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43 \newcommand{\MI}{\mathit{MaxIter}}
44 \newcommand{\Time}[1]{\mathit{Time}_\mathit{#1}}
48 \title{Simulation of Asynchronous Iterative Algorithms Using SimGrid}
52 Charles Emile Ramamonjisoa\IEEEauthorrefmark{1},
53 Lilia Ziane Khodja\IEEEauthorrefmark{2},
54 David Laiymani\IEEEauthorrefmark{1},
55 Arnaud Giersch\IEEEauthorrefmark{1} and
56 Raphaël Couturier\IEEEauthorrefmark{1}
58 \IEEEauthorblockA{\IEEEauthorrefmark{1}%
59 Femto-ST Institute -- DISC Department\\
60 Université de Franche-Comté,
61 IUT de Belfort-Montbéliard\\
62 19 avenue du Maréchal Juin, BP 527, 90016 Belfort cedex, France\\
63 Email: \email{{charles.ramamonjisoa,david.laiymani,arnaud.giersch,raphael.couturier}@univ-fcomte.fr}
65 \IEEEauthorblockA{\IEEEauthorrefmark{2}%
66 Inria Bordeaux Sud-Ouest\\
67 200 avenue de la Vieille Tour, 33405 Talence cedex, France \\
68 Email: \email{lilia.ziane@inria.fr}
76 Synchronous iterative algorithms are often less scalable than asynchronous
77 iterative ones. Performing large scale experiments with different kind of
78 network parameters is not easy because with supercomputers such parameters are
79 fixed. So one solution consists in using simulations first in order to analyze
80 what parameters could influence or not the behaviors of an algorithm. In this
81 paper, we show that it is interesting to use SimGrid to simulate the behaviors
82 of asynchronous iterative algorithms. For that, we compare the behaviour of a
83 synchronous GMRES algorithm with an asynchronous multisplitting one with
84 simulations in which we choose some parameters. Both codes are real MPI
85 codes. Simulations allow us to see when the multisplitting algorithm can be more
86 efficient than the GMRES one to solve a 3D Poisson problem.
89 % no keywords for IEEE conferences
90 % Keywords: Algorithm distributed iterative asynchronous simulation SimGrid
93 \section{Introduction}
95 Parallel computing and high performance computing (HPC) are becoming more and more imperative for solving various
96 problems raised by researchers on various scientific disciplines but also by industrial in the field. Indeed, the
97 increasing complexity of these requested applications combined with a continuous increase of their sizes lead to write
98 distributed and parallel algorithms requiring significant hardware resources (grid computing, clusters, broadband
99 network, etc.) but also a non-negligible CPU execution time. We consider in this paper a class of highly efficient
100 parallel algorithms called \emph{iterative algorithms} executed in a distributed environment. As their name
101 suggests, these algorithms solve a given problem by successive iterations ($X_{n +1} = f(X_{n})$) from an initial value
102 $X_{0}$ to find an approximate value $X^*$ of the solution with a very low residual error. Several well-known methods
103 demonstrate the convergence of these algorithms~\cite{BT89,Bahi07}.
105 Parallelization of such algorithms generally involve the division of the problem into several \emph{blocks} that will
106 be solved in parallel on multiple processing units. The latter will communicate each intermediate results before a new
107 iteration starts and until the approximate solution is reached. These parallel computations can be performed either in
108 \emph{synchronous} mode where a new iteration begins only when all nodes communications are completed,
109 or in \emph{asynchronous} mode where processors can continue independently with few or no synchronization points. For
110 instance in the \textit{Asynchronous Iterations~-- Asynchronous Communications (AIAC)} model~\cite{bcvc06:ij}, local
111 computations do not need to wait for required data. Processors can then perform their iterations with the data present
112 at that time. Even if the number of iterations required before the convergence is generally greater than for the
113 synchronous case, AIAC algorithms can significantly reduce overall execution times by suppressing idle times due to
114 synchronizations especially in a grid computing context (see~\cite{Bahi07} for more details).
116 Parallel (synchronous or asynchronous) applications may have different
117 configuration and deployment requirements. Quantifying their resource
118 allocation policies and application scheduling algorithms in grid computing
119 environments under varying load, CPU power and network speeds is very costly,
120 very labor intensive and very time
121 consuming~\cite{Calheiros:2011:CTM:1951445.1951450}. The case of AIAC
122 algorithms is even more problematic since they are very sensible to the
123 execution environment context. For instance, variations in the network bandwidth
124 (intra and inter-clusters), in the number and the power of nodes, in the number
125 of clusters\dots{} can lead to very different number of iterations and so to
126 very different execution times. Then, it appears that the use of simulation
127 tools to explore various platform scenarios and to run large numbers of
128 experiments quickly can be very promising. In this way, the use of a simulation
129 environment to execute parallel iterative algorithms found some interests in
130 reducing the highly cost of access to computing resources: (1) for the
131 applications development life cycle and in code debugging (2) and in production
132 to get results in a reasonable execution time with a simulated infrastructure
133 not accessible with physical resources. Indeed, the launch of distributed
134 iterative asynchronous algorithms to solve a given problem on a large-scale
135 simulated environment challenges to find optimal configurations giving the best
136 results with a lowest residual error and in the best of execution time.
