Identifying core genes is important to understand evolutionary and
functional phylogenies. Therefore, in this work we present methods to
build a genes content evolutionary tree. More precisely, we focus on
-the following questions considering a collection of 107~chloroplasts
+the following questions considering a collection of 99~chloroplasts
annotated from NCBI \cite{Sayers01012011} and Dogma \cite{RDogma}: how
can we identify the best core genome and what is the evolutionary
-scenario of these chloroplasts.
+scenario of these chloroplasts.\\
+Chloroplast (such as mitochondria) are fondamental key elements in
+living organisms history. Indeed, chlorplast in Eucaryotes are organites responsible for
+photosynthesis. Photosynthesis is the main way to produce organic matter
+from mineral matter, using solar energy. Consequently photosynthetic
+organisms are at the base of most ecosystems trophic chains and
+photosynthesis in eucaryotes allowed a great speciation in the lineage
+(to a great biodiversity). From an ecological point of view,
+photosynthetic organisms are at the origin of the presence of dioxygen
+in the atmosphere (allowing extant life) and are the main source of mid-
+to long term carbon stockage (using atmospheric CO2, important in the
+context of climate change). Chloroplast found in Eucaryots have an endosymbiotic origin, meaning
+that they are a fusion of a photosynthetic bacteria (Cyanobacteria) and
+a eucaryotic cell (enable to produce organic matter = heterotrophic).
+This fusion or First Endiosymbiosis ended in a Great diversification of
+a lineage comprising Red Algae, Green Algae and Land Plants (terrestrial).
+Several Second Enbiosymbioses occurred then: two involving a Red
+Algae and other heterotrophic eucaryotes and giving birth to both Brown
+Algae and Dinoflagellates lineages; another involving a Green Algae and
+a heterotrophic eucaryot and giving birth to Euglens.
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