1 %% Use the standard UP-methodology class
2 %% with French language.
4 %% You may specify the option 'twoside' or 'oneside' for
7 %% See the documentation tex-upmethodology on
8 %% http://www.arakhne.org/tex-upmethodology/
9 %% for details about the macros that are provided by the class and
10 %% to obtain the list of the packages that are already included.
12 \documentclass[french]{spimufchdr}
14 \usepackage{glossaries}
19 % The TeX code is entering with UTF8
20 % character encoding (Linux and MacOS standards)
21 \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc}
23 %%--------------------
24 %% Search path for pictures
25 %\graphicspath{{path1/},{path2/}}
27 %%--------------------
28 %% Definition of the bibliography entries
29 \declarebiblio{J}{Journaux internationaux avec comités de lecture}{mabiblio}
31 %%--------------------
32 %% Title of the document
33 \declarehdr{Title}{XX Mois XXXX}
35 %%--------------------
36 %% Set the author of the HDR
37 \addauthor[first.name@utbm.fr]{First}{Name}
39 %%--------------------
40 %% Add a member of the jury
41 %% \addjury{Firstname}{Lastname}{Role in the jury}{Position}
42 \addjury{First}{Name}{Rapporteur}{Professeur à l'Université de XXX}
43 \addjury{First}{Name}{Examinateur}{Professeur à l'Université de XXX}
45 %%--------------------
46 %% Change the style of the text in the list of the members of the jury.
47 %% \Set{jurystyle}{ style of the text}
48 %\Set{jurystyle}{\small}
50 %%--------------------
51 %% Set the University where HDR was made
52 \hdrpreparedin{Université de Technologie de Belfort-Montbéliard}
54 %%--------------------
55 %% Set the English abstract
56 %\hdrabstract[english]{This is the abstract in English}
58 %%--------------------
59 %% Set the English keywords. They only appear if
60 %% there is an English abstract
61 %\hdrkeywords[english]{Keyword 1, Keyword 2}
63 %%--------------------
64 %% Set the French abstract
65 \hdrabstract[french]{Blabla blabla.}
67 %%--------------------
68 %% Set the French keywords. They only appear if
69 %% there is an French abstract
70 %\hdrkeywords[french]{Mot-cl\'e 1, Mot-cl\'e 2}
72 %%--------------------
73 %% Change the layout and the style of the text of the "primary" abstract.
74 %% If your document is written in French, the primary abstract is in French,
75 %% otherwise it is in English.
76 \Set{primaryabstractstyle}{\small}
78 %%--------------------
79 %% Change the layout and the style of the text of the "secondary" abstract.
80 %% If your document is written in French, the secondary abstract is in English,
81 %% otherwise it is in French.
82 %\Set{secondaryabstractstyle}{\tiny}
84 %%--------------------
85 %% Change the layout and the style of the text of the "primary" keywords.
86 %% If your document is written in French, the primary keywords are in French,
87 %% otherwise they are in English.
88 %\Set{primarykeywordstyle}{\tiny}
90 %%--------------------
91 %% Change the layout and the style of the text of the "secondary" keywords.
92 %% If your document is written in French, the secondary keywords are in English,
93 %% otherwise they are in French.
94 %\Set{secondarykeywordstyle}{\tiny}
96 %%--------------------
97 %% Change the speciality of the PhD thesis
98 %\Set{speciality}{Informatique}
100 %%--------------------
101 %% Change the institution
102 %\Set{universityname}{Universit\'e de Technologie de Belfort-Montb\'eliard}
104 %%--------------------
105 %% Add the logo of a partner or a sponsor
106 %\addpartner{partner_logo}
107 \newcommand{\JFC}[1]{\begin{color}{green}\textit{#1}\end{color}}
108 \newcommand{\vectornorm}[1]{\ensuremath{\left|\left|#1\right|\right|_2}}
109 \newcommand{\ie}{\textit{i.e.}}
110 \newcommand{\Nats}[0]{\ensuremath{\mathbb{N}}}
111 \newcommand{\Reels}[0]{\ensuremath{\mathbb{R}}}
112 \newcommand{\Zed}[0]{\ensuremath{\mathbb{Z}}}
113 \newcommand{\Bool}[0]{\ensuremath{\mathds{B}}}
114 \newcommand{\rel}[0]{\ensuremath{{\mathcal{R}}}}
115 \newcommand{\Gall}[0]{\ensuremath{\mathcal{G}}}
116 \newcommand{\Sec}[1]{Sect\,\ref{#1}}
117 \newcommand{\Fig}[1]{{\sc Figure}~\ref{#1}}
118 \newcommand{\Alg}[1]{Algorithme~\ref{#1}}
119 \newcommand{\Tab}[1]{Tableau~\ref{#1}}
120 \newcommand{\Equ}[1]{(\ref{#1})}
121 \newcommand{\deriv}{\mathrm{d}}
122 \newcommand{\class}[1]{\ensuremath{\langle #1\rangle}}
123 \newcommand{\dom}[0]{\ensuremath{\textit{dom}}}
126 \newtheorem{theorem}{Théorème}
127 \newtheorem{lemma}{Lemme}
128 \newtheorem*{xpl}{Exemple}
129 \newtheorem{Proof}{Preuve}
132 \input{glossaire.tex}
134 % \chapter*{Remerciements}
144 \chapter*{Introduction}
150 \part{Système Booléens}
152 \chapter{Iterations discrètes de Systèmes Dynamiques booléens}
154 \JFC{Chapeau chapitre à faire}
158 \chapter{Combinaisons Synchrones et Asynchrones de Systèmes Booléens}
163 \chapter[Preuve de convergence de systèmes booléens]{Preuve automatique de convergence de systèmes booléens}\label{chap:promela}
164 \input{modelchecking}
176 % \part{Conclusion et Perspectives}
178 % \chapter{Conclusion}
185 \chapter{Preuves sur les SDD}
187 \section{Preuve du théorème~\ref{th:Adrien}}\label{anx:sccg}
190 \section{Preuve de continuité de $G_f$ dans $(\mathcal{X},d)$}\label{anx:cont}
191 \input{annexecontinuite.tex}
193 \section{Preuve de Correction et de complétude de l'approche de vérification de convergence à l'aide de SPIN}\label{anx:promela}
194 \input{annexePromelaProof}
198 \bibliographystyle{apalike}
199 \bibliography{abbrev,biblioand}