139 To our knowledge, there is no existing work on the large-scale simulation of a
140 real AIAC application. The aim of this paper is twofold. First we give a first
141 approach of the simulation of AIAC algorithms using a simulation tool (i.e. the
142 SimGrid toolkit~\cite{SimGrid}). Second, we confirm the effectiveness of
143 asynchronous mode algorithms by comparing their performance with the synchronous
144 mode. More precisely, we had implemented a program for solving large
145 linear system of equations by numerical method GMRES (Generalized
146 Minimal Residual) \cite{ref1}. We show, that with minor modifications of the
147 initial MPI code, the SimGrid toolkit allows us to perform a test campaign of a
148 real AIAC application on different computing architectures. The simulated
149 results we obtained are in line with real results exposed in ??\AG[]{ref?}.
150 SimGrid had allowed us to launch the application from a modest computing
151 infrastructure by simulating different distributed architectures composed by
152 clusters nodes interconnected by variable speed networks. In the simulated environment, after setting appropriate
153 network and cluster parameters like the network bandwidth, latency or the processors power,
154 the experimental results have demonstrated a asynchronous execution time saving up to \np[\%]{40} in
155 compared to the synchronous mode.
156 \AG{Il faudrait revoir la phrase précédente (couper en deux?). Là, on peut
157 avoir l'impression que le gain de \np[\%]{40} est entre une exécution réelle
158 et une exécution simulée!}
159 \CER{La phrase a été modifiée}
161 This article is structured as follows: after this introduction, the next section will give a brief description of
162 iterative asynchronous model. Then, the simulation framework SimGrid is presented with the settings to create various
163 distributed architectures. The algorithm of the multisplitting method based on GMRES \LZK{??? GMRES n'utilise pas la méthode de multisplitting! Sinon ne doit on pas expliquer le choix d'une méthode de multisplitting?} \CER{La phrase a été corrigée} written with MPI primitives and
164 its adaptation to SimGrid with SMPI (Simulated MPI) is detailed in the next section. At last, the experiments results
165 carried out will be presented before some concluding remarks and future works.
167 To our knowledge, there is no existing work on the large-scale simulation of a
168 real AIAC application. {\bf The contribution of the present paper can be
169 summarised in two main points}. First we give a first approach of the
170 simulation of AIAC algorithms using a simulation tool (i.e. the SimGrid
171 toolkit~\cite{SimGrid}). Second, we confirm the effectiveness of the
172 asynchronous multisplitting algorithm by comparing its performance with the
173 synchronous GMRES (Generalized Minimal Residual) \cite{ref1}. Both these codes
174 can be used to solve large linear systems. In this paper, we focus on a 3D
175 Poisson problem. We show, that with minor modifications of the initial MPI
176 code, the SimGrid toolkit allows us to perform a test campaign of a real AIAC
177 application on different computing architectures.
178 % The simulated results we
179 %obtained are in line with real results exposed in ??\AG[]{ref?}.
180 SimGrid had allowed us to launch the application from a modest computing
181 infrastructure by simulating different distributed architectures composed by
182 clusters nodes interconnected by variable speed networks. Parameters of the
183 network platforms are the bandwidth and the latency of inter cluster
184 network. Parameters on the cluster's architecture are the number of machines and
185 the computation power of a machine. Simulations show that the asynchronous
186 multisplitting algorithm can solve the 3D Poisson problem approximately twice
187 faster than GMRES with two distant clusters.
191 This article is structured as follows: after this introduction, the next section
192 will give a brief description of iterative asynchronous model. Then, the
193 simulation framework SimGrid is presented with the settings to create various
194 distributed architectures. Then, the multisplitting method is presented, it is
195 based on GMRES to solve each block obtained of the splitting. This code is
196 written with MPI primitives and its adaptation to SimGrid with SMPI (Simulated
197 MPI) is detailed in the next section. At last, the simulation results carried
198 out will be presented before some concluding remarks and future works.
