7 %% http://www.michaelshell.org/
8 %% for current contact information.
10 %% This is a skeleton file demonstrating the advanced use of IEEEtran.cls
11 %% (requires IEEEtran.cls version 1.7 or later) with an IEEE Computer
12 %% Society journal paper.
15 %% http://www.michaelshell.org/tex/ieeetran/
16 %% http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/macros/latex/contrib/IEEEtran/
18 %% http://www.ieee.org/
20 %%*************************************************************************
22 %% This code is offered as-is without any warranty either expressed or
23 %% implied; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
25 %% User assumes all risk.
26 %% In no event shall IEEE or any contributor to this code be liable for
27 %% any damages or losses, including, but not limited to, incidental,
28 %% consequential, or any other damages, resulting from the use or misuse
29 %% of any information contained here.
31 %% All comments are the opinions of their respective authors and are not
32 %% necessarily endorsed by the IEEE.
34 %% This work is distributed under the LaTeX Project Public License (LPPL)
35 %% ( http://www.latex-project.org/ ) version 1.3, and may be freely used,
36 %% distributed and modified. A copy of the LPPL, version 1.3, is included
37 %% in the base LaTeX documentation of all distributions of LaTeX released
38 %% 2003/12/01 or later.
39 %% Retain all contribution notices and credits.
40 %% ** Modified files should be clearly indicated as such, including **
41 %% ** renaming them and changing author support contact information. **
43 %% File list of work: IEEEtran.cls, IEEEtran_HOWTO.pdf, bare_adv.tex,
44 %% bare_conf.tex, bare_jrnl.tex, bare_jrnl_compsoc.tex
45 %%*************************************************************************
47 % *** Authors should verify (and, if needed, correct) their LaTeX system ***
48 % *** with the testflow diagnostic prior to trusting their LaTeX platform ***
49 % *** with production work. IEEE's font choices can trigger bugs that do ***
50 % *** not appear when using other class files. ***
51 % The testflow support page is at:
52 % http://www.michaelshell.org/tex/testflow/
56 % IEEEtran V1.7 and later provides for these CLASSINPUT macros to allow the
57 % user to reprogram some IEEEtran.cls defaults if needed. These settings
58 % override the internal defaults of IEEEtran.cls regardless of which class
59 % options are used. Do not use these unless you have good reason to do so as
60 % they can result in nonIEEE compliant documents. User beware. ;)
62 %\newcommand{\CLASSINPUTbaselinestretch}{1.0} % baselinestretch
63 %\newcommand{\CLASSINPUTinnersidemargin}{1in} % inner side margin
64 %\newcommand{\CLASSINPUToutersidemargin}{1in} % outer side margin
65 %\newcommand{\CLASSINPUTtoptextmargin}{1in} % top text margin
66 %\newcommand{\CLASSINPUTbottomtextmargin}{1in}% bottom text margin
70 % Note that the a4paper option is mainly intended so that authors in
71 % countries using A4 can easily print to A4 and see how their papers will
72 % look in print - the typesetting of the document will not typically be
73 % affected with changes in paper size (but the bottom and side margins will).
74 % Use the testflow package mentioned above to verify correct handling of
75 % both paper sizes by the user's LaTeX system.
77 % Also note that the "draftcls" or "draftclsnofoot", not "draft", option
78 % should be used if it is desired that the figures are to be displayed in
81 \documentclass[12pt,journal,compsoc]{IEEEtran}
82 % The Computer Society requires 12pt.
83 % If IEEEtran.cls has not been installed into the LaTeX system files,
84 % manually specify the path to it like:
85 % \documentclass[10pt,journal,compsoc]{../sty/IEEEtran}
88 % For Computer Society journals, IEEEtran defaults to the use of
89 % Palatino/Palladio as is done in IEEE Computer Society journals.
90 % To go back to Times Roman, you can use this code:
91 %\renewcommand{\rmdefault}{ptm}\selectfont
97 % Some very useful LaTeX packages include:
98 % (uncomment the ones you want to load)
105 % Heiko Oberdiek's ifpdf.sty is very useful if you need conditional
106 % compilation based on whether the output is pdf or dvi.
113 % The latest version of ifpdf.sty can be obtained from:
114 % http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/macros/latex/contrib/oberdiek/
115 % Also, note that IEEEtran.cls V1.7 and later provides a builtin
116 % \ifCLASSINFOpdf conditional that works the same way.
117 % When switching from latex to pdflatex and vice-versa, the compiler may
118 % have to be run twice to clear warning/error messages.
127 \ifCLASSOPTIONcompsoc
128 % IEEE Computer Society needs nocompress option
129 % requires cite.sty v4.0 or later (November 2003)
130 % \usepackage[nocompress]{cite}
135 % cite.sty was written by Donald Arseneau
136 % V1.6 and later of IEEEtran pre-defines the format of the cite.sty package
137 % \cite{} output to follow that of IEEE. Loading the cite package will
138 % result in citation numbers being automatically sorted and properly
139 % "compressed/ranged". e.g., [1], [9], [2], [7], [5], [6] without using
140 % cite.sty will become [1], [2], [5]--[7], [9] using cite.sty. cite.sty's
141 % \cite will automatically add leading space, if needed. Use cite.sty's
142 % noadjust option (cite.sty V3.8 and later) if you want to turn this off.
143 % cite.sty is already installed on most LaTeX systems. Be sure and use
144 % version 4.0 (2003-05-27) and later if using hyperref.sty. cite.sty does
145 % not currently provide for hyperlinked citations.
146 % The latest version can be obtained at:
147 % http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/macros/latex/contrib/cite/
148 % The documentation is contained in the cite.sty file itself.
150 % Note that some packages require special options to format as the Computer
151 % Society requires. In particular, Computer Society papers do not use
152 % compressed citation ranges as is done in typical IEEE papers
153 % (e.g., [1]-[4]). Instead, they list every citation separately in order
154 % (e.g., [1], [2], [3], [4]). To get the latter we need to load the cite
155 % package with the nocompress option which is supported by cite.sty v4.0
156 % and later. Note also the use of a CLASSOPTION conditional provided by
157 % IEEEtran.cls V1.7 and later.
166 % \usepackage[pdftex]{graphicx}
167 % declare the path(s) where your graphic files are
168 % \graphicspath{{../pdf/}{../jpeg/}}
169 % and their extensions so you won't have to specify these with
170 % every instance of \includegraphics
171 % \DeclareGraphicsExtensions{.pdf,.jpeg,.png}
173 % or other class option (dvipsone, dvipdf, if not using dvips). graphicx
174 % will default to the driver specified in the system graphics.cfg if no
175 % driver is specified.
176 % \usepackage[dvips]{graphicx}
177 % declare the path(s) where your graphic files are
178 % \graphicspath{{../eps/}}
179 % and their extensions so you won't have to specify these with
180 % every instance of \includegraphics
181 % \DeclareGraphicsExtensions{.eps}
183 % graphicx was written by David Carlisle and Sebastian Rahtz. It is
184 % required if you want graphics, photos, etc. graphicx.sty is already
185 % installed on most LaTeX systems. The latest version and documentation can
187 % http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/macros/latex/required/graphics/
188 % Another good source of documentation is "Using Imported Graphics in
189 % LaTeX2e" by Keith Reckdahl which can be found as epslatex.ps or
190 % epslatex.pdf at: http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/info/
192 % latex, and pdflatex in dvi mode, support graphics in encapsulated
193 % postscript (.eps) format. pdflatex in pdf mode supports graphics
194 % in .pdf, .jpeg, .png and .mps (metapost) formats. Users should ensure
195 % that all non-photo figures use a vector format (.eps, .pdf, .mps) and
196 % not a bitmapped formats (.jpeg, .png). IEEE frowns on bitmapped formats
197 % which can result in "jaggedy"/blurry rendering of lines and letters as
198 % well as large increases in file sizes.
200 % You can find documentation about the pdfTeX application at:
201 % http://www.tug.org/applications/pdftex
206 % dvi->ps workflow is required to use such packages as psfrag.sty and
207 % pstricks.sty. However, Rolf Niepraschk's ps4pdf.sty provides a way to
208 % apply psfrag/pstricks effects to .eps figures and then get the resultant
209 % figures in .pdf form. Thus, providing an easier way for migrating from
210 % .eps to .pdf figures. After ps4pdf.sty loads, if:
211 % 1. producing .dvi output: the output file will consist ONLY of the
212 % figures (or other constructs encased within \PSforPDF commands)
213 % 2. producing .pdf output: pdflatex will look in the filename-pics.pdf
214 % file, where filename is the basename of the tex document, for the
215 % graphics (or other constructs encased within \PSforPDF commands).
216 % NOTE: If you ever change your figures, you must remember to remake
217 % the filename-pics.pdf file.
219 % This way you can do a:
222 % dvips -Ppdf -o filename-pics.ps filename.dvi
223 % ps2pdf filename-pics.ps filename-pics.pdf
225 % to produce a filename-pics.pdf graphics container that contains
226 % .pdf versions of the graphics with psfrag, pstricks, etc. features.
