- Jean-Fran\c cois Couchot, Christophe Guyeux, and
- Jacques M. Bahi,~\IEEEmembership{Senior Member,~IEEE}\\
- FEMTO-ST Institute, UMR 6174 CNRS\\
- DISC Department, University of Franche-Comt\'{e}\\
- Belfort, France\\
- \{jean-francois.couchot, christophe.guyeux, jacques.bahi\}@femto-st.fr\\
-\title{Mathematical topology: a new practicable framework for
-studying information-hiding security.
-Application to Spread-Spectrum schemes.}
-Information hiding security is often expressed as a probability problem.
-However, various classes of attacks cannot currently be addressed,
-due to strong hypotheses not compatible with a probabilistic approach.
-In this work, a complementary theoretical framework is presented to
-improve security. Contrary to existing ones, it is not based
-on probability theory, but on mathematical topology.
-It addresses thus security issues in classes of
-attacks that are not currently studied.
-It can also be used to reinforce the
-confidence in a new scheme.
-In this paper, first the theoretical framework of the study is presented,
-then some concrete examples are detailed in order to show how our approach
-can be applied.
-Information Hiding Security,
- Mathematical Theory of Chaos,
-Spread-Spectrum, Discrete Dynamical Systems,
-Chaotic Iterations
-\section{Related Work and Contributions}
-%Reprendre les contributions.}
-\section{Chaos for Data Hiding Security}
-This section starts with a state of the art in chaos-based information hiding
-It reminds the readers of the theory of chaos as introduced by Devaney
-Other qualitative and quantitative properties are next introduced
-Their application to information hiding concludes this section (Sec.~\ref{subsection:links}).
-\subsection{State of the Art}
-\subsection{Devaney's Chaotic Dynamical Systems}
-\subsection{Qualitative and Quantitative
-Properties of Discrete Dynamical Systems}
-\subsection{Chaos Properties and Information Hiding Security}
-\section{Chaos-Security of two Data Hiding Schemes}
-To check whether an existing data hiding scheme is chaos-secure, we
-first write it as an iterate process $X^{n+1}=f(X^n)$
-defined on the set $\mathcal{X}$, with $X^0$ as the initial
-configuration of the machine.
-Let then $\mathcal{T}(S)$ be the iterative process of a data hiding scheme $S$
-and $\tau$ be a topology on the topological space $\mathcal{X}$.
-If $\mathcal{T}(S)$ has a chaotic behavior on $\mathcal{X}$,
-as defined by Devaney, $S$ is said
-to be \emph{chaos-secure} on $(\mathcal{X},\tau)$.
-This section studies two classes of
-data hiding schemes in the perspective
-of chaos theory.
-\subsection{Spread-Spectrum Data Hiding Schemes}
-\subsection{dhCI: Chaos-based Expansive Data Hiding Schemes}
-\section{Discussion and Future Work}