199 >>>>>>> 6785b9ef58de0db67c33ca901c7813f3dfdc76e0
201 \section{Motivations and scientific context}
203 As exposed in the introduction, parallel iterative methods are now widely used
204 in many scientific domains. They can be classified in three main classes
205 depending on how iterations and communications are managed (for more details
206 readers can refer to~\cite{bcvc06:ij}). In the \textit{Synchronous Iterations~--
207 Synchronous Communications (SISC)} model data are exchanged at the end of each
208 iteration. All the processors must begin the same iteration at the same time and
209 important idle times on processors are generated. The \textit{Synchronous
210 Iterations~-- Asynchronous Communications (SIAC)} model can be compared to the
211 previous one except that data required on another processor are sent
212 asynchronously i.e. without stopping current computations. This technique
213 allows to partially overlap communications by computations but unfortunately,
214 the overlapping is only partial and important idle times remain. It is clear
215 that, in a grid computing context, where the number of computational nodes is
216 large, heterogeneous and widely distributed, the idle times generated by
217 synchronizations are very penalizing. One way to overcome this problem is to use
218 the \textit{Asynchronous Iterations~-- Asynchronous Communications (AIAC)}
219 model. Here, local computations do not need to wait for required
220 data. Processors can then perform their iterations with the data present at that
221 time. Figure~\ref{fig:aiac} illustrates this model where the gray blocks
222 represent the computation phases. With this algorithmic model, the number of
223 iterations required before the convergence is generally greater than for the two
224 former classes. But, and as detailed in~\cite{bcvc06:ij}, AIAC algorithms can
225 significantly reduce overall execution times by suppressing idle times due to
226 synchronizations especially in a grid computing context.
227 %\LZK{Répétition par rapport à l'intro}
231 \includegraphics[width=8cm]{AIAC.pdf}
232 \caption{The Asynchronous Iterations~-- Asynchronous Communications model}
236 \RC{Je serais partant de virer AIAC et laisser asynchronous algorithms... à voir}
238 %% It is very challenging to develop efficient applications for large scale,
239 %% heterogeneous and distributed platforms such as computing grids. Researchers and
240 %% engineers have to develop techniques for maximizing application performance of
241 %% these multi-cluster platforms, by redesigning the applications and/or by using
242 %% novel algorithms that can account for the composite and heterogeneous nature of
243 %% the platform. Unfortunately, the deployment of such applications on these very
244 %% large scale systems is very costly, labor intensive and time consuming. In this
245 %% context, it appears that the use of simulation tools to explore various platform
246 %% scenarios at will and to run enormous numbers of experiments quickly can be very
247 %% promising. Several works\dots{}
249 %% \AG{Several works\dots{} what?\\
250 % Le paragraphe suivant se trouve déjà dans l'intro ?}
251 In the context of asynchronous algorithms, the number of iterations to reach the
252 convergence depends on the delay of messages. With synchronous iterations, the
253 number of iterations is exactly the same than in the sequential mode (if the
254 parallelization process does not change the algorithm). So the difficulty with
255 asynchronous algorithms comes from the fact it is necessary to run the algorithm
256 with real data. In fact, from an execution to another the order of messages will
257 change and the number of iterations to reach the convergence will also change.
258 According to all the parameters of the platform (number of nodes, power of
259 nodes, inter and intra clusrters bandwith and latency, ....) and of the
260 algorithm (number of splitting with the multisplitting algorithm), the
261 multisplitting code will obtain the solution more or less quickly. Or course,
262 the GMRES method also depends of the same parameters. As it is difficult to have
263 access to many clusters, grids or supercomputers with many different network
264 parameters, it is interesting to be able to simulate the behaviors of
265 asynchronous iterative algoritms before being able to runs real experiments.
274 SimGrid~\cite{SimGrid,casanova+legrand+quinson.2008.simgrid} is a simulation
275 framework to study the behavior of large-scale distributed systems. As its name
276 says, it emanates from the grid computing community, but is nowadays used to
277 study grids, clouds, HPC or peer-to-peer systems. The early versions of SimGrid
278 date from 1999, but it's still actively developed and distributed as an open
279 source software. Today, it's one of the major generic tools in the field of
280 simulation for large-scale distributed systems.
282 SimGrid provides several programming interfaces: MSG to simulate Concurrent
283 Sequential Processes, SimDAG to simulate DAGs of (parallel) tasks, and SMPI to
284 run real applications written in MPI~\cite{MPI}. Apart from the native C
285 interface, SimGrid provides bindings for the C++, Java, Lua and Ruby programming
286 languages. SMPI is the interface that has been used for the work exposed in
287 this paper. The SMPI interface implements about \np[\%]{80} of the MPI 2.0
288 standard~\cite{bedaride:hal-00919507}, and supports applications written in C or
289 Fortran, with little or no modifications.
291 Within SimGrid, the execution of a distributed application is simulated on a
292 single machine. The application code is really executed, but some operations
293 like the communications are intercepted, and their running time is computed
294 according to the characteristics of the simulated execution platform. The
295 description of this target platform is given as an input for the execution, by
296 the mean of an XML file. It describes the properties of the platform, such as
297 the computing nodes with their computing power, the interconnection links with
298 their bandwidth and latency, and the routing strategy. The simulated running
299 time of the application is computed according to these properties.