227 % Note that you will not typically be able to view the figures in
228 % filename-pics.ps because of an offset. However, you will be able to
229 % view them in filename-pics.pdf. Also, note that when ps4pdf is in effect
230 % with .dvi output, you may get harmless over/under full box warnings -
232 % Then, run pdflatex:
236 % to use pdflatex to make PDF output, automatically using the figures in
237 % filename-pics.pdf. Alternatively, you could use dvips -i option to
238 % obtain separate .pdf files for each figure:
240 % dvips -Ppdf -i -E -o fig filename
242 % then convert each figure to pdf via a command such as epstopdf and then
243 % use pdflatex with these pdf figures and then to dispense with ps4pdf.
245 % Remember to rerun through latex/dvips/ps2pdf if you ever change your
246 % figures so that filename-pics.pdf gets updated.
247 % ps4pdf requires David Kastrup's preview-latex and a recent LaTeX system
248 % (circa 2001 or later). The ps4pdf package and documentation can be
249 % obtained at: http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/macros/latex/contrib/ps4pdf/
250 % The preview-latex package and documentation can be obtained at:
251 % http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/macros/latex/contrib/preview/
253 % provide a bogus \PSforPDF, even when not loading pd4pdf. This way we can
254 % stop loading ps4pdf.sty if we choose to make separate .pdf versions of
255 % each of our figures.
256 \providecommand{\PSforPDF}[1]{#1}
257 % Note that in order for ps4pdf to work, all commands related to psfrag,
258 % pstricks, etc. must be called within the PSforPDF command. This applies
259 % even when *loading* via \usepackage psfrag.sty, etc.
262 %\PSforPDF{\usepackage{psfrag}}
263 % psfrag.sty was written by Craig Barratt, Michael C. Grant, and
264 % David Carlisle. It allows you to substitute LaTeX commands for text in
265 % imported EPS graphic files. In this way, LaTeX symbols can be placed into
266 % graphics that have been generated by other applications. You must use
267 % latex->dvips->ps2pdf workflow (not direct pdf output from pdflatex) if
268 % you wish to use this capability because it works via some PostScript
269 % tricks. Alternatively, the graphics could be processed as separate files
270 % via psfrag and dvips, then converted to PDF for inclusion in the main file
271 % which uses pdflatex. ps4pdf.sty (above) provides a way of doing this all
272 % at once within the main file.
273 % Docs are in "The PSfrag System" by Michael C. Grant and David Carlisle.
274 % There is also some information about using psfrag in "Using Imported
275 % Graphics in LaTeX2e" by Keith Reckdahl which documents the graphicx
276 % package (see above). The psfrag package and documentation can be obtained
277 % at: http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/macros/latex/contrib/psfrag/
279 % Note that the current version of psfrag does not "turn itself off" when
280 % running under pdf output. This will result in a harmless warning
281 % about a non-PDF \special. However, to silence this, a bogus psfrag
282 % command can be provided instead of loading psfrag.sty when PDF output
283 % is being used. Thus, a more complex alternative conditional loading scheme
284 % can be employed instead of the straightforword way above:
287 % if outputting PDF, do not use or load psfrag.sty as current versions
288 % output a non-PDF special that generates a harmless, but annoying warning.
289 % Instead, we provide a bogus \psfrag command that does nothing with
290 % its arguments. This is a tad tricky because \psfrag can have up to six
291 % arguments four of which are optional: \psfrag{}[][][][]{}
292 % Code based on that in psfrag.sty
294 %\def\psfrag{\@ifstar{\@BOGUSpsfraga}{\@BOGUSpsfraga}}
295 %\def\@BOGUSpsfraga{\begingroup
296 % \@makeother\"\@makeother\*\@makeother\!\@makeother\~%
297 % \@makeother\:\@makeother\\\@makeother\%\@makeother\#%
298 % \@makeother\ \@BOGUSpsfragb}
299 %\def\@BOGUSpsfragb#1{\endgroup
300 % \@ifnextchar [{\@BOGUSpsfragc}%
302 %\def\@BOGUSpsfragc[#1]{\@ifnextchar [{\@BOGUSpsfragd}%
304 %\def\@BOGUSpsfragd[#1]{\@ifnextchar [{\@BOGUSpsfrage}%
306 %\def\@BOGUSpsfrage[#1]{\@ifnextchar [{\@BOGUSpsfragf}%
308 %\def\@BOGUSpsfragf[#1]{\@BOGUSpsfrag}
309 %\def\@BOGUSpsfrag#1{\ignorespaces}
312 % using dvi output, load psfrag, but funnel it through PSforPDF
313 % as required by ps4pdf.sty
314 %\PSforPDF{\usepackage{psfrag}}
321 % *** MATH PACKAGES ***
323 %\usepackage[cmex10]{amsmath}
324 % A popular package from the American Mathematical Society that provides
325 % many useful and powerful commands for dealing with mathematics. If using
326 % it, be sure to load this package with the cmex10 option to ensure that
327 % only type 1 fonts will utilized at all point sizes. Without this option,
328 % it is possible that some math symbols, particularly those within
329 % footnotes, will be rendered in bitmap form which will result in a
330 % document that can not be IEEE Xplore compliant!
332 % Also, note that the amsmath package sets \interdisplaylinepenalty to 10000
333 % thus preventing page breaks from occurring within multiline equations. Use:
334 %\interdisplaylinepenalty=2500
335 % after loading amsmath to restore such page breaks as IEEEtran.cls normally
336 % does. amsmath.sty is already installed on most LaTeX systems. The latest
337 % version and documentation can be obtained at:
338 % http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/macros/latex/required/amslatex/math/
345 %\usepackage{acronym}
346 % acronym.sty was written by Tobias Oetiker. This package provides tools for
347 % managing documents with large numbers of acronyms. (You don't *have* to
348 % use this package - unless you have a lot of acronyms, you may feel that
349 % such package management of them is bit of an overkill.)
350 % Do note that the acronym environment (which lists acronyms) will have a
351 % problem when used under IEEEtran.cls because acronym.sty relies on the
352 % description list environment - which IEEEtran.cls has customized for
353 % producing IEEE style lists. A workaround is to declared the longest
354 % label width via the IEEEtran.cls \IEEEiedlistdecl global control:
356 % \renewcommand{\IEEEiedlistdecl}{\IEEEsetlabelwidth{SONET}}
360 % \renewcommand{\IEEEiedlistdecl}{\relax}% remember to reset \IEEEiedlistdecl
362 % instead of using the acronym environment's optional argument.
363 % The latest version and documentation can be obtained at:
364 % http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/macros/latex/contrib/acronym/
367 %\usepackage{algorithmic}
368 % algorithmic.sty was written by Peter Williams and Rogerio Brito.
369 % This package provides an algorithmic environment fo describing algorithms.
370 % You can use the algorithmic environment in-text or within a figure
371 % environment to provide for a floating algorithm. Do NOT use the algorithm
372 % floating environment provided by algorithm.sty (by the same authors) or
373 % algorithm2e.sty (by Christophe Fiorio) as IEEE does not use dedicated
374 % algorithm float types and packages that provide these will not provide
375 % correct IEEE style captions. The latest version and documentation of
376 % algorithmic.sty can be obtained at:
377 % http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/macros/latex/contrib/algorithms/
378 % There is also a support site at:
379 % http://algorithms.berlios.de/index.html
380 % Also of interest may be the (relatively newer and more customizable)
381 % algorithmicx.sty package by Szasz Janos:
382 % http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/macros/latex/contrib/algorithmicx/
390 % Frank Mittelbach's and David Carlisle's array.sty patches and improves
391 % the standard LaTeX2e array and tabular environments to provide better
392 % appearance and additional user controls. As the default LaTeX2e table
393 % generation code is lacking to the point of almost being broken with
394 % respect to the quality of the end results, all users are strongly
395 % advised to use an enhanced (at the very least that provided by array.sty)
396 % set of table tools. array.sty is already installed on most systems. The
397 % latest version and documentation can be obtained at:
398 % http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/macros/latex/required/tools/
401 %\usepackage{mdwmath}
403 % Also highly recommended is Mark Wooding's extremely powerful MDW tools,
404 % especially mdwmath.sty and mdwtab.sty which are used to format equations
405 % and tables, respectively. The MDWtools set is already installed on most
406 % LaTeX systems. The lastest version and documentation is available at:
407 % http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/macros/latex/contrib/mdwtools/
410 % IEEEtran contains the IEEEeqnarray family of commands that can be used to
411 % generate multiline equations as well as matrices, tables, etc., of high
415 %\usepackage{eqparbox}
416 % Also of notable interest is Scott Pakin's eqparbox package for creating
417 % (automatically sized) equal width boxes - aka "natural width parboxes".
419 % http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/macros/latex/contrib/eqparbox/
426 %\ifCLASSOPTIONcompsoc
427 %\usepackage[tight,normalsize,sf,SF]{subfigure}
429 %\usepackage[tight,footnotesize]{subfigure}
431 % subfigure.sty was written by Steven Douglas Cochran. This package makes it
432 % easy to put subfigures in your figures. e.g., "Figure 1a and 1b". For IEEE
433 % work, it is a good idea to load it with the tight package option to reduce
434 % the amount of white space around the subfigures. Computer Society papers
435 % use a larger font and \sffamily font for their captions, hence the
436 % additional options needed under compsoc mode. subfigure.sty is already
437 % installed on most LaTeX systems. The latest version and documentation can
439 % http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/obsolete/macros/latex/contrib/subfigure/
440 % subfigure.sty has been superceeded by subfig.sty.
