1 En étudiant le watermarking,
2 nous avons constaté que très peu de travaux ciblaient les documents PDF
3 qui représentent cependant une part non anecdotique des données
7 Several methods of Steganography and Digital Watermarking in PDF and
8 Text documents have been proposed. In~\cite{PD2008}, a steganographic approach
9 is presented by hiding information using inter-word and
10 inter-paragraph spacing in a text. The main disadvantage of this
11 method is that the hidden message can be destroyed by simply deleting
12 some spaces between the words in the stego text. In~\cite{PD2008},
14 different algorithms are proposed which are considered as an
15 alternative for the original TJ operator method. The TJ operator
16 displays the text string in a PDF document, allows individual
17 character positioning and uses character and word spacing parameters
18 from the text state. The alternative method has less embedding
19 capacity than the original method. In~\cite{LLGC13} an encryption technique
20 is proposed by combining the information hiding technique in PDF
21 documents and the quadratic residue as basis and then apply it to
22 copyright protection and digital learning. The main drawback of this
23 method is that the hidden message can be easly removed. In~\cite{DBLP:journals/sigpro/LeeT10}, an
24 embedding method in source programs using invisible $ASCII$ codes is
25 proposed. This method is very easy to detect by simply extracting the
26 modified text from the document, converting it to hexadecimal,
27 extracting all the inserted invisible $ASCII$ characters, and then,
28 decoding the embedded message. In~\cite{WT08}, a data hiding in PDF files and
29 applications by imperceivable modifications of PDF object parameters
30 is proposed. This method serves to hide data by slight modifications
31 of the values of various PDF object parameters such as media box and
32 text matrices. The method is considered to have sufficient
33 transparency while its main drawback is its very low embedding
36 Substitutive Quantization Index Modulation (QIM) methods were
37 introduced by Chen and Wornell~\cite{CW01}. The Spread Transform Dither
38 Modulation (STDM) is an implementation of this scheme and it has been
39 considered robust under different watermarking
40 attacks~\cite{DM10,WLSYNW13,CW99}.
42 In this paper, the goal is to present a blind digital watermarking
43 scheme for PDF documents based on a variant of the Quantization Index
44 Modulation method called Spread Transform Dither Modulation
45 (STDM). The main difficulty in PDF documents is to find a significant
46 watermarking space in order to embed the secret message under a
47 sufficient Transparency-Robustness tradeoff. Our contribution consists
48 in using the $x$-coordinates of a group of characters to embed each
49 bit of the secret message while choosing the appropriate mean
50 distortion value which gives the strong tradeoff between transparency