301 To compute the durations of the operations in the simulated world, and to take
302 into account resource sharing (e.g. bandwidth sharing between competing
303 communications), SimGrid uses a fluid model. This allows to run relatively fast
304 simulations, while still keeping accurate
305 results~\cite{bedaride:hal-00919507,tomacs13}. Moreover, depending on the
306 simulated application, SimGrid/SMPI allows to skip long lasting computations and
307 to only take their duration into account. When the real computations cannot be
308 skipped, but the results have no importance for the simulation results, there is
309 also the possibility to share dynamically allocated data structures between
310 several simulated processes, and thus to reduce the whole memory consumption.
311 These two techniques can help to run simulations at a very large scale.
313 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
314 \section{Simulation of the multisplitting method}
315 %Décrire le problème (algo) traité ainsi que le processus d'adaptation à SimGrid.
316 Let $Ax=b$ be a large sparse system of $n$ linear equations in $\mathbb{R}$, where $A$ is a sparse square and nonsingular matrix, $x$ is the solution vector and $b$ is the right-hand side vector. We use a multisplitting method based on the block Jacobi splitting to solve this linear system on a large scale platform composed of $L$ clusters of processors~\cite{o1985multi}. In this case, we apply a row-by-row splitting without overlapping
318 \left(\begin{array}{ccc}
319 A_{11} & \cdots & A_{1L} \\
320 \vdots & \ddots & \vdots\\
321 A_{L1} & \cdots & A_{LL}
324 \left(\begin{array}{c}
330 \left(\begin{array}{c}
336 in such a way that successive rows of matrix $A$ and both vectors $x$ and $b$
337 are assigned to one cluster, where for all $\ell,m\in\{1,\ldots,L\}$, $A_{\ell
338 m}$ is a rectangular block of $A$ of size $n_\ell\times n_m$, $X_\ell$ and
339 $B_\ell$ are sub-vectors of $x$ and $b$, respectively, of size $n_\ell$ each,
340 and $\sum_{\ell} n_\ell=\sum_{m} n_m=n$.
342 The multisplitting method proceeds by iteration to solve in parallel the linear system on $L$ clusters of processors, in such a way each sub-system
347 A_{\ell\ell}X_\ell = Y_\ell \text{, such that}\\
348 Y_\ell = B_\ell - \displaystyle\sum_{\substack{m=1\\ m\neq \ell}}^{L}A_{\ell m}X_m
352 is solved independently by a cluster and communications are required to update
353 the right-hand side sub-vector $Y_\ell$, such that the sub-vectors $X_m$
354 represent the data dependencies between the clusters. As each sub-system
355 (\ref{eq:4.1}) is solved in parallel by a cluster of processors, our
356 multisplitting method uses an iterative method as an inner solver which is
357 easier to parallelize and more scalable than a direct method. In this work, we
358 use the parallel algorithm of GMRES method~\cite{ref1} which is one of the most
359 used iterative method by many researchers.
362 %%% IEEE instructions forbid to use an algorithm environment here, use figure
364 \begin{algorithmic}[1]
365 \Input $A_\ell$ (sparse sub-matrix), $B_\ell$ (right-hand side sub-vector)
366 \Output $X_\ell$ (solution sub-vector)\medskip
368 \State Load $A_\ell$, $B_\ell$
369 \State Set the initial guess $x^0$
370 \For {$k=0,1,2,\ldots$ until the global convergence}
371 \State Restart outer iteration with $x^0=x^k$
372 \State Inner iteration: \Call{InnerSolver}{$x^0$, $k+1$}
373 \State\label{algo:01:send} Send shared elements of $X_\ell^{k+1}$ to neighboring clusters
374 \State\label{algo:01:recv} Receive shared elements in $\{X_m^{k+1}\}_{m\neq \ell}$
379 \Function {InnerSolver}{$x^0$, $k$}
380 \State Compute local right-hand side $Y_\ell$:
382 Y_\ell = B_\ell - \sum\nolimits^L_{\substack{m=1\\ m\neq \ell}}A_{\ell m}X_m^0
384 \State Solving sub-system $A_{\ell\ell}X_\ell^k=Y_\ell$ with the parallel GMRES method
385 \State \Return $X_\ell^k$
388 \caption{A multisplitting solver with GMRES method}
392 Algorithm on Figure~\ref{algo:01} shows the main key points of the
393 multisplitting method to solve a large sparse linear system. This algorithm is
394 based on an outer-inner iteration method where the parallel synchronous GMRES
395 method is used to solve the inner iteration. It is executed in parallel by each
396 cluster of processors. For all $\ell,m\in\{1,\ldots,L\}$, the matrices and
397 vectors with the subscript $\ell$ represent the local data for cluster $\ell$,
398 while $\{A_{\ell m}\}_{m\neq \ell}$ are off-diagonal matrices of sparse matrix
399 $A$ and $\{X_m\}_{m\neq \ell}$ contain vector elements of solution $x$ shared
400 with neighboring clusters. At every outer iteration $k$, asynchronous
401 communications are performed between processors of the local cluster and those
402 of distant clusters (lines~\ref{algo:01:send} and~\ref{algo:01:recv} in
403 Figure~\ref{algo:01}). The shared vector elements of the solution $x$ are
404 exchanged by message passing using MPI non-blocking communication routines.