443 %\ifCLASSOPTIONcompsoc
444 % \usepackage[caption=false]{caption}
445 % \usepackage[font=normalsize,labelfont=sf,textfont=sf]{subfig}
447 % \usepackage[caption=false]{caption}
448 % \usepackage[font=footnotesize]{subfig}
450 % subfig.sty, also written by Steven Douglas Cochran, is the modern
451 % replacement for subfigure.sty. However, subfig.sty requires and
452 % automatically loads Axel Sommerfeldt's caption.sty which will override
453 % IEEEtran.cls handling of captions and this will result in nonIEEE style
454 % figure/table captions. To prevent this problem, be sure and preload
455 % caption.sty with its "caption=false" package option. This is will preserve
456 % IEEEtran.cls handing of captions. Version 1.3 (2005/06/28) and later
457 % (recommended due to many improvements over 1.2) of subfig.sty supports
458 % the caption=false option directly:
459 %\ifCLASSOPTIONcompsoc
460 % \usepackage[caption=false,font=normalsize,labelfont=sf,textfont=sf]{subfig}
462 % \usepackage[caption=false,font=footnotesize]{subfig}
465 % The latest version and documentation can be obtained at:
466 % http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/macros/latex/contrib/subfig/
467 % The latest version and documentation of caption.sty can be obtained at:
468 % http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/macros/latex/contrib/caption/
473 % *** FLOAT PACKAGES ***
475 %\usepackage{fixltx2e}
476 % fixltx2e, the successor to the earlier fix2col.sty, was written by
477 % Frank Mittelbach and David Carlisle. This package corrects a few problems
478 % in the LaTeX2e kernel, the most notable of which is that in current
479 % LaTeX2e releases, the ordering of single and double column floats is not
480 % guaranteed to be preserved. Thus, an unpatched LaTeX2e can allow a
481 % single column figure to be placed prior to an earlier double column
482 % figure. The latest version and documentation can be found at:
483 % http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/macros/latex/base/
486 %\usepackage{stfloats}
487 % stfloats.sty was written by Sigitas Tolusis. This package gives LaTeX2e
488 % the ability to do double column floats at the bottom of the page as well
489 % as the top. (e.g., "\begin{figure*}[!b]" is not normally possible in
490 % LaTeX2e). It also provides a command:
492 % to enable the placement of footnotes below bottom floats (the standard
493 % LaTeX2e kernel puts them above bottom floats). This is an invasive package
494 % which rewrites many portions of the LaTeX2e float routines. It may not work
495 % with other packages that modify the LaTeX2e float routines. The latest
496 % version and documentation can be obtained at:
497 % http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/macros/latex/contrib/sttools/
498 % Documentation is contained in the stfloats.sty comments as well as in the
499 % presfull.pdf file. Do not use the stfloats baselinefloat ability as IEEE
500 % does not allow \baselineskip to stretch. Authors submitting work to the
501 % IEEE should note that IEEE rarely uses double column equations and
502 % that authors should try to avoid such use. Do not be tempted to use the
503 % cuted.sty or midfloat.sty packages (also by Sigitas Tolusis) as IEEE does
504 % not format its papers in such ways.
507 %\ifCLASSOPTIONcaptionsoff
508 % \usepackage[nomarkers]{endfloat}
509 % \let\MYoriglatexcaption\caption
510 % \renewcommand{\caption}[2][\relax]{\MYoriglatexcaption[#2]{#2}}
512 % endfloat.sty was written by James Darrell McCauley and Jeff Goldberg.
513 % This package may be useful when used in conjunction with IEEEtran.cls'
514 % captionsoff option. Some IEEE journals/societies require that submissions
515 % have lists of figures/tables at the end of the paper and that
516 % figures/tables without any captions are placed on a page by themselves at
517 % the end of the document. If needed, the draftcls IEEEtran class option or
518 % \CLASSINPUTbaselinestretch interface can be used to increase the line
519 % spacing as well. Be sure and use the nomarkers option of endfloat to
520 % prevent endfloat from "marking" where the figures would have been placed
521 % in the text. The two hack lines of code above are a slight modification of
522 % that suggested by in the endfloat docs (section 8.3.1) to ensure that
523 % the full captions always appear in the list of figures/tables - even if
524 % the user used the short optional argument of \caption[]{}.
525 % IEEE papers do not typically make use of \caption[]'s optional argument,
526 % so this should not be an issue. A similar trick can be used to disable
527 % captions of packages such as subfig.sty that lack options to turn off
530 % \let\MYorigsubfloat\subfloat
531 % \renewcommand{\subfloat}[2][\relax]{\MYorigsubfloat[]{#2}}
533 % \let\MYorigsubfigure\subfigure
534 % \renewcommand{\subfigure}[2][\relax]{\MYorigsubfigure[]{#2}}
535 % However, the above trick will not work if both optional arguments of
536 % the \subfloat/subfig command are used. Furthermore, there needs to be a
537 % description of each subfigure *somewhere* and endfloat does not add
538 % subfigure captions to its list of figures. Thus, the best approach is to
539 % avoid the use of subfigure captions (many IEEE journals avoid them anyway)
540 % and instead reference/explain all the subfigures within the main caption.
541 % The latest version of endfloat.sty and its documentation can obtained at:
542 % http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/macros/latex/contrib/endfloat/
544 % The IEEEtran \ifCLASSOPTIONcaptionsoff conditional can also be used
545 % later in the document, say, to conditionally put the References on a
546 % page by themselves.
555 % url.sty was written by Donald Arseneau. It provides better support for
556 % handling and breaking URLs. url.sty is already installed on most LaTeX
557 % systems. The latest version can be obtained at:
558 % http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/macros/latex/contrib/misc/
559 % Read the url.sty source comments for usage information. Basically,
563 % NOTE: PDF thumbnail features are not required in IEEE papers
564 % and their use requires extra complexity and work.
566 % \usepackage[pdftex]{thumbpdf}
568 % \usepackage[dvips]{thumbpdf}
570 % thumbpdf.sty and its companion Perl utility were written by Heiko Oberdiek.
571 % It allows the user a way to produce PDF documents that contain fancy
572 % thumbnail images of each of the pages (which tools like acrobat reader can
573 % utilize). This is possible even when using dvi->ps->pdf workflow if the
574 % correct thumbpdf driver options are used. thumbpdf.sty incorporates the
575 % file containing the PDF thumbnail information (filename.tpm is used with
576 % dvips, filename.tpt is used with pdftex, where filename is the base name of
577 % your tex document) into the final ps or pdf output document. An external
578 % utility, the thumbpdf *Perl script* is needed to make these .tpm or .tpt
579 % thumbnail files from a .ps or .pdf version of the document (which obviously
580 % does not yet contain pdf thumbnails). Thus, one does a:
582 % thumbpdf filename.pdf
584 % to make a filename.tpt, and:
586 % thumbpdf --mode dvips filename.ps
588 % to make a filename.tpm which will then be loaded into the document by
589 % thumbpdf.sty the NEXT time the document is compiled (by pdflatex or
590 % latex->dvips->ps2pdf). Users must be careful to regenerate the .tpt and/or
591 % .tpm files if the main document changes and then to recompile the
592 % document to incorporate the revised thumbnails to ensure that thumbnails
593 % match the actual pages. It is easy to forget to do this!
595 % Unix systems come with a Perl interpreter. However, MS Windows users
596 % will usually have to install a Perl interpreter so that the thumbpdf
597 % script can be run. The Ghostscript PS/PDF interpreter is also required.
598 % See the thumbpdf docs for details. The latest version and documentation
599 % can be obtained at.
600 % http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/support/thumbpdf/
601 % Be sure and use only version 3.8 (2005/07/06) or later of thumbpdf as
602 % earlier versions will not work properly with recent versions of pdfTeX
606 % NOTE: PDF hyperlink and bookmark features are not required in IEEE
607 % papers and their use requires extra complexity and work.
610 \newcommand\MYhyperrefoptions{bookmarks=true,bookmarksnumbered=true,
611 pdfpagemode={UseOutlines},plainpages=false,pdfpagelabels=true,
612 colorlinks=true,linkcolor={black},citecolor={black},pagecolor={black},
614 pdftitle={Bare Demo of IEEEtran.cls for Computer Society Journals},%<!CHANGE!
615 pdfsubject={Typesetting},%<!CHANGE!
616 pdfauthor={Michael D. Shell},%<!CHANGE!
617 pdfkeywords={Computer Society, IEEEtran, journal, LaTeX, paper,
618 template}}%<^!CHANGE!
620 %\usepackage[\MYhyperrefoptions,pdftex]{hyperref}
622 %\usepackage[\MYhyperrefoptions,breaklinks=true,dvips]{hyperref}
623 %\usepackage{breakurl}
625 % One significant drawback of using hyperref under DVI output is that the
626 % LaTeX compiler cannot break URLs across lines or pages as can be done
627 % under pdfLaTeX's PDF output via the hyperref pdftex driver. This is
628 % probably the single most important capability distinction between the
629 % DVI and PDF output. Perhaps surprisingly, all the other PDF features
630 % (PDF bookmarks, thumbnails, etc.) can be preserved in
631 % .tex->.dvi->.ps->.pdf workflow if the respective packages/scripts are
632 % loaded/invoked with the correct driver options (dvips, etc.).
