SimGrid toolkit~\cite{SimGrid}). Second, we confirm the effectiveness of
asynchronous mode algorithms by comparing their performance with the synchronous
mode. More precisely, we had implemented a program for solving large
-non-symmetric linear system of equations by numerical method GMRES (Generalized
-Minimal Residual) []\AG[]{[]?}\LZK[]{\cite{ref1}}.\LZK{Problème traité dans le papier est symétrique ou asymétrique? (Poisson 3D symétrique?)} We show, that with minor modifications of the
+linear system of equations by numerical method GMRES (Generalized
+Minimal Residual) \cite{ref1}. We show, that with minor modifications of the
initial MPI code, the SimGrid toolkit allows us to perform a test campaign of a
real AIAC application on different computing architectures. The simulated
results we obtained are in line with real results exposed in ??\AG[]{??}.
where the iteration matrix $A$ of size $N_x\times N_y\times N_z$ of the discretized linear system is sparse, symmetric and positive definite.
-The parallel solving of the 3D Poisson problem with our multisplitting method requires a data partitioning of the problem between clusters and between processors within a cluster. We have choose the 3D partitioning instead of the row-by-row partitioning in order to reduce the data exchanges at sub-domain boundaries. Figure~\ref{fig:4.2} shows an example of the data partitioning of the 3D Poisson problem between two clusters of processors, where each sub-problem is assigned to a processor. In this context, a processor has at most six neighbors within a cluster of in distant clusters with which it shares data at sub-domain boundaries.
+The parallel solving of the 3D Poisson problem with our multisplitting method requires a data partitioning of the problem between clusters and between processors within a cluster. We have chosen the 3D partitioning instead of the row-by-row partitioning in order to reduce the data exchanges at sub-domain boundaries. Figure~\ref{fig:4.2} shows an example of the data partitioning of the 3D Poisson problem between two clusters of processors, where each sub-problem is assigned to a processor. In this context, a processor has at most six neighbors within a cluster or in distant clusters with which it shares data at sub-domain boundaries.