408 \includegraphics[width=60mm,keepaspectratio]{clustering}
409 \caption{Example of three clusters of processors interconnected by a virtual unidirectional ring network.}
413 The global convergence of the asynchronous multisplitting solver is detected
414 when the clusters of processors have all converged locally. We implemented the
415 global convergence detection process as follows. On each cluster a master
416 processor is designated (for example the processor with rank 1) and masters of
417 all clusters are interconnected by a virtual unidirectional ring network (see
418 Figure~\ref{fig:4.1}). During the resolution, a Boolean token circulates around
419 the virtual ring from a master processor to another until the global convergence
420 is achieved. So starting from the cluster with rank 1, each master processor $i$
421 sets the token to \textit{True} if the local convergence is achieved or to
422 \textit{False} otherwise, and sends it to master processor $i+1$. Finally, the
423 global convergence is detected when the master of cluster 1 receives from the
424 master of cluster $L$ a token set to \textit{True}. In this case, the master of
425 cluster 1 broadcasts a stop message to masters of other clusters. In this work,
426 the local convergence on each cluster $\ell$ is detected when the following
427 condition is satisfied
429 (k\leq \MI) \text{ or } (\|X_\ell^k - X_\ell^{k+1}\|_{\infty}\leq\epsilon)
431 where $\MI$ is the maximum number of outer iterations and $\epsilon$ is the
432 tolerance threshold of the error computed between two successive local solution
433 $X_\ell^k$ and $X_\ell^{k+1}$.
437 In this paper, we solve the 3D Poisson problem whose the mathematical model is
441 \nabla^2 u = f \text{~in~} \Omega \\
442 u =0 \text{~on~} \Gamma =\partial\Omega
447 where $\nabla^2$ is the Laplace operator, $f$ and $u$ are real-valued functions, and $\Omega=[0,1]^3$. The spatial discretization with a finite difference scheme reduces problem~(\ref{eq:02}) to a system of sparse linear equations. The general iteration scheme of our multisplitting method in a 3D domain using a seven point stencil could be written as
450 u^{k+1}(x,y,z)= & u^k(x,y,z) - \frac{1}{6}\times\\
451 & (u^k(x-1,y,z) + u^k(x+1,y,z) + \\
452 & u^k(x,y-1,z) + u^k(x,y+1,z) + \\
453 & u^k(x,y,z-1) + u^k(x,y,z+1)),
457 where the iteration matrix $A$ of size $N_x\times N_y\times N_z$ of the discretized linear system is sparse, symmetric and positive definite.
459 The parallel solving of the 3D Poisson problem with our multisplitting method requires a data partitioning of the problem between clusters and between processors within a cluster. We have chosen the 3D partitioning instead of the row-by-row partitioning in order to reduce the data exchanges at sub-domain boundaries. Figure~\ref{fig:4.2} shows an example of the data partitioning of the 3D Poisson problem between two clusters of processors, where each sub-problem is assigned to a processor. In this context, a processor has at most six neighbors within a cluster or in distant clusters with which it shares data at sub-domain boundaries.
463 \includegraphics[width=80mm,keepaspectratio]{partition}
464 \caption{Example of the 3D data partitioning between two clusters of processors.}
471 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
472 We did not encounter major blocking problems when adapting the multisplitting algorithm previously described to a simulation environment like SimGrid unless some code
473 debugging. Indeed, apart from the review of the program sequence for asynchronous exchanges between processors within a cluster or between clusters, the algorithm was executed successfully with SMPI and provided identical outputs as those obtained with direct execution under MPI. In synchronous
474 mode, the execution of the program raised no particular issue but in asynchronous mode, the review of the sequence of MPI\_Isend, MPI\_Irecv and MPI\_Waitall instructions
475 and with the addition of the primitive MPI\_Test was needed to avoid a memory fault due to an infinite loop resulting from the non-convergence of the algorithm.