633 % As most IEEE papers use URLs sparingly (mainly in the references), this
634 % may not be as big an issue as with other publications.
636 % That said, recently Vilar Camara Neto introduced his breakurl.sty
637 % package which permits hyperref to easily break URLs even in dvi
638 % mode. Note that breakurl, unlike most other packages, must be loaded
639 % AFTER hyperref. The latest version of breakurl and its documentation can
641 % http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/macros/latex/contrib/breakurl/
642 % breakurl.sty is not for use under pdflatex pdf mode. Versions 1.10
643 % (September 23, 2005) and later are recommened to avoid bugs in earlier
646 % The advanced features offer by hyperref.sty are not required for IEEE
647 % submission, so users should weigh these features against the added
648 % complexity of use. Users who wish to use hyperref *must* ensure that
649 % their hyperref version is 6.72u or later *and* IEEEtran.cls is version
651 % The package options above demonstrate how to enable PDF bookmarks
652 % (a type of table of contents viewable in Acrobat Reader) as well as
653 % PDF document information (title, subject, author and keywords) that is
654 % viewable in Acrobat reader's Document_Properties menu. PDF document
655 % information is also used extensively to automate the cataloging of PDF
656 % documents. The above set of options ensures that hyperlinks will not be
657 % colored in the text and thus will not be visible in the printed page,
658 % but will be active on "mouse over". USING COLORS OR OTHER HIGHLIGHTING
660 % these appear on the "printed" page. IF IN DOUBT, ASK THE RELEVANT
661 % SUBMISSION EDITOR. You may need to add the option hypertexnames=false if
662 % you used duplicate equation numbers, etc., but this should not be needed
663 % in normal IEEE work.
664 % The latest version of hyperref and its documentation can be obtained at:
665 % http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/macros/latex/contrib/hyperref/
671 % *** Do not adjust lengths that control margins, column widths, etc. ***
672 % *** Do not use packages that alter fonts (such as pslatex). ***
673 % There should be no need to do such things with IEEEtran.cls V1.6 and later.
674 % (Unless specifically asked to do so by the journal or conference you plan
675 % to submit to, of course. )
678 % correct bad hyphenation here
679 \hyphenation{op-tical net-works semi-conduc-tor}
681 \usepackage{graphicx, subfigure}
683 \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc}
685 \usepackage{hyperref}
687 %%%%\usepackage[latin1]{inputenc}
688 \usepackage[textsize=footnotesize]{todonotes}
692 % can use linebreaks \\ within to get better formatting as desired
693 \title{Contribution of Statistical Implicative Analysis (SIA) combined with the Item Response Theory (IRT)}
696 % author names and IEEE memberships
697 % note positions of commas and nonbreaking spaces ( ~ ) LaTeX will not break
698 % a structure at a ~ so this keeps an author's name from being broken across
700 % use \thanks{} to gain access to the first footnote area
701 % a separate \thanks must be used for each paragraph as LaTeX2e's \thanks
702 % was not built to handle multiple paragraphs
705 %\IEEEcompsocitemizethanks is a special \thanks that produces the bulleted
706 % lists the Computer Society journals use for "first footnote" author
707 % affiliations. Use \IEEEcompsocthanksitem which works much like \item
708 % for each affiliation group. When not in compsoc mode,
709 % \IEEEcompsocitemizethanks becomes like \thanks and
710 % \IEEEcompsocthanksitem becomes a line break with idention. This
711 % facilitates dual compilation, although admittedly the differences in the
712 % desired content of \author between the different types of papers makes a
713 % one-size-fits-all approach a daunting prospect. For instance, compsoc
714 % journal papers have the author affiliations above the "Manuscript
715 % received ..." text while in non-compsoc journals this is reversed. Sigh.
717 \author{Hayette~Khaled,~\IEEEmembership{University of Bejaia, ~Algeria,}
718 and~Raphaël ~Couturier,~\IEEEmembership{University of Franche-Comte, ~France}% <-this % stops a space
719 \IEEEcompsocitemizethanks{\IEEEcompsocthanksitem H. Khaled is from the University of Bejaia.\protect\\
720 % note need leading \protect in front of \\ to get a newline within \thanks as
721 % \\ is fragile and will error, could use \hfil\break instead.
722 E-mail: hayette.khaled$@$univ\-bejaia.dz, aya\_info6$@$yahoo.fr
723 \IEEEcompsocthanksitem R.Couturier is from the University of Franche-Comte.\protect\\
724 E-mail: raphael.couturier$@$univ-fcomte.fr}% <-this % stops a space
726 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%\thanks{Manuscript received April 19, 2005; revised January 11, 2007.}
730 % note the % following the last \IEEEmembership and also \thanks -
731 % these prevent an unwanted space from occurring between the last author name
732 % and the end of the author line. i.e., if you had this:
734 % \author{....lastname \thanks{...} \thanks{...} }
735 % ^------------^------------^----Do not want these spaces!
737 % a space would be appended to the last name and could cause every name on that
738 % line to be shifted left slightly. This is one of those "LaTeX things". For
739 % instance, "\textbf{A} \textbf{B}" will typeset as "A B" not "AB". To get
740 % "AB" then you have to do: "\textbf{A}\textbf{B}"
741 % \thanks is no different in this regard, so shield the last } of each \thanks
742 % that ends a line with a % and do not let a space in before the next \thanks.
743 % Spaces after \IEEEmembership other than the last one are OK (and needed) as
744 % you are supposed to have spaces between the names. For what it is worth,
745 % this is a minor point as most people would not even notice if the said evil
746 % space somehow managed to creep in.
751 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%\markboth{Journal of \LaTeX\ Class Files,~Vol.~6, No.~1, January~2007}% %aya???
752 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%{Shell \MakeLowercase{\textit{et al.}}: Bare Advanced Demo of IEEEtran.cls for Journals} %aya???
753 % The only time the second header will appear is for the odd numbered pages
754 % after the title page when using the twoside option.
756 % *** Note that you probably will NOT want to include the author's ***
757 % *** name in the headers of peer review papers. ***
758 % You can use \ifCLASSOPTIONpeerreview for conditional compilation here if
763 % The publisher's ID mark at the bottom of the page is less important with
764 % Computer Society journal papers as those publications place the marks
765 % outside of the main text columns and, therefore, unlike regular IEEE
766 % journals, the available text space is not reduced by their presence.
767 % If you want to put a publisher's ID mark on the page you can do it like
769 %\IEEEpubid{0000--0000/00\$00.00~\copyright~2007 IEEE}
770 % or like this to get the Computer Society new two part style.
771 %\IEEEpubid{\makebox[\columnwidth]{\hfill 0000--0000/00/\$00.00~\copyright~2007 IEEE}%
773 %%%%%%%%%%\IEEEoverridecommandlockouts
775 \IEEEpubid{\makebox[\columnwidth]{978-1-4799-7508-2/14/\$31.00~\copyright~2014 IEEE \hfill} \hspace{\columnsep}\makebox[\columnwidth]{ }}
778 %\hspace{\columnsep}\makebox[\columnwidth]{Published by the IEEE Computer Society\hfill}}
779 % Remember, if you use this you must call \IEEEpubidadjcol in the second
780 % column for its text to clear the IEEEpubid mark (Computer Society jorunal
781 % papers don't need this extra clearance.)
785 % use for special paper notices
786 %\IEEEspecialpapernotice{(Invited Paper)}
790 % for Computer Society papers, we must declare the abstract and index terms
791 % PRIOR to the title within the \IEEEcompsoctitleabstractindextext IEEEtran
792 % command as these need to go into the title area created by \maketitle.
793 \IEEEcompsoctitleabstractindextext{%
798 In this paper we illustrate the benefits of combining Statistical
799 Implicative Analysis (SIA) method with the Items Response Theory (IRT)
800 throw a study of the computer science students' marks of Bejaia
801 University. SIA is used to discover and analyze the most relevant
802 implications between different studied modules. The IRT, in
803 opposition, allows us to analyze the items quality and their calibration (difficulty) by providing the construction of independent scales from the test data (students and modules). An analysis of the results is proposed with a comparison with the results that we have obtained in the paper \cite{Khaled14} in which we applied the SIA on students' marks.
806 % IEEEtran.cls defaults to using nonbold math in the Abstract.
807 % This preserves the distinction between vectors and scalars. However,
808 % if the journal you are submitting to favors bold math in the abstract,
809 % then you can use LaTeX's standard command \boldmath at the very start
810 % of the abstract to achieve this. Many IEEE journals frown on math
811 % in the abstract anyway. In particular, the Computer Society does
812 % not want either math or citations to appear in the abstract.
814 % Note that keywords are not normally used for peerreview papers.
816 SIA, IRT, Students' Marks.
819 \newcommand{\rc}[1]{\color{blue}{[RC: #1]}\color{black}}
820 % make the title area
824 % To allow for easy dual compilation without having to reenter the
825 % abstract/keywords data, the \IEEEcompsoctitleabstractindextext text will
826 % not be used in maketitle, but will appear (i.e., to be "transported")
827 % here as \IEEEdisplaynotcompsoctitleabstractindextext when compsoc mode
828 % is not selected <OR> if conference mode is selected - because compsoc
829 % conference papers position the abstract like regular (non-compsoc)
831 \IEEEdisplaynotcompsoctitleabstractindextext
832 % \IEEEdisplaynotcompsoctitleabstractindextext has no effect when using
833 % compsoc under a non-conference mode.
