lineage.
161 Furthermore organisms resulting from the secondary endosymbioses are well localized in
162 the tree: both the chloroplasts of \textit{Brown Algae} and \textit{Dinoflagellates}
163 representatives are found exclusively in the lineage also comprising the
164 \textit{Red Algae} chloroplasts from which they evolved, while the \textit{Euglens}
165 chloroplasts are related to the \textit{Green Algae} chloroplasts from which they
167 This makes sense in terms of biology, history of lineages, and
168 theories of chloroplasts origins (and so photosynthetic ability) in
169 different Eucaryotic lineages~\cite{mcfadden2001primary}.
171 Interestingly, the sole organisms under consideration that possess a
172 chloroplast (and so a chloroplastic genome) but that have lost the
173 photosynthetic ability (being parasitic plants) are found at the basis of
174 the tree, and not together with their phylogenetically related species.
175 This means that functional chloroplast genes are evolutionary constrained
176 when used in photosynthetic process, but loose rapidly their efficiency
177 when not used, as recently observed for a species of Angiosperms\cite{li2013complete}.
178 These species are \textit{Cuscuta-grovonii}, an Angiosperm (flowering plant)
179 at the base of the DOGMA Angiosperm-Conifers branch, and
180 \textit{Epipactis-virginiana}, also an Angiosperm, at the complete basis of this tree.
182 Another interesting result is that \textit{Land Plants} that
183 represent a single sublineage originating from the large and diverse
184 lineage of \textit{Green Algae} in Eucaryotes history are present in two different
185 branches of the DOGMA tree, both associated with \textit{Green Algae}: one branch
186 comprising the basal grade of \textit{Land Plants} (mosses and ferns) and the second one
187 containing the most internal lineages of \textit{Land Plants} (Conifers and flowering plants).
188 But independently of their split in two distinct branches of the DOGMA
189 tree, the \textit{Land Plants} always show a higher number of functional genes in
190 their chloroplasts than the \textit{Green Algae} from which they emerged, probably meaning that the
191 terrestrial way of life necessitates more functional genes for an
192 optimal photosynthesis than the marine one. However, a more detailed
193 analysis of selected genes is necessary to better understand the reasons why
194 such a distribution has been obtained.
195 Remark finally that all these biologically interesting results are apparent
196 only in the core tree based on DOGMA, while they are not so obvious in the NCBI one.
201 %\includegraphics[scale=0.37]{core}
208 %\includegraphics[scale=0.37]{pan}