476 \CER{On voulait en fait montrer la simplicité de l'adaptation de l'algo a SimGrid. Les problèmes rencontrés décrits dans ce paragraphe concerne surtout le mode async}\LZK{OK. J'aurais préféré avoir un peu plus de détails sur l'adaptation de la version async}
477 \CER{Le problème majeur sur l'adaptation MPI vers SMPI pour la partie asynchrone de l'algorithme a été le plantage en SMPI de Waitall après un Isend et Irecv. J'avais proposé un workaround en utilisant un MPI\_wait séparé pour chaque échange a la place d'un waitall unique pour TOUTES les échanges, une instruction qui semble bien fonctionner en MPI. Ce workaround aussi fonctionne bien. Mais après, tu as modifié le programme avec l'ajout d'un MPI\_Test, au niveau de la routine de détection de la convergence et du coup, l'échange global avec waitall a aussi fonctionné.}
478 Note here that the use of SMPI functions optimizer for memory footprint and CPU usage is not recommended knowing that one wants to get real results by simulation.
479 As mentioned, upon this adaptation, the algorithm is executed as in the real life in the simulated environment after the following minor changes. First, all declared
480 global variables have been moved to local variables for each subroutine. In fact, global variables generate side effects arising from the concurrent access of
481 shared memory used by threads simulating each computing unit in the SimGrid architecture. Second, the alignment of certain types of variables such as ``long int'' had
483 \AG{À propos de ces problèmes d'alignement, en dire plus si ça a un intérêt, ou l'enlever.}
484 \CER{Ce problème fait partie des modifications que j'ai dû faire dans l'adaptation du programme MPI vers SMPI. IL découle de la différence de la taille des mots en mémoire : en 32 bits, pour les variables declarees en long int, on garde dans les instructions de sortie (printf, sprintf, ...) le format \%lu sinon en 64 bits, on le substitue par \%llu.}
485 Finally, some compilation errors on MPI\_Waitall and MPI\_Finalize primitives have been fixed with the latest version of SimGrid.
486 In total, the initial MPI program running on the simulation environment SMPI gave after a very simple adaptation the same results as those obtained in a real
487 environment. We have successfully executed the code in synchronous mode using parallel GMRES algorithm compared with our multisplitting algorithm in asynchronous mode after few modifications.
491 \section{Simulation results}
493 When the \textit{real} application runs in the simulation environment and produces the expected results, varying the input
494 parameters and the program arguments allows us to compare outputs from the code execution. We have noticed from this
495 study that the results depend on the following parameters:
497 \item At the network level, we found that the most critical values are the
498 bandwidth and the network latency.
499 \item Hosts processors power (GFlops) can also influence on the results.
500 \item Finally, when submitting job batches for execution, the arguments values
501 passed to the program like the maximum number of iterations or the precision are critical. They allow us to ensure not only the convergence of the
502 algorithm but also to get the main objective in getting an execution time in asynchronous communication less than in
503 synchronous mode. The ratio between the execution time of synchronous
504 compared to the asynchronous mode ($t_\text{sync} / t_\text{async}$) is defined as the \emph{relative gain}. So,
505 our objective running the algorithm in SimGrid is to obtain a relative gain
507 \AG{$t_\text{async} / t_\text{sync} > 1$, l'objectif est donc que ça dure plus
508 longtemps (que ça aille moins vite) en asynchrone qu'en synchrone ?
509 Ce n'est pas plutôt l'inverse ?}
510 \CER{J'ai modifie la phrase.}
513 A priori, obtaining a relative gain greater than 1 would be difficult in a local
514 area network configuration where the synchronous mode will take advantage on the
515 rapid exchange of information on such high-speed links. Thus, the methodology
516 adopted was to launch the application on a clustered network. In this
517 configuration, degrading the inter-cluster network performance will penalize the
518 synchronous mode allowing to get a relative gain greater than 1. This action
519 simulates the case of distant clusters linked with long distance network as in grid computing context.
523 The algorithm was run on a two clusters based network with 50 hosts each, totaling 100 hosts. Various combinations of the above
524 factors have provided the results shown in Table~\ref{tab.cluster.2x50}. The algorithm convergence with a 3D
525 matrix size ranging from $N_x = N_y = N_z = \text{62}$ to 150 elements (that is from
526 $\text{62}^\text{3} = \text{\np{238328}}$ to $\text{150}^\text{3} =
527 \text{\np{3375000}}$ entries), is obtained in asynchronous in average 2.5 times speeder than the synchronous mode.