836 % For peer review papers, you can put extra information on the cover
838 % \ifCLASSOPTIONpeerreview
839 % \begin{center} \bfseries EDICS Category: 3-BBND \end{center}
842 % For peerreview papers, this IEEEtran command inserts a page break and
843 % creates the second title. It will be ignored for other modes.
844 \IEEEpeerreviewmaketitle
848 \section{INTRODUCTION}
849 % Computer Society journal papers do something a tad strange with the very
850 % first section heading (almost always called "Introduction"). They place it
851 % ABOVE the main text! IEEEtran.cls currently does not do this for you.
852 % However, You can achieve this effect by making LaTeX jump through some
853 % hoops via something like:
855 %\ifCLASSOPTIONcompsoc
856 % \noindent\raisebox{2\baselineskip}[0pt][0pt]%
857 % {\parbox{\columnwidth}{\section{Introduction}\label{sec:introduction}%
858 % \global\everypar=\everypar}}%
859 % \vspace{-1\baselineskip}\vspace{-\parskip}\par
861 % \section{Introduction}\label{sec:introduction}\par
864 % Admittedly, this is a hack and may well be fragile, but seems to do the
865 % trick for me. Note the need to keep any \label that may be used right
866 % after \section in the above as the hack puts \section within a raised box.
870 % The very first letter is a 2 line initial drop letter followed
871 % by the rest of the first word in caps (small caps for compsoc).
873 % form to use if the first word consists of a single letter:
874 % \IEEEPARstart{A}{demo} file is ....
876 % form to use if you need the single drop letter followed by
877 % normal text (unknown if ever used by IEEE):
878 % \IEEEPARstart{A}{}demo file is ....
880 % Some journals put the first two words in caps:
881 % \IEEEPARstart{T}{his demo} file is ....
883 % Here we have the typical use of a "T" for an initial drop letter
884 % and "HIS" in caps to complete the first word.
885 \IEEEPARstart{T}{he} Item Response Theory (IRT) is a statistical model
886 of measure, relatively recent, \cite{Pini12}. It allows to deal with the problems for which classical psychometrics do not always provide satisfactory responses and solutions. It attempts to estimate the item's independence property of a particular group of individuals. In other words, IRT seeks to elaborate measurement instruments whose characteristics are not excessively influenced by a reference group.
888 IRT is based on probabilistic models. These models are based on the principle that the response of an individual to the item (including the probability of providing a correct response) is determined by two kinds of factors: on the first hand, the competence of the subject (called latent traits); on the second hand, the item properties: its degree of difficulty, its discrimination power and the "chance" that may play a role in some cases.
890 IRT was proposed for the first time in the psychometrics field to assess the ability \cite{Xinming}. After that, it was used in various fields such as medicine \cite{Michael13}, smoking among adolescents \cite{Hedeker06}, etc. \rc{pas
891 cohérent de dire que ca a été utilisé en 2014 puis après et parlé de
892 2013 } Furthermore, it is widely used in education to calibrate and evaluate the items in the tests as well as the subject's ability. In recent decades, the educational evaluation had used more and more techniques based on IRT in order to develop tests.
894 For example, in \cite{Johns06} the authors have designed several experiments to test IRT models which were used as a tool for students modeling in intelligent tutoring system. The models were tested using real data of high school students using the Wayang Outpost tutoring system. A cross-validation model was developed and three metrics of prediction accuracy measuring were compared. The results show that the trained models predict with an accuracy of 72\% if a student response is a multiple choice problem correctly, so we can say that these models have a good predictive power.
896 In \cite{Hamdare14} the authors proposed an adaptive assessment system based on the IRT. This system allows to personalize, dynamically, questions for students based on their response to the previous question, it also adjusts the difficulty of the evaluation questions depending on the student's ability; so this will help teachers to acquire a valid and reliable measurement of student skills.
898 In \cite{Rowan01}, researchers from the Michigan University worked on the elaboration of measures based on surveys on the educational content knowledge of teachers, identifying three dimensions to measure, namely: knowledge content, knowledge of student thinking and knowledge of teaching strategies; in order to analyze their effects on student success. Researchers establish questionnaires for teachers concerning the three dimensions previously mentioned. Then they apply the computer commercial program BILOG to analyze and score the questionnaires that are based on the IRT to exclude questions that decrease the reliability of adjustment.
900 The Aix-Marseille IREM's research team developed an assessing adaptive method in
901 \cite{Bodin10} that they test on the socle commun in terms of knowledge and
902 skills. It aims to response the following questions: what knowledge and skills
903 are required to individuals, regardless of training courses that each one could
904 have followed or not? How is it possible to position individuals in relation to
907 The adaptive method consists to form a referential R that contains knowledge and skills to evaluate. A set of questions Q is associated to the referential; and the cohesive implicative tree of CHIC \cite{Couturier05} or \cite{couturier08:bc} is used to determine the questions that correspond to the same unit of competence.
909 %%RAPH: ici on parle de SIA mais il n'y a pas eu de description du SIA ??? la je pense que la discription on la trouve dans les deux références précédente \cite{Couturier05} or \cite{couturier08:bc}
910 \rc{Il manque toujours une présentation de SIA plus ou moins ici}
913 The test principle is to take randomly the first question (q1, p) to ask to the person p then the next question will be chosen according to the implicative graph built with the SIA questions. The test is stopped when the amplitude of the confidence interval for the estimated score falls below a chosen confidence interval.
914 The adaptive test on R consists in estimating the score of a person on the set of questions Q from his answer $s$ to a subset Q' using the probabilistic estimation function of IRT. The authors show that the combination of the SIA and the IRT allows to envisage very reliable tests.
916 In the literature, all works that use the IRT show that there are interesting contributions coming from the educational field. These works focus in general on questionnaires refinement of a tutoring system or test web system or the study of teachers' knowledge and their impact on students' success.
918 There are few studies that address students' marks. In our work \cite{Khaled14}, we used the statistical implicative analysis (SIA) \cite{Gras08} and \cite{Gras13} to identify relevant implications between modules.
920 Our goal in this paper is to show the benefits and contributions of both SIA and IRT methods through an example on Bejaia University student's marks. We have cited previously a work that also combines these two methods on test questions for which responses $s$ are represented with binary data. In our case we deal with polytomous data, i.e., with several modalities, obtained by partitioning student's marks into three groups with the ``dynamic clouds'' algorithm. Hence there are 3 groups of student: students with weak results, with average results and with good results. So even if student's marks are generally high or in contrast very low, we have the 3 groups previously stated.
922 In the following of this paper we introduce the Item Response Theory (IRT) then, we show our analysis and results. Finally, we present a comparison between the results obtained with IRT and those obtained with SIA initially presented in \cite{Khaled14} and updated.
924 % You must have at least 2 lines in the paragraph with the drop letter
925 % (should never be an issue)
926 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%I wish you the best of success. %aya???
928 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%\hfill mds %aya???
930 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%\hfill January 11, 2007 %aya???
933 \section{Item Response Theory(IRT), \cite{Pini12}, \cite{Hamdare14}, \cite{DaiTrang13},\cite{Rizopoulos06}}
934 IRT models are mathematical functions called item characteristic
935 functions. These functions specify the probability to anwser correctly an item, in terms of item and individual parameters. They are represented graphically by a continuous curve called item's characteristic curve (ICC) (see Figure~\ref{fig:01}), it describes the relationship between the individual latent trait (represented by $\theta$) and the probability that this individual succeed the item i.
940 \includegraphics[width=0.3\textwidth]{Rplot_ICC}
941 \caption{Item Characteristic Curve (ICC).}
946 There are three IRT models: the one parameter model (or Rasch model), the two-parameter model and the three-parameter model. All the three models have an item difficulty parameter represented by $b_{i}$.
949 \item The one-parameter model equation is given as follows:
950 $$P_{i}(\theta)= \frac{\exp^{(\theta-b_{i})}}{1+\exp^{(\theta-b_{i})}}$$
952 \item The two-parameter model equation is given as follows:
953 $$P_{i}(\theta)= \frac{\exp^{\alpha_{i}(\theta-b_{i})}}{1+\exp^{\alpha_{i}(\theta-b_{i})}}$$
955 \item The three-parameter model equation is given as follows:
956 $$P_{i}(\theta)= C_{i}+(1-C_{i})\frac{\exp^{\alpha_{i}(\theta-b_{i})}}{1+\exp^{\alpha_{i}(\theta-b_{i})}}$$
960 In addition, the two-parameter and the three-parameter models have a discrimination parameter denoted by $\alpha$; related to the speed of probability change when the trait latent changes. The three-parameter model contains a third parameter, called pseudo-guessing parameter denoted by $C$ which represents the probability that a subject, with low ability, response $s$ correctly an item i by randomly choosing one of the proposed options.
962 There are two main branches of IRT: the unidimensional (UIRT) and multidimensional (MIRT). The first branch operates on the assumption that there is an idea or message through the content of all the items and the test instruments are developed to measure this single idea. The second branch in turn assumes that the items are grouped into different domain and the test instruments are used to measure these multiple domain construction \cite{DaiTrang13}.