528 \AG{Expliquer comment lire les tableaux.}
529 \CER{J'ai reformulé la phrase par la lecture du tableau. Plus de détails seront lus dans la partie Interprétations et commentaires}
530 % use the same column width for the following three tables
531 \newlength{\mytablew}\settowidth{\mytablew}{\footnotesize\np{E-11}}
532 \newenvironment{mytable}[1]{% #1: number of columns for data
533 \renewcommand{\arraystretch}{1.3}%
534 \begin{tabular}{|>{\bfseries}r%
535 |*{#1}{>{\centering\arraybackslash}p{\mytablew}|}}}{%
540 \caption{2 clusters, each with 50 nodes}
541 \label{tab.cluster.2x50}
546 & 5 & 5 & 5 & 5 & 5 & 50 \\
549 & 0.02 & 0.02 & 0.02 & 0.02 & 0.02 & 0.02 \\
552 & 1 & 1 & 1 & 1.5 & 1.5 & 1.5 \\
555 & 62 & 62 & 62 & 100 & 100 & 110 \\
558 & \np{E-5} & \np{E-8} & \np{E-9} & \np{E-11} & \np{E-11} & \np{E-11} \\
562 & 2.52 & 2.55 & 2.52 & 2.57 & 2.54 & 2.53 \\
571 & 50 & 50 & 50 & 50 \\ % & 10 & 10 \\
574 & 0.02 & 0.02 & 0.02 & 0.02 \\ % & 0.03 & 0.01 \\
577 & 1.5 & 1.5 & 1.5 & 1.5 \\ % & 1 & 1.5 \\
580 & 120 & 130 & 140 & 150 \\ % & 171 & 171 \\
583 & \np{E-11} & \np{E-11} & \np{E-11} & \np{E-11} \\ % & \np{E-5} & \np{E-5} \\
587 & 2.51 & 2.58 & 2.55 & 2.54 \\ % & 1.59 & 1.29 \\
592 %Then we have changed the network configuration using three clusters containing
593 %respectively 33, 33 and 34 hosts, or again by on hundred hosts for all the
594 %clusters. In the same way as above, a judicious choice of key parameters has
595 %permitted to get the results in Table~\ref{tab.cluster.3x33} which shows the
596 %relative gains greater than 1 with a matrix size from 62 to 100 elements.
598 \CER{En accord avec RC, on a pour le moment enlevé les tableaux 2 et 3 sachant que les résultats obtenus sont limites. De même, on a enlevé aussi les deux dernières colonnes du tableau I en attendant une meilleure performance et une meilleure precision}
601 % \caption{3 clusters, each with 33 nodes}
602 % \label{tab.cluster.3x33}
607 % & 10 & 5 & 4 & 3 & 2 & 6 \\
610 % & 0.01 & 0.02 & 0.02 & 0.02 & 0.02 & 0.02 \\
613 % & 1 & 1 & 1 & 1 & 1 & 1 \\
616 % & 62 & 100 & 100 & 100 & 100 & 171 \\
619 % & \np{E-5} & \np{E-5} & \np{E-5} & \np{E-5} & \np{E-5} & \np{E-5} \\
623 % & 1.003 & 1.01 & 1.08 & 1.19 & 1.28 & 1.01 \\
628 %In a final step, results of an execution attempt to scale up the three clustered
629 %configuration but increasing by two hundreds hosts has been recorded in
630 %Table~\ref{tab.cluster.3x67}.
634 % \caption{3 clusters, each with 66 nodes}
635 % \label{tab.cluster.3x67}
647 % Prec/Eprec & \np{E-5} \\
650 % Relative gain & 1.11 \\
655 Note that the program was run with the following parameters:
657 \paragraph*{SMPI parameters}
659 ~\\{}\AG{Donner un peu plus de précisions (plateforme en particulier).}
660 \CER {Précisions ajoutées}
663 \item HOSTFILE: Text file containing the list of the processors units name. Here 100 hosts;
664 \item PLATFORM: XML file description of the platform architecture : two clusters (cluster1 and cluster2) with the following characteristics :
666 - Processor unit power : 1.5 GFlops;
668 - Intracluster network : bandwidth = 1,25 Gbits/s and latency = 5E-05 ms;
670 - Intercluster network : bandwidth = 5 Mbits/s and latency = 5E-03 ms;
674 \paragraph*{Arguments of the program}
677 \item Description of the cluster architecture matching the format <Number of cluster> <Number of hosts in cluster\_1> <Number of hosts in cluster\_2>;
678 \item Maximum number of iterations;
679 \item Precisions on the residual error;
680 \item Matrix size $N_x$, $N_y$ and $N_z$;
681 \item Matrix diagonal value: \np{1.0} (See (3));
682 \item Matrix off-diagonal value: $-\frac{1}{6}$ (See(3));
683 \item Communication mode: Asynchronous.
686 \paragraph*{Interpretations and comments}
688 After analyzing the outputs, generally, for the two clusters including one hundred hosts configuration (Tables~\ref{tab.cluster.2x50}), some combinations of parameters affecting
689 the results have given a relative gain more than 2.5, showing the effectiveness of the
690 asynchronous performance compared to the synchronous mode.