964 The most common models of IRT are dichotomous ones with two response categories for items and polytomous models with multiple ordinal response categories for items. In our case we will treat the marks of students which are between zero and twenty that will be divided into three groups, so they represent polytomous data.
966 Polytomous data include multiple choice items data, open mathematical questions, Likert scales, ordinal items, the scales assessment responses and graded test responses or survey questions. The type of IRT model used to describe the interaction between subjects and test items depends on the nature of the data collected. Several models were used to polytomous data, such as partial credit model (PCM), the generalized partial credit model (GPCM), nominal response model (NRM) and the graded response model (GRM). This last model is proposed by Samejima (1969), it is the best suitable for the treatment of student marks, its logistics form is expressed as follow:\\
970 P(Y_{ijk} = k|\theta_{j},b_{ik},a_{i})=& \nonumber\\
971 \frac{1}{1 + \exp ^{\alpha_{i}(\theta_{i}-b_{i,k})}} - \frac{1}{1 + \exp ^{\alpha_{i}(\theta_{i}-b_{i,k+1})}}&
974 \section{Analysis and Results}
975 \subsection{Data description}
976 The population considered is the $2^{nd}$ year students of Computer Science Department of the University A / Mira Bejaia during the years 2010, 2011 and 2012. The $2^{nd}$ year students are assessed on linear programming module (LP), languages theory (LTH), mathematical logic (MatLog), numerical analysis (NumA), operating system (OS), probability and statistics (PS), signal processing (SP), software engineering (SWE), algorithm and data structure (ALDSTR2 ), architecture (ARCH), database (DB) and data structure (DSTR1).
978 Students' marks are represented by a ".csv" file (an example is shown in Figure~\ref{tab:01}). It contains students' identifiers in the lines and modules studied in the columns followed by the variable "p" to specify that the variables (modules marks) need to be partitioned into a fixed number of intervals, we use the dynamic clustering algorithm (nu\'{e}es dynamiques) \cite{Diday71} which automatically forms the intervals that have distinct boundaries.\\
979 \rc{je ne crois pas que tu as expliqué que PS1 ca veut dire faible en
980 PS... C'est indispensable}
984 \begin{tabular}{|c|c|c|c|c|c|}
986 \texttt & ARCH p & DSTR1 p & IS p \\ \hline
987 \texttt 09MI0025 & 11,25 & 9,88 & 11,5 \\ \hline
988 \texttt 09MI0034 & 9,38 & 11,38 & 7,33 \\ \hline
989 \texttt 09MI0590 & 10,63 & 9,38 & 8,67 \\ \hline
990 \texttt 09MI0061 & 11,38 & 14,69 & 10,5 \\ \hline
991 \texttt ... & ... & ... & ...\\
995 \caption{Data example type .csv}
999 To process these data with the IRT we chose the graded response model (GRM) with two parameters that gives the difficulty and the discrimination of modules. The choice of this model is due to the fact that the student' marks are partitioned into three categories (weak, average and good results) thus they represent polytomous data which can be processed by the GRM model.
1000 Analysis of results was performed by plotting the characteristic curves of the modules as shown in the following figure:
1006 \includegraphics[width=0.4\textwidth]{Rplot02}
1007 \caption{Item Characteristic Curve obtained by the GRM model.}
1011 In Figure~\ref{fig:03}, the curve 1 (black) represents the probability to fail the module depending on the student's ability, curve 2 (red) represents the probability of having an average result in the module depending on the student's ability and the curve 3 (green) represents the probability of success in the module according to the student's ability. This figure shows that students with weak results (capacity between - 4 and - 2) have a high probability of failing the module and almost null of succeeding it, unlike students with good results (capacity between 2 and 4) that have a high probability of succeeding module and almost null of failing it.
1013 \subsection{Results of IRT model and analysis}
1014 In the following we present some items' characteristic curves (ICC) (Item represents a module) in $2^{nd}$ years for the promotions 2010-2011 (Figure~\ref{fig:04}), 2011-2012 (Figure~\ref{fig:05}) and 2012-2013 (Figure~\ref{fig:06}).
1016 % -------------- figure 4 -------------------%
1021 \includegraphics[width=0.5\textwidth]{Rplot_L2_2010_2011_01}
1022 }\\ % ------- End of the first row ----------------------%
1024 \includegraphics[width=0.5\textwidth]{Rplot_L2_2010_2011_08}
1027 \caption{$2^{nd}$ year ICC of 2010-2011.}%
1031 % -------------- End of figure 4 ----------------------%
1034 % -------------- figure 5 -------------------%
1039 \includegraphics[width=0.5\textwidth]{Rplot_L2_2011_2012_01}
1040 }\\ % ------- End of the first row ----------------------%
1042 \includegraphics[width=0.5\textwidth]{Rplot_L2_2011_2012_09}
1045 \caption{$2^{nd}$ year ICC of 2011-2012.}%
1049 % -------------- End of figure 5 ----------------------%
1051 % -------------- figure 6 -------------------%
1056 \includegraphics[width=0.5\textwidth]{Rplot_L2_2012_2013_01}
1057 }\\ % ------- End of the first row ----------------------%
1059 \includegraphics[width=0.5\textwidth]{Rplot_L2_2012_2013_08}
1062 \caption{$2^{nd}$ year ICC of 2012-2013.}%
1066 % -------------- End of figure 6 ----------------------%
1068 According to Figures~\ref{fig:04}, \ref{fig:05} and~\ref{fig:06} presented above
1070 and Figures~\ref{fig:08}, \ref{fig:09}, and \ref{fig:10} in appendix; we note that we have substantially the same
1071 results for different years. We see that the specialty modules ARCH and STRD1
1072 (Figures~\ref{fig:03}, \ref{fig:04} and \ref{fig:05}), NumA, PS, MatLog, TSIG, ALDSTR2, DB, OS, LTH, LP and SWE
1073 (Figures~\ref{fig:08}, \ref{fig:09} and \ref{fig:10}) are the most discriminating (we observe steeper curves), i.e. these
1074 modules make the difference between students with weak results and those with
1075 good results unlike English4 and English3 (Figures~\ref{fig:03}, \ref{fig:04} and \ref{fig:05}), and IS, English3
1076 and French4 (Figures~\ref{fig:08}, \ref{fig:09} and \ref{fig:10}) which are not.
1078 We know that in general, students with good results in computer science work
1079 well in all the specialty modules and students with low results in computer have
1080 similar results in all specialty modules. This is confirmed by the results
1083 Students with good results, i.e. with an ability greater than $2$, for example;
1084 have a probability close to $1$ to success speciality modules and a probability
1085 close to $0$ to fail them. In contrast students with low results, those with an
1086 ability less than $-2$, for example, have a probability close to $1$ to fail
1087 specialty modules and a null probability of succeeding them.
1089 Being good in computer science does not mean being good in language modules (French and
1090 English) and, in the same way, being weak in computer science does not mean being
1091 weak in language modules. In Figures~\ref{fig:03},
1092 \ref{fig:04} and \ref{fig:05} it can be observed that these modules
1093 are not discriminative. \rc{On pourrait pas donner les valeurs de discriminant
1094 ou extremum (je ne me rappelle plus)}
1096 The information system module (IS) (Figures~\ref{fig:08}, \ref{fig:09} and \ref{fig:10} in the Appendix), is
1097 also not discriminative and this is explained by the fact that it is not a
1098 computer science speciality module. It concerns business organization,
1099 management, etc. For students who have average results (whose capacity is
1100 between -2 and 2), curves 2 (red) show that they have a medium probability (0.5
1101 to 0.7) to succeed specialty modules.
1103 \subsection{SIA method results and analysis}
1104 %%aya %% In the following we present some implicative graphs resulting from the application of the statistical implicative analysis (SIA) on the students marks presented above, this work has been the subject of the paper \cite{Khaled14} published in ISKO-Maghreb (2014). However, we have used a different model compared to our previous work. This new model is more suited to situations when there are many students.
1106 In the following we present some implicative graphs resulting from the
1107 application of the statistical implicative analysis (SIA) on the
1108 students marks presented above. This work was the subject of the
1109 paper \cite{Khaled14} published in ISKO-Maghreb (2014). The
1110 implicative graph is used in the context of the assessment of skills,
1111 it identifies the implications in the modules. For example, we can see
1112 implications like: if students have good results in this module,
1113 generally they also have good results in this module. For the
1114 ccomputation of the implicative graph, we have used a different model
1115 compared to our previous work. This new model is more suited to
1116 situations when there are many students. The new implication intensity
1117 is call implifiance and it is defined in \cite{Gras15}. This index
1118 mixes the confidence and implication. In practice, we keep only
1119 implications greater than a given threshold. These implication are
1120 represented by arrows.
1123 %%RAPH ici, je pense qu'il faudrait rappeler un peu comment le SIA fonctionne, expliquer un peu plus le partitionnement et aussi expliquer qu'on va utiliser la mesure d'implifiance qui mixe la confiance et l'implication ???
1124 The intervals of students' marks here are also divided into three sub intervals identifying students with week, average and good results. For
1125 example, the module DSTR1 was partitioned into the following sub intervals:
1127 DSTR11 from 5.94 to 10.38, DSTR12 from 10.5 to 13.38, DSTR13 from 13.5 to 18.38. DSTR11 reflects students who are weak at DSTR1, DSTR12 students who are average and DSTR13 students who are good at DSTR1.
1129 \rc{Je pense qu'il faut grossir les 2 figures. J'ai fait en sorte
1130 qu'elle soit plus grosse mais tu les as bcp réduite, donc il faut
1131 que tu refasses la capture d'écran. Attention, j'ai renuméroté les
1132 figures, car il y avait un numéro en double, il faut vérifier si les
1133 numéro sont correctes.}
1135 \begin{figure*}[htbp]
1137 \includegraphics{fig6As}
1138 \caption{Implicative Graph $2^{nd}$ year 2010-2011.}
1143 \begin{figure*}[htbp]
1145 \includegraphics{fig7As}
1146 \caption{Implicative Graph $2^{nd}$ year 2011-2012.}
1150 The criterion used to look for the implications of implicative graphs is the implifiance shown in \cite{Gras15}; it presents a combination between the confidence criteria and intensity of implication.
1152 We see in these figures that the arcs are weighted. The weights
1153 represent the confidence, if we take the example of confidence 71.05
1154 between the modules ALDSTR2.1 and DSTR1.1 in Figure~\ref{fig:07} this
1155 means that if a student is weak in ALDSTR2 has a 71.05\% chance to be
1156 weak in DSTR1. All implications we have got are interesting because
1157 they almost all have confidence above 60.
1159 We observe on both Figures~\ref{fig:07} and \ref{fig:08} implications that are repeated over two consecutive years. We see clearly that a module mastered by good students causes other modules mastred by good students (eg DSTR1.3 $\rightarrow$ ALDSTR2.3, DSTR1.3 $\rightarrow$ LTH3, ALDSTR2.3 $\rightarrow$ DB3). It is the same for modules failed by weak students that involve other modules failed by weak students (eg PS1 $\rightarrow$ DSTR1.1). We do not see in the figures the average students we explain this by the fact that a student who is average in a module may be weak or good in other modules and he is not necessarily average in all modules.
1161 \subsection{Comparison of SIA and IRT results}
1162 In the paper \cite{Khaled14} we presented the results of statistical
1163 implicative analysis (SIA) application on student marks; we postponed
1164 some (Figures~\ref{fig:07} and \ref{fig:08}) in this paper
1165 \rc{vérifier les numéros, je suis perdu. Sinon s'il faut voir quelque
1166 chose sur les figures, je ne vois rien, tellement c'est petit}. The results show that the
1167 implications between modules are generally repeated on three
1168 promotions (2010-2011, 2011-2012 and 2012-2013). These implications
1169 are interesting because they correspond to the successes or failures
1170 of students (successful modules involve other successful modules and
1171 modules failed by students involve other failed modules). We also
1172 noted the implications between modules which are linked by their
1173 content or the teacher who gives the lectures.
1175 We note that the SIA gives us very interesting implications between
1176 modules, it allows us to say if a student success the module X then he
1177 will tend to success another module Y.
1179 Items Response Theory (IRT) for its part, shows us what modules are discriminating (depending on the ability of students), besides it indicates the difficulty of the modules.
1181 According to the results obtained in \cite{Khaled14} and those of this
1182 paper, we think that the Statistical Implicative Analysis and Items
1183 Response Theory give us different information. The first one gives us
1184 the implications between modules. The second provides information on
1185 the probability of a student to succeed or not a module depending on
1186 his ability and the module difficulty. So SIA and IRT are
1187 complementary and provide valuable insights to analyze the results of
1188 the students of the concerned department. We encourage teachers to
1189 analyze the results of their pupils or students with SIA and IRT to
1190 have information enabling them to better understand the results of the
1194 \section{Conclusion}
1195 We applied the Statistical Implicative Analysis method and the Items Response Theory on the Bejaia university students' marks through the three promotions 2010-2011, 2011-2012 and 2012-2013.
1197 The marks are partitioned into three intervals using the dynamic clustering algorithm to have students with good results, with average results and students with weak results. Then we used both methods SIA and IRT in order to compare their results.
1199 For SIA we used the RCHIC software to plot implicative graphs that
1200 gives us relevant implications between the different modules. For IRT
1201 we used the GRM two-parameters model to estimate and plot the items
1202 characteristic curves.
1204 The results of both methods show that they are complementary. So the
1205 SIA gives us the most relevant implications between modules; while the
1206 IRT gives us the difficulty of the modules and shows that students
1207 with good ability have a high probability to have good result in all
1208 the specialty modules. Similarly, students with weak ability have a
1209 high probability to have weak results in all the speciality modules.
1211 We advise teachers to use these methods to analyze the grades of their
1212 students to determine the difficulty of the modules, to improve
1213 courses or examination subjects for example. Furthermore, these two
1214 methods can be used to refine the modules of a specialty; they are
1215 used to determine the modules that have a relationship with the
1216 specialty. Thus, it is possible to make choice for the training
1219 In the near future, we plan to test both methods on larger data such
1220 as the International Program for Student Assessment (PISA). These data
1221 are collected as part of the international PISA survey which is
1222 conducted every three years since 2000 with young people of 15 years
1223 old in most OCDE countries and in many partner countries. This survey
1224 evaluates the acquisition of essential knowledge and skills to
1225 everyday life after compulsory schooling. This work will also be an
1226 opportunity to assess the performance of other machine learning
1227 methods through statistical environment R.
1229 \rc{Sinon quand on compile la biblio, il y a des tas de warning, ca
1230 serait bien de les corriger}
1233 % An example of a floating figure using the graphicx package.
1234 % Note that \label must occur AFTER (or within) \caption.
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1271 %\label{fig_first_case}}
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1274 %\label{fig_second_case}}}
1275 %\caption{Simulation results}
1279 % Note that often IEEE papers with subfigures do not employ subfigure
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1294 %\caption{An Example of a Table}
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1321 % if have a single appendix:
1322 %\appendix[Proof of the Zonklar Equations]
1324 %\appendix % for no appendix heading
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1328 % use appendices with more than one appendix
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1330 % you must declare a \section before using any
1331 % \subsection or using \label (\appendices by itself
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1337 %%\section{Proof of the First Zonklar Equation}
1338 %%Appendix one text goes here.
1340 % you can choose not to have a title for an appendix
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1346 % use section* for acknowledgement
1347 \ifCLASSOPTIONcompsoc
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1356 %The authors would like to thank...
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1361 \ifCLASSOPTIONcaptionsoff
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1391 \bibliography{biblio}
1392 \bibliographystyle{plain}
1393 %%\begin{thebibliography}{1}
1395 %% \bibitem{IEEEhowto:Bodin}
1397 %% A.~Bodin and al (2010), \emph{Vers un test adaptatif - criteri\'{e}, combinant l'utilisation de l'IRT et de l'ASI, pour l'\'{e}valuation du socle commun de connaissances et de comp\'{e}tences},\hskip 1em plus
1398 %% 0.5em minus 0.4em\relax Quaderni di Ricerca in Didattica (Mathematics),n 020, 383-409.
1400 %% \bibitem{IEEEhowto:Couturier}
1402 %% R.~Couturier (2008), \emph{Statistical Implicative Analysis. In CHIC: CohesiveHierarchical Implicative Classification}, \hskip 1em plus
1403 %% 0.5em minus 0.4em\relax volume 127 of Studies in Computational Intelligence, Springer ; 41-52.
1405 %% \bibitem{IEEEhowto:Couturier}
1406 %% R.~Couturier and R.~Gras (2005), \emph{CHIC: Traitement de donn\'{e}es avec l'analyse implicative, Revue des nouvelles technologies de l'information}, \hskip 1em plus
1407 %% 0.5em minus 0.4em\relax n 03, 679-684.
1409 %% \bibitem{IEEEhowto:Dai-Trang}
1410 %% L.~Dai-Trang (2013), \emph{Applying item responsetheorymodeling in educationalresearch}, \hskip 1em plus
1411 %% 0.5em minus 0.4em\relax These: Philosophie, Ames Iowa aux \'{E}tats-Unis : Universit\'{e} d'\'{E}tat de sciences et technologie de l'Iowa, 187 p.
1413 %% \bibitem{IEEEhowto:Diday}
1414 %% E.~Diday (1971), \emph{La m\'{e}thode des nu\'{e}es dynamiques, Journal revue de statistique appliqu\'{e}}, \hskip 1em plus
1415 %% 0.5em minus 0.4em\relax n 0 19 (2), 19-34.
1417 %% \bibitem{IEEEhowto:Gras}
1418 %% R.~Gras and al (2008), \emph{Statistical Implicative Analysis, Theory and Applications}, \hskip 1em plus
1419 %% 0.5em minus 0.4em\relax eds, Springer.
1421 %% \bibitem{IEEEhowto:Gras}
1422 %% R.~Gras and al (2013), \emph{L'analyse statistique implicative, M\'{e}thode exploratoire et confirmatoire \`{a} la recherche de causalit\'{e}s, sous la direction de Gras R.}, \hskip 1em plus
1423 %% 0.5em minus 0.4em\relax eds, C\'{e}padu\`{e}s Editions, 522 pages, ISBN 978.2.36493.056.8.