692 With these settings, Table~\ref{tab.cluster.2x50} shows
693 that after a deterioration of inter cluster network with a bandwidth of \np[Mbit/s]{5} and a latency in order of one hundredth of millisecond and a processor power
694 of one GFlops, an efficiency of about \np[\%]{40} is
695 obtained in asynchronous mode for a matrix size of 62 elements. It is noticed that the result remains
696 stable even we vary the residual error precision from \np{E-5} to \np{E-9}. By
697 increasing the matrix size up to 100 elements, it was necessary to increase the
698 CPU power of \np[\%]{50} to \np[GFlops]{1.5} to get the algorithm convergence and the same order of asynchronous mode efficiency. Maintaining such processor power but increasing network throughput inter cluster up to
699 \np[Mbit/s]{50}, the result of efficiency with a relative gain of 2.5\AG[]{2.5 ?} is obtained with
700 high external precision of \np{E-11} for a matrix size from 110 to 150 side
703 %For the 3 clusters architecture including a total of 100 hosts,
704 %Table~\ref{tab.cluster.3x33} shows that it was difficult to have a combination
705 %which gives a relative gain of asynchronous mode more than 1.2. Indeed, for a
706 %matrix size of 62 elements, equality between the performance of the two modes
707 %(synchronous and asynchronous) is achieved with an inter cluster of
708 %\np[Mbit/s]{10} and a latency of \np[ms]{E-1}. To challenge an efficiency greater than 1.2 with a matrix %size of 100 points, it was necessary to degrade the
709 %inter cluster network bandwidth from 5 to \np[Mbit/s]{2}.
710 \AG{Conclusion, on prend une plateforme pourrie pour avoir un bon ratio sync/async ???
711 Quelle est la perte de perfs en faisant ça ?}
713 %A last attempt was made for a configuration of three clusters but more powerful
714 %with 200 nodes in total. The convergence with a relative gain around 1.1 was
715 %obtained with a bandwidth of \np[Mbit/s]{1} as shown in
716 %Table~\ref{tab.cluster.3x67}.
718 \RC{Est ce qu'on sait expliquer pourquoi il y a une telle différence entre les résultats avec 2 et 3 clusters... Avec 3 clusters, ils sont pas très bons... Je me demande s'il ne faut pas les enlever...}
719 \RC{En fait je pense avoir la réponse à ma remarque... On voit avec les 2 clusters que le gain est d'autant plus grand qu'on choisit une bonne précision. Donc, plusieurs solutions, lancer rapidement un long test pour confirmer ca, ou enlever des tests... ou on ne change rien :-)}
720 \LZK{Ma question est: le bandwidth et latency sont ceux inter-clusters ou pour les deux inter et intra cluster??}
721 \CER{Définitivement, les paramètres réseaux variables ici se rapportent au réseau INTER cluster.}
723 The experimental results on executing a parallel iterative algorithm in
724 asynchronous mode on an environment simulating a large scale of virtual
725 computers organized with interconnected clusters have been presented.
726 Our work has demonstrated that using such a simulation tool allow us to
727 reach the following three objectives:
730 \item To have a flexible configurable execution platform resolving the
731 hard exercise to access to very limited but so solicited physical
733 \item to ensure the algorithm convergence with a reasonable time and
735 \item and finally and more importantly, to find the correct combination
736 of the cluster and network specifications permitting to save time in
737 executing the algorithm in asynchronous mode.
739 Our results have shown that in certain conditions, asynchronous mode is
740 speeder up to \np[\%]{40} than executing the algorithm in synchronous mode
741 which is not negligible for solving complex practical problems with more
742 and more increasing size.
744 Several studies have already addressed the performance execution time of
745 this class of algorithm. The work presented in this paper has
746 demonstrated an original solution to optimize the use of a simulation
747 tool to run efficiently an iterative parallel algorithm in asynchronous
748 mode in a grid architecture.
750 \LZK{Perspectives???}
752 \section*{Acknowledgment}
754 This work is partially funded by the Labex ACTION program (contract ANR-11-LABX-01-01).
755 \todo[inline]{The authors would like to thank\dots{}}
757 % trigger a \newpage just before the given reference
758 % number - used to balance the columns on the last page
759 % adjust value as needed - may need to be readjusted if
760 % the document is modified later
761 \bibliographystyle{IEEEtran}
762 \bibliography{IEEEabrv,hpccBib}
772 %%% ispell-local-dictionary: "american"
775 % LocalWords: Ramamonjisoa Laiymani Arnaud Giersch Ziane Khodja Raphaël Femto
776 % LocalWords: Université Franche Comté IUT Montbéliard Maréchal Juin Inria Sud
777 % LocalWords: Ouest Vieille Talence cedex scalability experimentations HPC MPI
778 % LocalWords: Parallelization AIAC GMRES multi SMPI SISC SIAC SimDAG DAGs Lua
779 % LocalWords: Fortran GFlops priori Mbit de du fcomte multisplitting scalable
780 % LocalWords: SimGrid Belfort parallelize Labex ANR LABX IEEEabrv hpccBib
781 % LocalWords: intra durations nonsingular Waitall discretization discretized
782 % LocalWords: InnerSolver Isend Irecv