1425 %% \bibitem{IEEEhowto:Gras}
1426 %% R.~Gras, R.~Couturier, P.~Gregori (2015), \emph{Un mariage arrang\'{e} entre l'implication et la confiance ?}, \hskip 1em plus
1427 %% 0.5em minus 0.4em\relax A.S.I.8.
1429 %% \bibitem{IEEEhowto:Hamdare}
1430 %% S.~Hamdare (2014), \emph{An Adaptive Evaluation System to Test Student Caliber using Item Response Theory}, \hskip 1em plus
1431 %% 0.5em minus 0.4em\relax IJMTER, 329-333.
1433 %% \bibitem{IEEEhowto:Hedeker} ??? aya
1434 %% D.~Hedeker and al (2006), \emph{Application of Item Response Theory Models for Intensive Longitudinal Data},\hskip 1em plus
1435 %% 0.5em minus 0.4em\relax in T.A. Walls \& J.L. Schafer (Eds.), Models for Intensive Longitudinal Data,Oxford University Press, New York, 84-108.
1437 %% \bibitem{IEEEhowto:Johns}
1438 %% J.~Johns, S.~Mahadevan, B.~Woolf (2006), \emph{Estimating Student Proficiency Using an Item Response Theory Model}, \hskip 1em plus
1439 %% 0.5em minus 0.4em\relax In : Mitsuru Ikeda, Kevin D. Ashley, Tak-Wai Chan. Intelligent Tutoring Systems. Taiwan: Springer, 473-480.
1441 %% \bibitem{IEEEhowto:Khaled}
1442 %% H.~Khaled, S.~Ghanem, R.~Couturier (2014), \emph{Analysis of Bejaia University Computer Science students' marks through the CHIC software and Statistical Implicative Analysis}, \hskip 1em plus
1443 %% 0.5em minus 0.4em\relax ISKO-Maghreb, (n 0 94).
1445 %% \bibitem{IEEEhowto:Michael} ??? aya
1446 %% L.~Michael (2013), \emph{An application of item response theory to fMRI data: Prospects and pitfalls}, \hskip 1em plus
1447 %% 0.5em minus 0.4em\relax Psychiatry Research: Neuroimaging, n 0 du volume212(n 0 3), 167 6174.
1449 %% \bibitem{IEEEhowto:Bodin}
1450 %%A.~Bodin (2010), \emph{Vers un test adaptatif - criteri\'{e}, combinant l'utilisation de l'IRT et de l'ASI, pour l'\'{e}valuation du socle
1451 %%commun de connaissances et de comp\'{e}tences}, \hskip 1em plus
1452 %% 0.5em minus 0.4em\relax Quaderni di Ricerca in Didattica (Mathematics),n°20, 383-409.
1455 %% \bibitem{IEEEhowto:Rowan} ??? aya
1456 %% B.~Rowan and al (2001), \emph{Measuring Teachers' Pedagogical Content Knowledge in Surveys: An Exploratory Study}, \hskip 1em plus
1457 %% 0.5em minus 0.4em\relax Philadelphia, PA: Consortium for Policy Research in Education, Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports.
1459 %% \bibitem{IEEEhowto:Rizopoulo}
1460 %% D.~Rizopoulo (2006), \emph{ltm: An R Package for Latent Variable Modeling and Item Response Theory Analyses}, \hskip 1em plus
1461 %% 0.5em minus 0.4em\relax Journal of Statistical Software, n 0 du volume 17 (n 05), 1-25.
1463 %% \bibitem{IEEEhowto:Xinming}
1464 %% A.~Xinming, Y.~Yiu-Fai (2014), \emph{Item Response Theory: What It Is and How You Can Use the IRT Procedure to Apply It}, \hskip 1em plus
1465 %% 0.5em minus 0.4em\relax SAS Institute Inc.
1469 %% \end{thebibliography}
1476 In this appendix we present the items characteristic curves of all the modules studied in the $2^{nd}$ year through three promotions namely 2010-2011, 2011-2012 and 2012-2013.
1478 In the Figures~\ref{fig:08}, \ref{fig:09} and \ref{fig:10} we see the items characteristic curves (ICC) of all the modules assured in the second year for the three promotions 2010-2011, 2011-2012 and 2012-2013, each contains three curves, the black one (number 1) presents the students who are weak in the module, the red one (number 2) presents the ones who are average and the green curve (number 3) presents the students who are good in the module.
1480 We note on the three figures that the items characteristic curves are almost the same for the three promotions. We also affirm that the modules are divided in two groups; those that are discriminants (ARCH, DSTR1, NumA, P.S, MatLog, SP, ALDSTR2, DB, OS, LTH, LP and SWE); they present the specialty modules and the ones that are not (English4, French3, IS, English3 and French4).
1484 % -------------- figure 9 -------------------%
1489 \includegraphics[width=0.5\textwidth]{Rplot_L2_2010_2011_01}
1490 }\\ % ------- End of the first row ----------------------%
1492 \includegraphics[width=0.5\textwidth]{Rplot_L2_2010_2011_02}
1493 }\\ % ------- End of the first row ----------------------%
1495 \includegraphics[width=0.5\textwidth]{Rplot_L2_2010_2011_03}
1496 }\\ % ------- End of the first row ----------------------%
1498 \includegraphics[width=0.5\textwidth]{Rplot_L2_2010_2011_04}
1499 }\\ % ------- End of the first row ----------------------%
1501 \includegraphics[width=0.5\textwidth]{Rplot_L2_2010_2011_05}
1504 % \caption{$2^{nd}$ year ICC of 2010-2011.}%
1510 \includegraphics[width=0.5\textwidth]{Rplot_L2_2010_2011_06}
1511 }\\ % ------- End of the first row ----------------------%
1513 \includegraphics[width=0.5\textwidth]{Rplot_L2_2010_2011_07}
1514 }\\ % ------- End of the first row ----------------------%
1516 \includegraphics[width=0.5\textwidth]{Rplot_L2_2010_2011_08}
1517 }\\ % ------- End of the first row ----------------------%
1519 \includegraphics[width=0.5\textwidth]{Rplot_L2_2010_2011_09}
1522 \caption{$2^{nd}$ year ICC of 2010-2011.}%
1526 % -------------- End of figure 9 ----------------------%
1528 % -------------- figure 10 -------------------%
1535 \includegraphics[width=0.5\textwidth]{Rplot_L2_2011_2012_01}
1536 }\\ % ------- End of the first row ----------------------%
1538 \includegraphics[width=0.5\textwidth]{Rplot_L2_2011_2012_02}
1539 }\\ % ------- End of the first row ----------------------%
1541 \includegraphics[width=0.5\textwidth]{Rplot_L2_2011_2012_03}
1542 }\\ % ------- End of the first row ----------------------%
1544 \includegraphics[width=0.5\textwidth]{Rplot_L2_2011_2012_04}
1545 }\\ % ------- End of the first row ----------------------%
1547 \includegraphics[width=0.5\textwidth]{Rplot_L2_2011_2012_05}
1550 % \caption{$2^{nd}$ year ICC of 2011-2012.}%
1556 \includegraphics[width=0.5\textwidth]{Rplot_L2_2011_2012_06}
1557 }\\ % ------- End of the first row ----------------------%
1559 \includegraphics[width=0.5\textwidth]{Rplot_L2_2011_2012_07}
1560 }\\ % ------- End of the first row ----------------------%
1562 \includegraphics[width=0.5\textwidth]{Rplot_L2_2011_2012_08}
1563 }\\ % ------- End of the first row ----------------------%
1565 \includegraphics[width=0.5\textwidth]{Rplot_L2_2011_2012_09}
1566 }\\ % ------- End of the first row ----------------------%
1568 \includegraphics[width=0.5\textwidth]{Rplot_L2_2011_2012_10}
1571 \caption{$2^{nd}$ year ICC of 2011-2012.}%
1575 % -------------- End of figure 10 ----------------------%
1577 % -------------- figure 11 -------------------%
1583 \includegraphics[width=0.5\textwidth]{Rplot_L2_2012_2013_01}
1584 }\\ % ------- End of the first row ----------------------%
1586 \includegraphics[width=0.5\textwidth]{Rplot_L2_2012_2013_02}
1587 }\\ % ------- End of the first row ----------------------%
1589 \includegraphics[width=0.5\textwidth]{Rplot_L2_2012_2013_03}
1590 }\\ % ------- End of the first row ----------------------%
1592 \includegraphics[width=0.5\textwidth]{Rplot_L2_2012_2013_04}
1595 %\caption{$2^{nd}$ year ICC of 2012-2013.}%
1601 \includegraphics[width=0.5\textwidth]{Rplot_L2_2012_2013_05}
1602 }\\ % ------- End of the first row ----------------------%
1604 \includegraphics[width=0.5\textwidth]{Rplot_L2_2012_2013_06}
1605 }\\ % ------- End of the first row ----------------------%
1607 \includegraphics[width=0.5\textwidth]{Rplot_L2_2012_2013_07}
1608 }\\ % ------- End of the first row ----------------------%
1610 \includegraphics[width=0.5\textwidth]{Rplot_L2_2012_2013_08}
1613 \caption{$2^{nd}$ year ICC of 2012-2013.}%
1617 % -------------- End of figure 11 ----------------------%
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